
Chapter 576 I Have an Idea

The more I listen to it, the more I want to laugh.

But he also felt that something was wrong, and after sweeping his soul consciousness around, he found that in the cave not far away, there were two weasels whispering.

These two weasels look about the same, except that one has white hair on its head and the other has black hair.

They are all huge in size, smooth and smooth, and they look like goblins at first glance.

At this time the black-haired weasel was laughing wildly, presumably the white-haired one was my brother.

"You're still laughing at me, I can hardly get along!"

The white-haired weasel said sadly.

The black-haired weasel held back the laughter with great difficulty, rolled its eyes a few times, lowered its voice a little, and said mysteriously: "I have an idea here, but I don't know if you dare to do it?"


The white-haired weasel looked at him suspiciously: "You tell me what's going on first, I'll think about it."

Seeing such a mysterious appearance of the black-haired weasel, the more he came back, the more interested he was, and he continued to listen.

The black-haired weasel looked around, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Earlier, there was news that the chief of Jinyang County of the Daqing Dynasty came to visit my aunt, who is our empress."

"Really? Why didn't I hear the wind?"

The white-haired weasel said suspiciously.

"This news came from the Daqing Dynasty, of course you don't know."

The black-haired weasel explained, and then said: "On the Skull Mountain thousands of miles away, there is a group of thugs. They are going to rob the princess of Jinyang, and then flee to the Great Cang Empire."


The white-haired weasel interrupted the black-haired weasel and screamed.

"Shh! Be quiet!"

The black-haired weasel covered the white-haired weasel's mouth with its paw, making it choke.

"Ahem, cough, remove your paws! How long has it been since you took a shower?"

The white-haired weasel said weakly.

"Hey, just now I wiped my shit, I forgot to wash it."

The black-haired weasel said in embarrassment.

"Ugh! Pooh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The white-haired weasel spit out a mouthful of yellow water and jumped out of the cave.

"Don't run away! I'll wash now, wash now!"

As if afraid that the white-haired weasel would run away, the black-haired weasel scooped a few bowls of water from the cave and washed it clean.

After leaving the cave, it was only later that I saw clearly that these two weasels were huge in size, as tall as half a person, looked like a calf, and their golden hair was very conspicuous in the dark night.

After a long while, the two weasels finished their tossing and began to continue discussing things.

"I didn't lie to you, this is a little brother of mine who accidentally heard it on the Skull Mountain."

The black-haired weasel hastily explained: "The cub is a bit intelligent, but he hasn't matured yet. No one is on guard against him on Skull Mountain. However, he doesn't dare to stay there anymore, for fear of hurting himself in the future."

"So the news is true?"

The white-haired weasel was startled.


"What does this have to do with me?"

The white-haired weasel asked puzzled.

"Think about it, if you tell the news to Princess Jinyang before the gangsters on Skull Mountain, and tell her to prepare early and avoid disaster, you will become her benefactor in the future. Do you want anything?"

The black-haired weasel said excitedly.

But the white-haired weasel asked back: "It's such a good thing, why don't you go?"

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yuechen laughed when he heard this, the white hair doesn't look stupid, it's really such a good thing, the black hair has already gone, why would he wait until now.

"Hey, I'm not as strong as you. I'm afraid I was caught and fried by those thugs before I crossed the Skull Mountain."

The black-haired weasel said with an unnatural expression.

"Hmph, you are not much worse than me, if you don't dare, how can I dare?"

The white-haired weasel snorted coldly, somewhat disbelieving what this cheap brother said.

The black-haired weasel rolled its eyeballs a few times, knowing that it should not be pushed too much, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

So, it said nonchalantly: "Since you don't want to go, forget it, anyway, with me, there will always be a mouthful of food for you."

Hearing these words, the white-haired weasel was shaken.

This brother doesn't look like he wants to harm it. Could it be that it really thinks too much?

Seeing that the black-haired weasel had already reached the entrance of the cave, the white-haired weasel hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I'll just go."

The black-haired weasel was overjoyed immediately, and said pretendingly: "If you really don't want to go, forget it, the big deal, we two brothers can go to a place with more resources, and we can still live."

The white-haired weasel's eyes darkened, and he shook his head slightly: "No, it's not too late, I'm going now, goodbye!"

After all, it kicked its limbs and went far away in an instant.

Yue glanced back at the black-haired weasel and followed.

I have to say, this black-haired weasel is really scheming, according to the words on the blue star, it should be the green tea bitch among weasels.

It coaxed the white-haired weasel to go and inform Jinyang Princess that if he failed, Bai Mao would lose his life.

Its success is also due to its black hair, which is simply a costless transaction.

It's about Princess Jinyang, so of course Yue Hui has to go up and take a look.

Although he had never met Princess Jinyang, as his mother's niece, the other party was in danger now. Now that he knew it, if he didn't go and see it, it would be difficult to explain to his mother in the future.

For Yuehui, the land of a thousand miles can be reached in the blink of an eye, but for the white-haired weasel, which is just a little demon, it is a night of hopping around.


The white-haired weasel kept panting heavily, looking at the towering Skull Mountain in front of it, its four legs trembling.

It rested for a while, and tried its best to hide the little mana in its body.

After that, it took a sniff with its nose, found a path that was sparsely traveled, and quickly rushed towards Skull Mountain.

Skeleton Mountain, as the name suggests, is covered with ferocious and strange rocks, shaped like skeletons, filled with black mist all year round, and the wind is blowing.

This place was the only place where the Great Zhou Dynasty went to the Daqing Dynasty, and it was not very far from the border between the two dynasties.

That's why the white-haired weasel was so anxious, for fear that it would be too late and Princess Jinyang had already been killed.

There used to be a wide road at the foot of the mountain, but because of the frequent wars these years, a group of bandits came here, causing pedestrians to disappear, and now it is covered with weeds, which actually blocks the figure of the white-haired weasel.

The more I don't know the details of the gangsters on the Skull Mountain, the more I don't dare to go on the rampage swaggeringly.

After thinking for a while, he simply took out the Underworld Emperor's Token and completely concealed his aura.

After that, he slowly followed behind the white-haired weasel, heading all the way to Skull Mountain.

After the white-haired weasel ran for a while, it looked around vigilantly for a while before continuing to rush forward.

After running for a while, we have reached the foot of Skull Mountain.

The white-haired weasel raised its head, looking at the windy Skull Mountain, its limbs trembled uncontrollably.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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