
Chapter 549

Yuechen's preaching has meritorious service to heaven and earth, and the consciousness of heaven and earth is unwilling. It happens that the nine-tailed civet cat is the first to transform, and it takes advantage of the loopholes in his mood.

It has branded Yuechen's appearance in the heart of the nine-tailed civet, making her often think of Yuechen's appearance, and gradually the love is deeply rooted.

However, what good can this forced traction achieve?

The consciousness of heaven is just trying to use the hands of the nine-tailed civet to destroy his heart.

It is not difficult for Yuechen to imagine that if he was more arrogant or lecherous, he would take this nine-tailed civet.

When she returns to Chiming Realm in the future, how sad Ao Lin will be, the love between husband and wife is probably gone.

Or maybe Ao Lin pinched her nose and recognized it, and after the Nine-Tailed Civet reached a high level, she suddenly woke up, and if she couldn't tell, it would be another lawsuit.

But the nature of the nine-tailed civet is pure, and it is difficult for Yuechen to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Therefore, he had no choice but to ignore the nine-tailed civet, let her suffer through the catastrophe of love, and did not get involved with her.

Yue Chen looked away, as if he wasn't the one who showed the murderous intent before.

Only the nine-tailed civet cat's almond eyes were full of water, and there was still fear that had not dissipated.

She was fidgeting below, knowing that the old ancestor must have seen through her mind, and she was afraid that he would punish her.

After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement from the ancestor, the nine-tailed civet let go of its fear and concentrated on listening to the sermon.

However, she wasted a lot of time before, and she didn't listen well, but she left behind Nine-Tailed Green Fox and others. This is another story.

But he said that while Yuechen was preaching, he inspected the creatures all over the mountain, and found no other unusual things.

However, this look made him fall in love with a few creatures with excellent talents.

Feeling moved, Yuechen started counting again.

After a while, he made up his mind and continued to speak with a calm heart.

However, if someone observes carefully, he will find that there are more mana golden lotus around some creatures.

Another half year has passed for Yuechen's talk.

On this day, after his words fell, the golden lotuses all over the place disappeared out of thin air, and the voice of the Dao disappeared without a trace, and all living beings came back to their senses.

"Thank you, ancestor, for teaching the Dharma mercifully!"

The creatures prostrated themselves on the ground, and their voices resounded through the sky.

Yue Chen stretched out his hand slightly, and said: "There is no need to be polite, the poor Taoist has an old relationship with Qing Huang, and he promised him to take care of this world for him."

The creatures below looked up one after another and looked at him in shock.

It turned out that the ancestor was a person before the opening of the sky, no wonder his realm was so advanced.

At the moment, all living beings are more convinced.

But I heard the old ancestor above say again: "However, the poor Taoist has no skills at all, and I intend to find a few proud disciples among you and others to pass on my orthodoxy."


These words were like a thunderbolt, exploding in Shangyang Mountain.

The first one to show shock was none other than Calabash Baby.

He stared blankly at Yuechen, thinking in his heart: "Why is Master accepting apprentices here? Is it possible that he is leaving?"

But, after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong.

Master's move must have deep meaning, I'd better wait and see what happens.

Calabash Baby was determined to pay attention, and she was also a little curious about who the master would accept as an apprentice.

However, Yuechen stretched out a palm, flicked his fingers repeatedly, and streaks of spiritual light fell on some creatures.

Among them, there are the intelligent nine-tailed green fox, the emperor Taiyi, the double-eyed bird and the boy of the Tianhorned ant clan, and the violent thunder lion.

These creatures were a little dazed at first, and then became ecstatic.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Sure enough, the ancestor's voice was like a heavenly sound, and their hearts were pounding when they heard it.

"Are you willing to worship the poor Daoist as your teacher? From now on, you must obey my words, and you must not deceive your teacher and destroy your ancestors, and you must not kill each other!"

Renhuang Taiyi and the others suppressed the excitement in their hearts, hurried forward, knelt down on the ground, and bowed to each other: "Master, please accept my disciple's bow!"

Yuechen was very happy to accept good disciples, and motioned for them to be excused.

Calabash Baby turned her head and looked at the five people carefully.

Seeing that although they are in the form of monsters and beasts, they are not vulgar, and their aptitude is considered good, so they recognize these five juniors and juniors.

Yue Chen pointed to Calabash Baby and said: "This is your second senior brother, let's go up and pay respects, you also have a senior senior brother, we will meet each other in the future."

Renhuang Taiyi and the others did not dare to underestimate Calabash Baby, and they all came forward and proclaimed their senior brother.

Calabash Baby nodded rather reservedly, and said old-fashionedly: "If you dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors in the future, and kill each other, don't blame my senior brother for his merciless spirit!"

Tai Yi and the others tightened their expressions, and quickly swore a big oath to reassure Shizun and senior brother.

They are all happy here, but the nine-tailed civet below is like falling into an ice cellar, with a distressed expression.

If so, if she doesn't have delusional thoughts, can she also win the favor of the ancestor and become his disciple, and there is hope for her success in the future?

Obviously she was the first to transform into form, obviously she had seen the ancestor a long time ago, why, why did she have delusions about the ancestor?

Just by that look?

In the midst of the shock, the nine-tailed civet only felt that his mind, which had been a little confused these days, had a moment of sobriety.

But it was only a moment, and she fell into regret again.

Different from her self-pity and self-pity, the creatures on the mountain shouted loudly: "Please be merciful to the ancestors, and accept us as disciples!"

The corner of Yuechen's mouth twitched.

There must be millions of creatures in this mountain, and they really dare to think!


The gourd baby let out a sharp cry, and the red silk flickered and turned into a red gauze that covered the sky and the sun, and the frightened beings were like quails, daring not to speak again.

Yuechen glanced at Huluwa appreciatively, thought for a while, and waved to him, "Come forward."

Calabash Baby was a little surprised, not knowing why Master called her, but obediently flew up, fell at Master's feet, and knelt down respectfully.

Yue Chen looked at his cute and well-behaved appearance, nodded secretly, and said: "You have been following my teacher for a long time, and my teacher has never given you anything, this magic weapon, just take it."

He flipped his wrist and took out a silver gun from the cave.

This silver gun is called the Bright Silver Snake Gun, and it is a magic weapon for the consummation of the 36 heavenly gang restrictions.

The soul of the Soaring Snake is sealed in it, and it can summon the Soaring Snake to fight, which is not much worse than the general elementary pure yang magic weapon.

Gourd Baby happily stepped forward to take it, holding it in her hand, she swung a few spears vigorously.

That small appearance, don't mention how airy it is.

Yuechen nodded in satisfaction, and thought that in the future, he would try to give this disciple two wheels for transportation, and the equipment would be complete.

After the calabash baby got the baby, she went down and showed off in front of several juniors and sisters.

The nine-tailed green fox and the others looked at the master eagerly, wanting to ask for a treasure.

But they will be apprentices, and they dare not be too presumptuous.

But he didn't know that since Yuechen bestowed treasures, he naturally wouldn't leave them behind.

Therefore, before they could cry, Yuechen said again: "Taiyi, Qinghu stepped forward!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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