
Chapter 561 Arrangement of Red Star

Yuechen gave the order, and the six disciples naturally followed suit.

For them, it is a matter of great joy for them to cultivate the realm of Dao and Dao and control the ancient emperor's realm.

Not only that, after the order was spread, all the creatures in Shangyang Mountain started to cultivate spontaneously and diligently.

The purpose, of course, is that the phrase "gathering the power of the ancient imperial world and opening up the passage between the two worlds" moved them.

These creatures listened to Taoism and practiced in Shangyang Mountain, and recognized Kong Yu as the demon emperor. They had already given up their hearts to Yuechen and others, and they only wanted to follow them.

As for opening up the passage between the two worlds, they don't care whether it will affect the ancient emperor's world or not.

When they were weak, who would control their life and death in the entire Ancient Emperor Realm?

In the final analysis, it was the injustice of the original consciousness of the Dao of Heaven that caused too many deaths and injuries to all races, so that they didn't have much affection for the ancient imperial world.

It can only be said that one drink and one peck, could it be pre-determined.

When Calabash Baby and the others settled down to practice, the major sects in the Chiming Realm also made intensive preparations.

Of course, it was too much to scare the snake away, and it was still said to the outside world that it was preparing for the world war.

Master Miaoran thought hard about this, and his hair turned gray overnight.

The peak masters of each peak saw it, but they didn't say anything, but in private, they ordered all the disciples above the golden core stage of their own peaks to go to Xiaojietian to practice.

Its purpose is also very clear.

It is to use the rules of Xiaojietian to seize the origin of the heavenly way of the other planet as much as possible. Only when one is strong and the other is weak can there be more vitality.

And the heads of the seven Dao sects and the five great demon sects in Chiming Realm had already met in secret and discussed various details of this matter.

As for the three major Buddhist gates on Lingzhou in the West, to everyone, they were spies placed here by Yanhuang's enemy, and no one took them to play with them.

However, there are also several Buddhas in Buddhism, and it is estimated that they have noticed something from the changes in the various sects on the red star.

In short, with the concerted efforts of the twelve world-shaking sects, outside the red star, formation masters from the entire planet gathered.

Regardless of whether it is a junior formation mage or a senior formation mage, as long as they can arrange the formation alone, they are all called together.

After that, Daoist Miaoyang and Fairy Miaochu, two masters of the void stage, and a group of Primordial Spirit monks, drove the Juntian Treasure Ship, and brought these formation masters to the outside of the starry sky.

These Primordial Spirit cultivators are dispatched from various sects in the world, and their purpose is to protect their own formation masters.

Some small sects don't even have Yuanshen monks, and there are also formation masters from Xianzong who take care of their sects, so these sect monks must not be chilled.

At this time, it is time for the alchemist to play a role.

Each sect produced elixir, some produced people, and refined a lot of elixir to replenish mana and consciousness for these formation masters to replenish and consume in time.

Therefore, under the united will of the entire Red Star, the Red Star has already been forged like armor.

Various defensive formations, offensive formations, large formations and small formations, layer upon layer, combine with each other to form a terrifying formation that can shake the sky.

The purpose of this formation is not to annihilate the opponent's planet.

Instead, it is expected that at a critical moment, if the bombardment of the opponent's planet is deviated from the orbit, it will be considered a success.

Naturally, after the arrangement of these formations is completed, whether it is a formation master or a pharmacist, the realm will be greatly improved.

This is also a surprise.

Of course, this is something for later. After all, such a huge formation cannot be completed overnight.

But when the formation master was urgently arranging the formation, in the Xianzong, Master Miaoran was still frowning.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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These days, he has been thinking, there must be a reason for the collision of these two stars?

Miaoran, the real person who always makes divination when everything happens, is naturally the God of Dawei who never leaves his hand.

When he made the hexagram for the ninth time, he thought in his heart: "Nine is an extreme number. If we can't find the reason this time, the poor will have nothing to do."

Thinking in this way, he muttered something: "Master Tiandao, all the sons of luck in your family have disappeared. If you don't give me some reminders, Chi Xingxing will be in danger!"

As soon as he finished chanting, there were two "shuashua"s, and the Dawei magic stick stopped moving.

Master Miaoran's mouth twitched, and he quickly looked up.

Seeing this, he was shocked.

The hexagram sign shows that the reason for the collision of the two stars is clearly the cause of Xianzong himself.

Master Miaoran was a little dazed for a moment, always feeling that he had forgotten something.

But he thought hard for a long time, but he still couldn't think of it.

In desperation, he rang the bronze bell again and summoned the heads of all the peaks to come here to discuss.

"The reason for this sect?"

The heads of the peaks who were summoned looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment they couldn't remember what the sect had done to bring about such a disaster.

After a long while, the head Master Taiyuan of Hidden Sword Peak raised his eyelids and looked at the crowd with some confusion.

This was very different from his usual iceberg-like appearance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The head teacher revived his spirits, and asked with his head: "What did Senior Nephew Taiyuan think of?"

Master Taiyuan looked around and said: "When the ancestor of this peak ascended, he left a secret."

He looked at the crowd and saw that they were puzzled, so he pursed his lips and continued: "There is a sword in the Hidden Sword Peak, and the day when the peak falls is when the sword comes out."

The expressions of the leaders were shocked, and they looked towards Tibetan Sword Peak in disbelief.

Many eyes passed through many obstacles and landed on Hidden Sword Peak.

People didn't know it before, so they didn't think so.

Looking at it now, the appearance of Hidden Sword Peak is not just a huge sword with the blade facing upwards.

But Daoist Master suddenly realized, and pulled out this secret from his memory.

There was a moment of excitement on his face, and he couldn't help stroking his beard and laughing: "Pindao remembered, speaking of it, this baby is indeed about to be born."

"Hey, wait and see, what grade is this sword?"

The teacher's real expression is a bit strange.

As the head of Lianbao Peak, Daoist Taihong was naturally more concerned about this.

Therefore, he said: "Master, don't be a fool, just tell me to wait."

Master Tailin unconditionally supported his brother-in-law, and urged him: "That's right, master, tell me quickly!"

The master teacher pointed at the two of them without getting angry, and said with some uncertainty: "According to the wishes of the patriarch, when this sword is conceived, it will definitely break through the limitations of this world and become the Houtian Lingbao!"

"What! Acquired Lingbao?"

Daoist Taihong instantly stood up and cried out in disbelief.

At their level, they naturally know some secrets.

For example, when the pure yang magic weapon comes to an end, the 36 innate gods must be combined into one to form a congenital spiritual prohibition, in order to become the acquired spirit treasure.

However, due to the restrictions of the world's rules, in the entire Middle Thousand World, it has not been heard where the Houtian Lingbao was conceived.

It can be seen from this that the ancestor of the Xianzong is so amazingly talented.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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