
Chapter 559

"Why, do you even dare not listen to me?"

Patriarch Jinpeng shouted angrily.

King Jinpeng's mouth was full of bitterness.

It wasn't until this moment that it realized the despair in the hearts of those sons and daughters who were resolutely going to die.

King Jinpeng's eyes rolled around, looking around, trying to find a glimmer of life.

Inside the treasure ship, Yue Chen's expression was gloomy, dripping with water.

He didn't think that these golden-winged rocs could break the restriction of the pure yang magic weapon.

It's for the sorrow of the entire Jinpeng clan.

He watched from the sidelines for a long time, only to feel that the Jinpeng clan fell from the top and was hopeless.

From the ancestor of Jinpeng to the king of Jinpeng, he has no responsibility at all. When disaster strikes, he only thinks about how to get out of danger.

But the ordinary golden-winged rocs are ignorant and ignorant, like puppets on strings, they will only obey the orders of their ancestors, completely ignorant of good and evil.

Yuechen closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his aura changed drastically.

A small nine-color cauldron emerged from his palm, exuding a palpitating power.

There was a moment of silence in the treasure ship.

Everyone looked at the Golden Cauldron in Yuechen's hand in surprise, not knowing what the ancestor wanted to do.

But Yuechen gently raised his hand and threw the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God outside.

In an instant, the small nine-color cauldron spun yo-yo, and soon grew to a size of six feet.

The huge Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations is like a celestial artifact coming to the dust, suppressing the void.

The entire gourd space suddenly became solid and solid. Even if Kong Yu and Jinpeng Patriarch fought fiercely, the space only shook a few times without cracking at all!

Afterwards, the mouth of the Golden Cauldron, God of Myriad Tribulations, opened wide, as if opening up another world, absorbing all the creatures on the entire Golden Feather Mountain.

Those Jinpeng who were attacking suddenly screamed terribly.

Yue Chen remained unmoved, and controlled the Golden Cauldron, the God of Myriad Tribulations, and took all the remaining golden-winged rocs into the cauldron, together with the King Jinpeng who was groping and fleeing.

Then, he stretched out a crystal jade palm, and slapped the Golden Cauldron of the God of Tribulations fiercely!


Calabash Baby screamed instantly, looking at Yuechen in panic.

"You dare!"

Patriarch Jinpeng let out a yell, and was about to rush over here.

But it was still blocked by Kong Yu.

Kong Yu was not at all surprised by Yuechen's actions.

Since enmity is formed, it should be broken continuously, and it will be chaotic instead.

Even though Cucurbit Baby stepped forward to grab Yuechen's sleeve, he didn't stop, and continued to slap.


The Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations was greatly shaken, and it continued to resound like thunder.

After a while, the big tripod stopped shaking, the mouth of the tripod tilted, and a large handful of ashes poured out from it.

"Ah! Patriarch and you will perish together!"

Patriarch Jinpeng saw that the situation was over, he acted like a madman, and wanted to drag everyone to his back.

However, Yuechen looked at him ironically without even lifting his eyelids.

If the Patriarch Jinpeng had died heroically from the very beginning, Yue Chen might not let the Jinpeng clan go.

However, until the end, he was extremely disappointed with this race, and finally he made up his mind and solved them by himself.

The God of Myriad Tribulations Golden Cauldron moved.

The giant cauldron flew across the sky, as if teleporting, and within a few flashes, it crashed on Patriarch Jinpeng's body.


Patriarch Jinpeng screamed terribly, his whole body was broken, and his wings drooped feebly.

It looked around desperately, only felt that the past was like a dream, and this life was like a joke, and it was about to fall without even showing the slightest majesty of Chiyu Tianpeng.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Kong Yu slammed a five-element magical fist, and shouted: "You can go at ease, don't harm others anymore!"

Patriarch Jinpeng was stunned for a moment, then finally gave up struggling and allowed himself to be annihilated in the light of the Five Elements.

Inside the Lingxiao Treasure Ship, the atmosphere was extremely silent, the rats and rats hugged each other, curled up at Calabash Baby's heels, not daring to make a sound.

"Master, if you wiped out the Jinpeng family, will you be stained with many murders?"

Huluwa looked at Yuechen and asked worriedly.

Yue Chen's eyes warmed up, he rubbed his bun, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, Dao Jie has absorbed some merit power earlier, killing people doesn't involve karma."

He said so, but he thought in his heart: "It seems that this virtuous golden body can't be cultivated for the time being. First, sacrifice the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations to become a treasure of virtue."

Hearing this, Calabash Baby let go of the worries in her heart and let out a sigh of relief.

Only then did he realize the two Shushuliu brothers who were huddled at his feet.

He couldn't help laughing angrily, and lifted the two gold-eating rats directly, and said admonishingly: "What are you two afraid of? Do you think my master is the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

The two gold-eating rats shook their heads again and again, screaming 'Zhi Zhi'.

Shu Da sneaked a glance at Yuechen, and said flatteringly: "My two brothers have little experience, it's the first time I saw such a huge scene, I was panicked, don't blame, don't blame!"

Shu Liu's small black eyes glistened with tears, he was startled and frightened and said: "I, I will read more in the future, so I won't be afraid anymore."

The corner of Calabash Baby's mouth twitched, her chubby little face was full of helplessness.

Forget it, how could his majestic innate being be as knowledgeable as two mice.

He threw Shushuoliu on the ground, clapped his little hands, and said, "Forget it this time, later on, both of you have to go out to fight, just practice your courage."

Shu Liu's eyes widened in an instant, and the tears really flowed down this time.

Yuechen looked at it amusedly, seeing how pitiful the mouse was, he said, "Put away the Jiuzhuan Qiankun Pot."

Hearing this, the gourd baby let go of Shushuliu for the time being, took out the yellow leather gourd, and slapped it with her little hand.

In an instant, the void transformed.

The scene is still the scene.

However, the feeling is completely different.

Yuechen glanced at the Jiuzhuan Qiankun Pot appreciatively.

After this magic weapon became the gourd baby's companion magic weapon, it was finally cultivated to the perfection of pure yang, and its power flourished.

The five-color divine light flashed across, and Kong Yu entered the treasure ship.

He looked at Yue Chen and said, "Now that the cancer in this world has been eradicated, shall we start to break the world?"

Calabash Baby turned her head in an instant, and said in surprise: "Are you in such a hurry? The younger brothers and younger sisters haven't joined forces yet, so I'm afraid they won't be able to suppress the ancient imperial world."

Yue Chen sighed: "It's just preparation, it's not that easy to open the world channel."

Calabash Baby suddenly realized, but he was a little worried.

"Master, what if I waited for a long time to prepare and finally failed, what should I do?"

Calabash Baby blinked her eyes and asked meaningfully.

"Yeah, so I have to think about it carefully, and I must find a perfect plan."

Yue Chen comprehended and nodded slightly.

Kong Yu leaned towards the two of them, and hummed: "Okay, you master and apprentice are playing charades, let's go back and talk about it first!"

After finishing speaking, he patted Ling Xiao, who stood upright like a green bamboo, and pinched his fair and tender face.

"Let's go, if you don't go, you will be watched a monkey show."

Kong Yu touched his fingertips, only to feel that the position of the most beautiful man in his family was worrying.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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