
Chapter 550

Human Sovereign Taiyi and the Nine-Tailed Green Fox exchanged a glance, each of them stepped forward joyfully, imitating the gourd baby's appearance, and respectfully bowed down.

Yue Chen glanced at them both before saying, "Does Qinghu have a name?"

The nine-tailed green fox hurriedly said: "Return to Master, the disciple's family name is Hu, and the disciple's name is Hu Qingyi."

Yuechen nodded, and said: "The poor Taoist travels around the world and got these two wheels. Now I give each of you one of them. I hope you will cherish them."

After that, he took out two wheels of different shapes from the cave.

These are two wheels, one yin and one yang, called the sun and the moon.

It was found by Yuechen from the Taiyin and Sun stars transformed by Qinghuang.

These two wheels can be used alone or in combination, and they are both offensive and defensive, which is a rare magic weapon.

Of course, Yuechen gave the two of them this wheel on purpose.

From the looks of Tai Yi and Hu Qingyi, it can be seen that the two are born of a natural marriage.

Giving them this wheel at this time, it really couldn't be better.

Tai Yi took over the sun wheel, Hu Qingyi took over the moon wheel, and they both kowtowed at the same time: "Thank you, Master, for the treasure!"

Yuechen waved his hand, signaling for the two of them to go down.

The two hugged the sun and moon wheels, and occasionally looked at each other, only feeling their hearts pounding, and it was a little sweeter.

As a human emperor, Tai Yi was naturally domineering, but he thought in his heart: "Master's intention for bestowing the sun and moon wheels is obvious. After returning, this emperor will go to Qingli Mountain to beg for marriage!"

Seeing that the three of them had babies, the rest of the violent thunder lions also pricked up their ears, waiting for the master to call them up.

"Leishi steps forward."

Yue Chen called out.

Violent Lei Shi was already eager, and when he heard the call from his master, he jumped up and knelt down at Yuechen's feet like a human-shaped iron tower.

"Lei Shi greets Master!"

Yue Chen nodded, took out a long knife from the cave, and handed it to Lei Shi.

"This is a machete with a golden back. It is powerful and heavy. It weighs [-] catties. It is also a top-quality magic weapon, and it is just right for you."

Lei Shi took over the golden back machete and was overjoyed.

He is tall and burly, and he is extremely majestic when wielding this big knife, which makes the gourd baby envious.

Yue Chen was also proud of his vision, and carefully selected the treasures for the remaining two apprentices.

"The double-eyed bird stepped forward."

The indifferent young man of the double-eyed bird family listened, and his expression was agitated for a moment.

He stabilized his mind and returned to his normal appearance before he stepped forward and bowed down: "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Yuechen looked at him and nodded slightly: "Do you have a name?"

The young man said respectfully: "The disciple's name is Yan Xiu!"

Yuechen nodded, pulled out a long sword from the cave, and gave it to Yan Xiu.

"This is the Seven Absolute Sword, the best flying sword. It works well with your double pupils."

Yan Xiu solemnly took over the Seven Absolute Swords, and finally groped twice with the boyish heart, a trace of rosiness appeared on his indifferent face.

"Thank you Master for the treasure!"

Yan Xiu bowed down again.

Yuechen waved his hand, signaling him to go down.

"Skyhorn ants step forward!"

Yuechen called out to the last disciple.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be his closed disciple.

It can be seen from this that among the newly recruited disciples, Yuechen's favorite is this young man from the Tianhorned Ant Clan.

This disciple looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, but he had already attained the stage of transformation into a god. Even among the crowd of congenital beings, this talent was truly frightening.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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With his aptitude, as long as he practiced step by step, he would be able to achieve harmony.

"Do you have a name?"

Yuechen asked with gentle eyes.

The boy transformed into a skyhorn ant has short hair like a hedgehog, looking wild and difficult to train.

However, when he heard the question from the master, he blinked his phoenix eyes, and said obediently: "The disciple's name is Yi Ding."

Yuechen nodded slightly: "Well, that's a good name. Your Tianhorn Ant clan is extremely powerful, and I gave you this Wujin Tianbang Hammer as my teacher. It should be handy for you."

Yi Ding quickly and respectfully took over the Wujin Sky Thunder Hammer, his hands trembling with excitement.

He was young and it was the first time he got the magic weapon, so he was very concerned about it.

Yi Ding picked up the sledgehammer and weighed it a few times. The little boy has a strange sense of beauty while holding the huge hammer. Perhaps this is also the talent of the Skyhorned Ant Clan.

"This treasure is very handy, thank you Master for bestowing the treasure!"

Yi Ding was very excited, and quickly thanked Yuechen.

Yuechen waved his hand, signaling Yi Ding to back down.

After that, he didn't care about the envious and jealous looks of the creatures below, and said directly: "The next sermon will be in three years, whether you can hear it or not depends entirely on chance."

After all, the huge god-like body in the air slowly retracted, the golden light was restrained, and it returned to the size of an ordinary person.

Yuechen waved his sleeves and left with a few disciples, leaving the creatures all over the ground in an uproar, all regretting that they were not favored by the ancestor.

"The Human Sovereign was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor, and now the position of the human race is more stable."


"Human Sovereign has an invincible appearance, so it is understandable to be admired by the ancestors. The nine-tailed green fox's aptitude can only be considered excellent, but he was accepted as a disciple by the ancestors. It is really reconciled."

These words resonated with many creatures, and the scene became noisy for a while.

"Hey, we're pretty good. Someone was the first to take shape, and his talent was not lower than that of the nine-tailed green fox, but he was also left behind. Thinking about it this way, we feel a little more balanced in our hearts."

This is an earth spirit mouse demon, and it looks at the nine-tailed civet obscenely while talking, its meaning is self-evident.

No way, whoever called this mouse and cat are born rivals.

Seeing her lonely now, why not be sarcastic.

Of course, the human form transformed into a nine-tailed civet is stunning, and naturally there are also followers.

Immediately, there were monsters fighting for her.

"The patriarch must be eccentric. The civet has unparalleled aptitude and is ignored. I can't accept it!"

"That's right, civet cats are no worse than the nine-tailed green fox. Why do the ancestors look down on them? I'll ask the ancestors to discuss it!"

Some monsters made a fuss, trying to fish in troubled waters.

"Presumptuous! The ancestor's apprenticeship must be based on chance, and you can't control it."

Some creatures stood up and scolded: "Some people are not favored, first find out the reason yourself, don't force it on others!"

This is a three-legged divine bird with the blood of the Golden Crow. It is called the Three-legged Flying Crow.

The Three-legged Flying Crow also took human form early on. He was a gloomy young monk with a very high prestige among living beings.

At this time, he stood up and scolded, and there was a sudden silence in the field.

Those scolded souls felt resentful, and their resentment grew suddenly, so they forged enmity and opened the prelude to the great war.

The more intelligent creatures saw that the timing was not good, so they left.

They found a place of seclusion in Shangyang Mountain, closed their doors and did not hear about world affairs, and only waited for the third sermon to begin.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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