
Chapter 540

"There's something wrong with this Thunder Tribulation?"

Cucurbit Baby murmured.

Ling Xiao also nodded, and said in agreement: "It seems that the thunder calamity descended from the Dao is indeed more powerful than the thunder calamity descended from the Heavenly Dao, but if we get over it, the benefits will be great."

"Yes, where did we quarrel just now? Continue!"

The two of them were only surprised for a moment, and continued the topic just now, arguing with each other.

Fortunately, the two of them set up restrictions around them, so no one knew what they were doing, otherwise it would have made people laugh out loud!

At this time, Yuechen was desperately absorbing the Dao Tribulation Thunder at the bottom of the pit to refine his body.

This is what he is used to doing, and he is still very proficient at doing it after a few years.

The tribulation thunder that descended from this avenue has a special name, it is called Xiantian avenue thunder calamity.

Only when the blood or physique of the soul returns to the innate, the way of heaven will send this kind of thunder and calamity as a test.

It's just that the consciousness of the way of heaven in the ancient emperor's world has just been annihilated, and a new consciousness is sprouting, so there is only a way to drop thunder.

However, the power of the Dao Thunder Tribulation is much greater than that of the Heaven Dao Thunder Tribulation, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

If Cucurbit Baby and the others hadn't wiped out the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven, Yuechen wouldn't have been able to take the road to the catastrophe.

This is also a drink and a peck, and the cause and effect cycle is bad.

Facing this terrifying avenue of thunder calamity now, Yue Chen had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow his blood. When the thunder calamity had just started and its power was not too great, he quickly refined more and strengthened his system.

The Thunder Tribulation of the Xiantian Dao has the effect of returning to the innate from acquired nature. Every time you pass through a layer, there will be more innate substances in your body, which is much faster than Yuechen's hard work.

Of course he was unwilling to let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and tried his best to transform all the flesh and mana in his body into innate.

Just like that, he even hid his protective robes in his body, using his physical body to resist the tribulation thunder.

Da Dao struck three lightning bolts in a row, Yuechen caught them in a hurry, swallowed them whole into his body, and started refining with all his strength.

While refining Jielei, he looked inside himself, and found that the changes first began in the blood.

Traces of gold flowed in the bright red blood, and as more tribulation thunders were refined, more and more golden blood became available.

The weight of these three tribulation thunders is a bit too much, and Yuechen can't finish refining them all at once, so he has to store them in his body, and use the divine sky thunder technique all the time to gradually refine them.


The robbery cloud rolled, and its momentum was even greater than the previous three lightning robberies combined.

Yuechen leaped out of the deep pit, stood on the top of the mountain, looked up at the clouds, and saw lightning like silver dragons, shuttling through the robbery clouds non-stop, extremely ferocious.


The fourth lightning tribulation arrived as expected, and fell towards him with a bang.

Fortunately, this time it wasn't three thunderbolt strikes in succession, Yuechen suddenly let out a long roar, stretched his body, his hair flew up, and faced the thunderbolt with his body!

The huge white thunder struck Yuechen's back heavily like a huge sword cutting the sky and splitting the earth, knocking him three feet into the ground immediately.

This time he was prepared, but he didn't ask Jie Lei to smash him into the big pit.

It's just that, he was also chopped so that his hair rose up, and his whole body was smoking.

But he didn't care, all his mind was on the changes in his body.

For him, these tribulations and thunders are good luck that can't be met.

As long as he is given enough time, he can achieve amazing transformation.

Yuechen's lips were tightly closed, and he tried his best to absorb the refining tribulation thunder, not letting it go to waste.

Thousands of miles away, the nine-tailed civet tightly clenched its snow-white hands, so nervous that it forgot to breathe.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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She gritted her teeth tightly, her almond eyes were wide open, and her expression was extremely anxious.

The nine-tailed green fox beside her looked at her suspiciously for a while, but she didn't realize it.

The green fox's wonderful eyes turned to look at Yuechen who was crossing the catastrophe, and then at the nervous nine-tailed civet, he couldn't help showing a clear look.

However, she shook her head, not optimistic about it.

She also stayed in Shangyang Mountain for more than a year, and never saw her ancestor stepping out of the hut, and her disciples took care of everything on the mountain.

Such ascetics only have the Dao in their hearts, and everything is not in their hearts, so it is extremely difficult to impress.

But she didn't know, Yue Chen didn't care about everything, it was clearly because there was nothing in this ancient imperial world that could move him.

His heart is in the Chiming Realm, and his roots are also in the Chiming Realm. He will go back sooner or later, so there is no need to worry about it here.

Cucurbit Baby and Ling Xiao also stopped arguing at this time, and watched Yuechen Dujie seriously.

"This innate avenue of calamity is really rare, and I don't know when I will be able to survive this thunder calamity."

Ling Xiao said enviously.

Calabash Baby said indifferently: "I was born from the chaos, and I am already an innate creature."

He looked Ling Xiao up and down, and speculated: "You, at least you have to grow your body and promote it to the perfection of the pure yang magic weapon before you can think about the next step."

"However, above the pure yang magic weapon, it should be the Houtian Lingbao. You, it's still early!"

The old god Gourd Baby said.

"Ah? What is the acquired spirit treasure?"

Ling Xiao was extremely curious and felt ashamed to ask.

Speaking of this, the gourd baby is excited.

He flicked his little head, and said proudly: "As a newly promoted magic weapon, you naturally don't know that this pure Yang magic weapon will combine 36 innate gods into one, and transform it into a congenital spirit, which is the acquired spirit treasure .”

Ling Xiao's eyes moved, he looked at him suspiciously, and said, "You haven't even reached the Perfection of Pure Yang, how do you know such details?"

"I just know, I"

Gourd Baby choked, his eyes became confused.

Yeah, how did he know this?

These things seem to be engraved in his mind by nature, and he has known them since he was born.

Calabash Baby thought for a long time, but couldn't think of it, so she gave up.

"That's enough, that's enough! Let's focus on watching Xiao Chenzi overcome the tribulation!"

Gourd Baby squinted her eyes, and quickly changed the subject.

In just this short period of time, Yuechen has gone through two more thunder calamities, and is hurrying up to refine the tribulation thunders.

At this moment, his face was pitch black, his hair was all burnt, his flesh was curled up, exuding a burst of meaty smell, and there was not a single piece of good meat on his body.

The scent floated thousands of miles in the wind, and the greedy monsters onlookers salivated, their eyes glowed green, and they almost couldn't control their instincts to rush forward.

Some monsters with weak self-control can barely take two steps, but they are grabbed by the people beside them and shouted: "You don't want to die? Be careful that Lei Jie will chop you into meatloaf!"

These monsters immediately came to their senses, covered their mouths and noses with force, backed away again and again with lingering fear, and never dared to take half a step again.

But Yuechen put his mind completely in his body at this time.

After two more powerful lightning tribulations, the blood in his body has completely turned golden, whistling through the veins like mercury slurry, bringing out some impurities in the veins and excreting them out of the body.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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