
Chapter 574 Black Impermanence

Yuehui learned some secrets from the old dragon king, and he has a bottom line in his heart.

With his current humble cultivation base, he can only act carefully, but he can't drag the concubine to fight and kill him as soon as he goes up, otherwise he will soon follow in the footsteps of his father and mother.

However, he can go to the Great Zhou Dynasty first to see his parents.

"Can the prince find out about my parents?"

He looked at Ao Qi more hopefully and asked.

He knew in his heart that since Ao Qi wanted to tell him the details, he must have found something.

Sure enough, Ao Qiwei sighed and said with emotion: "Your father is worthy of being the crown prince of the empire. Once he was out of trouble, he took advantage of the situation and directly raised the name of Concubine Eliminator, Qing Jun, and established the Great Zhou Dynasty. Split the Great Cang Empire."

"and then?"

The more he questioned, the more he heard from Yuechen, and he wanted to hear more details.


Ao Qi glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Then last year, your mother gave birth to a little brother for you, why, are you happy?"

The more he turned back, he was stunned, and his mind was full of thoughts.

Another one was born, then, do parents still remember him?

Yue Hui felt a little depressed, and also wanted to see them impatiently.

"Hahaha, how old are you, can you still be jealous?"

Ao Qi laughed loudly: "Don't worry, the Great Zhou Dynasty has become more stable in the past two years. Your parents have already sent secret guards to look for you everywhere, and offered a reward. If anyone in the world can find your whereabouts, you will be rewarded." There is a big reward!"

"Hey, you said that I will go with you and go to Dazhou to offer a reward. When the time comes, the two of us will add up to five, how about it?"

Ao Qi joked.

The more he glanced back at him, he thought to himself, how can anyone help outsiders calculate the father's family property, do you think I am a fool?

However, his heart opened up a lot, and he was eager to see his parents.

Fortunately, from Ao Qi's mouth, he learned that the passage of time in the Qingwei Great World and the Chiming Realm is no different, so he felt relieved the more he went back.

With a plan in mind, he bid farewell as soon as he returned, and he had to turn back to the Hades to apply to enter the Hall of Impermanence.

Although the position in the Hall of Impermanence is full now, what if it is approved?

If he has the position of impermanence, his rights will be much greater and he will be much more free.

"Just remember, be patient when you should be patient, and take action when you should act, and don't fall into the prestige of your master."

The old Dragon King pointed out something.

The more you bowed to be taught: "Thank you for the teaching of the ancestors, the more you know."

Ao Qi was a little curious, and asked the old Dragon King with his eyes, but he shook his head slightly, so he stopped asking.

But he said that the more he returned to the West Sea Dragon Palace, he only felt that this trip to the Dragon Palace was very worthwhile.

Not only did he pay homage to a unique master, but he also learned some news about his parents, so he finally had a bottom line in his heart.

He was emotionally agitated, wishing he could howl a few times to express his excitement.

However, he held back anyway.

The more you return to the realm of ghost generals, the faster you fly, and within a few days, you return to the Hades.

As soon as he stepped into the Hall of Impermanence, more than a dozen pairs of eyes looked over.

Yue Hui twitched the corner of his mouth, straightened his clothes, and went to his boss Pei Xin as if nothing had happened.

"This, this, your realm"

When Pei Xin saw him, he was stunned and became incoherent.

When this kid returned to the Palace of Impermanence to hand in the mission, he was still in the realm of ghost soldiers.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It wasn't long before he actually crossed the threshold of a ghost general and officially became a ghost general.

He looked at Yue Hui with complicated eyes, and guessed a little bit about his intention.

Afterwards, as expected, he rubbed his nose more and said a little embarrassedly: "Thank you for taking care of me, my subordinates can do things with peace of mind in this hall of impermanence, without a lot of involvement. It's just"

Yue Hui paused, and finally said: "It's just that I still have a wish to enter, and I want to enter the Palace of Impermanence, so I can have more freedom, and I hope my lord will agree!"

Yue Hui's words are sentimental and reasonable, and he is also thoughtful in his heart.

As his boss, Pei Xin has been on duty in the Palace of Wuchang for many years and has a deep relationship. If he wants to be promoted to Wuchang, he must greet Pei Xin to show respect.

Although with his current background, he is not afraid of these impermanence at all.

However, as the saying goes, the king of Hades is easy to hide, but the imp is hard to deal with.

If these impermanences make trouble behind his back, it can also give him a headache, right?

Anyway, just a few sentences can make Pei Xin happy and save a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Pei Xin's heart is like a mirror, knowing that he has an extraordinary background, and has always taken care of him, so naturally he will not make trouble at such a time.

Therefore, he readily agreed to Yuehui's request, and personally led Yuehui to Hei Wuchang and Fan Wujiu, recommending him.

"My lord, I heard that our Hall of Impermanence is about to be mobilized. It happens that one of my subordinates has recently been promoted to Ghost General. Can you officially accept him into the Hall of Impermanence as one of the [-] Impermanences?"

Pei Xin said respectfully.

The more he returned to his heart, the more he moved.

Sure enough, there is no harm in dealing with Pei Xin. He knows all these secrets, so it must be possible to do so.

Yue Hui didn't dare to be negligent, quickly bowed and said: "This subordinate, Yue Hui, has met Lord Heiwuchang!"

This Lord Heiwuchang is related to whether he can enter the Palace of Wuchang, and Yuehui dare not be careless.

Heiwuchang and Fan Wujiu have been casual all the year round, now when he heard Yuehui's name, he finally raised his eyelids to look at him.

As one of the two principals of Wuchang Palace, Fan Wujiu naturally knew the background of the son-in-law of Yuehui Dragon Palace like the back of his hand.

At first, he thought that this was a dude with mixed qualifications, but later, seeing that Yue Hui was serious in his work and never formed cliques with others, he took a look at Yue Hui Gao.


Fan Wujiu nodded slightly, he accepted Pei Xin's request.

This matter is a smooth sailing, it can not only fill the vacancy of impermanence, but also give Xihai Dragon Palace face, why not do it!

The more he returned, he was overjoyed immediately, and with a grin on his lips, he stepped forward to thank: "My subordinates are very grateful for your promotion, and I will definitely work hard in the future to live up to your cultivation!"

Fan Wujiu nodded, signaling for the two to back down.

The two said goodbye quickly.

When he got back to Pei Xin's place of work, he turned back and said, "This lord is too serious, and my subordinates dare not show their anger."

Pei Xin said with a smile: "From now on, we will be colleagues, and we can no longer be called subordinates. Congratulations, you have been promoted to another level. You have a promising future!"

Yuehui is also a little happy, after all, what he lacks most is time.

You don't need to do tasks all the time to become impermanent, you just need to manage the ghosts of your subordinates well.

Unless you have nothing to do, it is rare for Mr. Wuchang to seduce the soul himself.

Of course, there are also some special circumstances, at which time Master Wuchang is required to go into battle in person.

However, such times are rare and can be ignored.

Afterwards, Pei Xin led him to get the talisman and changed into Hei Wuchang's attire before giving up.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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