
Chapter 560

Regarding the title of the most beautiful man, Kong Yu immediately became serious.

He took a closer look at Ling Xiao, only to feel that although this boy is handsome, he is extremely young, how can he be compared to him with his masculinity and unparalleled demeanor.

"Hmph! Compared with this emperor, he is still too young."

Kong Yu thought proudly.

Of course no one knew what he was thinking.

Just after they left Golden Feather Mountain, several beams of light came from afar.

"Hey, what's going on here? Golden Feather Mountain is empty!"

In one of the streamers, there was a scream of surprise.

"Patriarch Qiyun, can you see clearly? The Jinpeng clan was wiped out?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence all around.

Afterwards, several divine senses rushed out at the same time, sweeping across Jinyu Mountain crazily.

After a long time, these streamers fled in panic as if chased by dogs.

The news of the extermination of the Jinpeng clan quickly spread throughout the world.

All races were in an uproar.

They couldn't believe it, the Golden Winged Roc clan that had always dominated the ancient emperor's world disappeared so silently.

Only the creatures of Shangyang Mountain looked at Patriarch Xuanxiao and Yaodi with fanatical admiration.

The entire ancient imperial world was full of turmoil, and the grass and trees were full of soldiers, and even the wars were much less.

For a while, the pressure in Purgatory World was greatly reduced, and Yuehui and the others finally saw the hope of completing the mission.

These days, Yuehui is so busy that he is non-stop, and whenever he wants to take a break, there are tasks that fall on his head.

It made him a little paranoid recently, and he always felt that someone in the Temple of Wuchang was targeting him.

But after watching carefully for a while, he found that his colleagues were all too busy, and no one paid much attention to him.

Helpless, he had no choice but to put away his doubts and concentrate on performing the task.

But he didn't know that the idea of ​​the Great Emperor's incarnation possessed by him, smiled triumphantly, hiding merit and fame deeply.

Fortunately, the number of souls in the purgatory world has decreased, and if they work harder, they can complete the mission here.

The more he made up his mind, he waited until the end of this mission to accept the mission from Qingwei Great World to find out the real situation of his parents.

On Yangshan Mountain, in the thatched hut, Yuechen sat on the futon, his mind immersed in his soul, communicating with the heavens about good and evil.

"Senior, senior Luo Tian?"

Yue Chen called Luo Tian.

"What's the matter?"

Luo Tian's lazy voice appeared, but Yue Chen was overjoyed when he heard it, at least he didn't fall asleep this time.

"Senior, this junior has something important to ask for advice!"

Yue Chen hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, for fear that he would fall asleep again.

"Say it!"

Luo Tian yawned, and it looked like he was going to sleep again soon.

Yuechen didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly asked: "Senior, we want to open up the passage between the two worlds, do you have a magic method?"


Luo Tian raised his voice, most of his drowsiness went away in an instant.

"You don't honestly go back across the starry sky, why do you want to die?"

Luo Tian was as poisonous as ever.

Yue Chen's face darkened, and he said plausibly: "Isn't this the world war that is coming? This junior wants to open up the two worlds. First, we can have more helpers, and second, we can have a way out."

"Your idea is good, but with your current strength, it is basically impossible to do this."

Luo Tian struck.

Yuechen's face turned bitter, and he begged pitifully: "So, didn't you come to seek help from senior?"

Luo Tian snorted and scolded: "You cunning boy, you will always find trouble for me."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Cursing and scolding, he finally agreed to the matter: "Forget it, wait for me to observe carefully, just wait."

After saying that, Yuechen felt a mysterious consciousness extending from his soul, scanning the entire ancient imperial world.

Then, this consciousness rushed out of the ancient emperor's realm, searched between the two realms several times, and then rushed back again.


A strong wind blew past, and Yuechen's body was shaken a few times by that mysterious consciousness, almost falling off the futon.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Yue Chen asked impatiently.

"Boy, you are lucky."

Luo Tian spoke.

Yue Chen was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "Why did you say that, senior?"

Luo Tian thought for a while, and said: "The ancient emperor's realm is connected to the Chiming realm. If you want to get through, you only need to use your absolute strength and brute force to get through."

"However, you are not strong enough, so you can only use tricks."

Luo Tian chuckled and said: "So you are lucky, I count it out, 3000 years later in this world, it will be a golden opportunity."

"After 3000 years?"

Yue Chen's eyes widened and he calculated carefully.

This world is 3000 years old, and the Chiming world is 30 years old. This time is not unacceptable.

At this moment, he thought of his elderly parents.

However, father and mother have often taken the panacea these years, are in good health, and there is no problem in living to a hundred years old, so they should be able to wait for him to return home.

"That's right. After 3000 years, there will be a change in the Chiming Realm. At that time, it will be your chance to open the passage."

Luo Tian's steady voice came, making Yuechen feel sure.

However, he quickly thought of another problem.

"Senior, after the passage is opened, will it close again?"

Yue Chen asked.

Luo Tian denied: "No, the passage of time in the two worlds is different, which means that the rules of heaven are different. After the passage is opened, the rules of the two worlds will merge and evolve into new rules."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "You have done a good deed by beheading the consciousness of heaven in this world."

Yue Chen was puzzled, not knowing what he meant.

Luo Tian explained: "When the two worlds merge, the consciousness of heaven and earth on both sides will definitely compete. At this moment, the Chiming world is at a time when luck is strong, and the heaven in this world is quiet, so the result can be imagined!"

Yuechen couldn't help grinning, he just felt that everything he had done before was not in vain.

Indeed, everything happens for a reason!

He laughed so loudly that he immediately alarmed the gourd baby and Ling Xiao who were protecting the law outside.

The two rushed in immediately, looked at Yuechen's happy face, and looked at each other suspiciously.

Yuechen's mind came out of the soul space, and he saw two pairs of eyes staring at him brightly.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Huluwa was eager to know the result, so she hurriedly asked.

Although Ling Xiao didn't know as much as Calabash Baby, he also felt it and looked at him eagerly.

The corner of Yuechen's mouth curled up, and he nodded: "After 3000 years in this world, it's time to do it."

"Gankong, pass on the order, within 1000 years, you and the brothers must join forces. Within 2000 years, the ancient imperial world must be settled down, and there must be no more disputes."

Yuechen said word by word: "After 3000 years, gather the power of the entire ancient imperial realm, and together with me, open up the passage between the two realms!"

Calabash Baby and Ling Xiao heard their blood boiling, and they responded loudly without hesitation: "Yes! Disciple obeys!"

As for getting together within 1000 years, Huluwa said that it is not a problem!

Author's digression: Penguin group number: 862408820, for every 100 people added, the author will add a new chapter!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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