
Chapter 551

"Forget it! Let me swear an oath of demons, never betray the sect, and only dare to pass down the law as a teacher, so that I can go back to the sect to plead guilty in the future."

After being moved by the gourd baby's words, Yuechen finally nodded in response.

The rest of the disciples have been quietly watching the second senior brother bargaining with the master.

Now seeing that the master was in every possible way, and finally agreed to this matter, he couldn't help but have a clear understanding of the position of the second senior brother in the heart of the master.

This second senior brother, who is like a milk doll, is definitely not ordinary in Master's heart.

However, they are also full of curiosity about the upcoming Judgment.

Monsters are most afraid of thunder, if they can learn this method, they will be able to overcome the fear in their hearts and use thunder for their own use.

And it can also increase the success rate of crossing the catastrophe, which is a surprise.

All the disciples murmured in their hearts, no wonder such a terrifying thunderstorm, the master was chopped into scum, they were able to turn the crisis into safety and survive the thunderstorm.

It turned out to be the work of Lei Fa.

Thinking of this, the six disciples swore a big oath in unison, just to learn the secret of the sect, the magic method of suppressing the sect.

Seeing the disciples swearing obediently, Yuechen smiled.

He rummaged through the cave, found some blank jade slips, and engraved the scriptures of Shenxiao Leifa.

Afterwards, he gave these six jade slips and said: "If you practice my wonderful method, you must enter my sect. You must not pass on this method privately. Only when you enter my immortal sect can you practice it. Otherwise, you will be punished." The pain of the oath."

The six disciples immediately knelt down and took the jade slips respectfully. If they found the treasure, they wished they could start practicing the wonderful method right away.

Yuechen couldn't help laughing, pointed to the mountain not far from the thatched hut, and said: "Go and find a place to practice by yourself, don't bother the poor Taoist if you have nothing to do."

Taiyi and the others hurriedly got up and resigned, only to find that the second senior brother hadn't followed after they left the hut.

"Second Brother"

Yi Ding was a little puzzled, and was about to call for Calabash Baby, but was held down by Dayi.

"Don't shout! The second senior brother is still young now, so he must live with the master. I'd better hurry up and practice."

Tai Yi smiled and said: "Don't you want to see the demeanor of the sect?"

"Of course I want to go! Junior brother has gone to practice, let's go!"

Yi Ding laughed loudly, raised his arms, soared into the air, and disappeared within a few breaths.

Not to be outdone, the rest of the people fled into the forest one after another, looking for a place to practice.

But it is said that in the ancient emperor's realm, there is a strange and dangerous place called Dry Stone Mountain.

The mountain is as its name suggests, the whole mountain is jagged with dry rocks, and there is no greenery at all.

Such a barren mountain is extremely rare in the ancient emperor's world full of innate aura.

There were also great supernatural beings who came here to investigate the weirdness earlier, but no one knew the truth.

And because of this, the land is really barren, and even lowly monsters are unwilling to settle here.

Therefore, there are only some ordinary beasts in the mountains, digging three feet here to barely survive.

On this day, two little monsters came staggeringly outside the dry rock mountain.

These two little demons, one gold and one silver, are two gold-eating rats.

It's just that their current appearance is really miserable, there is no good skin on their bodies, and the dirty hair can hardly see the original color, sticking into locks, and still dripping blood.

The slightly bigger gold-eating rat running ahead was golden in color. It looked at the dry stone mountain in front of it, its eyes darkened, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

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