
Chapter 541

The monk is the most important bloodline.

Yuechen has already cultivated the Innate Innocent Dao Body, and even with the help of Lei Jie, he has reborn his blood.

From then on, as long as he practiced the Wugou Immortal Sutra step by step, sooner or later, all the muscles, bones and skin of his body would be able to cultivate the innate dao rhyme.

However, Yuechen counted the remaining thunderstorms and grinned his big white teeth, which made his face look like a ghost, which was too horrible to look at.


He stood up, and the blood and flesh all over his body fell straight away, but he didn't realize it.

He looked at the tumbling Jieyun as if the end of the world was coming, and raised his head to the sky and roared, "Come again!"


The sound of thunder on the avenue exploded, and the silver dragon danced wildly, roaring and rushing down towards Yuechen!


Like a world-killing thunderbolt, it unstoppably hit him, and directly smashed a big hole with people and soil.

At this time, Yuechen was indeed a bit miserable, his whole body was broken, and his bones were scattered all over the place.

However, as a monk, how can he not have two brushes as the patriarch of Hedao.

Not to mention that he still has most of his body left, even if his body is ground to powder, as long as there is a trace of blood, he can still be reborn from a drop of blood!


Shenxiao Leifa is operating at full capacity, using Jielei as nourishment, nourishing the bone marrow, and tempering the muscles, bones and skin.

Time passed little by little, and there was no movement in the pit.

The onlookers couldn't sit still.

"Fellow Daoist Taiyi, is the ancestor going to be safe? Why hasn't he come out after so long?"

The nine-tailed blue fox frowned, and asked with some concern.

These words reached the ears of the nine-tailed civet beside her, and immediately grabbed her heart, and looked over nervously.

Tai Yi's eyes were as dark as ink, and he shook his head slightly: "Jie Yun is still there, it should be fine!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the two people sitting upright in the void, and seeing that they looked calm and pointed at the big pit, he became more determined in his mind.

The nine-tailed green fox nodded, trusting him very much.

Beside her, the nine-tailed civet also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, with a slightly relaxed expression.

And on the clouds at this time, Calabash Baby looked at the thunderclouds that were still tumbling endlessly, and sighed: "This divine thunder method is simply the only way to overcome the thunder disaster. After returning to the sect and worshiping the ancestor, I You have to study too!"

Not to be outdone, Ling Xiao said in a choked voice, "I want to learn too!"

Calabash Baby looked at him, and asked, "As the master's magic weapon, you should be able to learn it at any time, right?"

Ling Xiao was dumbfounded for a moment, feeling that he was too naive to know about this and wasted a lot of time.

"Don't even think about the melon seeds of your head, look quickly, the master is up!"

Huluwa quickly tugged Lingxiao's sleeve and shouted.

Ling Xiao hurriedly looked forward, and sure enough, Yue Chen was standing on the top of the mountain with his head held high and his chest held high, not toppled!

At this time, Yuechen's black hair all disappeared, his scalp was fully ripe, his flesh and blood disappeared, and his bones protruded from his body. He looked really miserable.

Cucurbit Baby's eyes turned red immediately, feeling extremely distressed.

"When did the master suffer such a great crime? If my wife sees it, she will die of heartache!"

Ling Xiao felt it carefully, and comforted: "It's nothing serious, it just looks miserable, and I'm full of energy."

Seeing that Calabash Baby's eyes were still red, Ling Xiao could only say: "It's a big deal, when he can't take it anymore, I'll block it for him!"

"No need! Master is taking this opportunity to train his body. Don't let others interfere. I believe in Master!"

Yuechen, who was rewarded with great confidence by the gourd baby, was now numb from the pain.

There are nine thunder tribulations in Xiantian Dao, and he has passed seven of them, and if he survives the last two thunder tribulations, he will be considered accomplished.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He looked at the golden bone marrow flowing in his bones, and felt trembling with excitement, his eyes were astonishingly bright.

"Come again!"

Yuechen roared and took the initiative to meet Jieyun.


The avenue was provoked, and the majesty was deeply offended.

A thunderbolt that was even bigger than before slammed down, like a thunderbolt the size of a millstone, it crushed Yuechen's body into powder in an instant, leaving only one finger bone, barely escaped the catastrophe.


On the cloud layer, Ling Xiao suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his face paled instantly, and his expression was listless.

Calabash Baby was shocked, and hurriedly supported him and said, "What's the matter? Something happened to Master?"

Ling Xiao didn't answer, just closed his eyes to sense.

After a while, his face gradually returned to normal before he opened his eyes.

"It should be fine, let's see!"

Gourd Baby suddenly turned her head, only to see that endless thunderstorms were still striking down on the top of the mountain.

A giant nine-color cauldron, bathed in the light of thunder, opened its huge mouth like a black hole, absorbing all the thunder that filled the sky!

However, the robbery cloud is still not scattered!

I don't know when, the calamity cloud became as black as ink, and a black light came out of the black cloud, went straight over the giant tripod, and threw it into the deep pit.

It wasn't until this moment that the expressions of the two gourd babies became really tense.

"The last heart demon has been robbed, I hope Master can survive it."

Cucurbit Baby muttered to herself.

"Most definitely!"

Ling Xiao said firmly.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes and sat down, carefully sensing Yuechen's situation.

But in that deep pit, Yuechen's soul was hiding in his finger bones, with a dazed expression on his face.

He just wanted to train the individual, now that he doesn't even have a body, how can he train?

Seeing that the tribulation thunder did not give up, it continued to strike down without stopping, trying to shatter his soul.

Yuechen hastily sacrificed the golden cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, and covered his phalanx, lest the last bit of bone and blood be wiped out, and he would be blinded by then.

Fortunately, the God of Myriad Tribulations, the Golden Cauldron, was as powerful as ever, absorbing the thunder and thunder without hesitation.

He thought happily in his heart: "After the thunder calamity is over, Pindao will go to the cauldron to soak in the thunder bath, and he will be reborn!"

Unexpectedly, before he recovered from his imagination, a black light flashed, and he entered the illusion.

This time, the heart demon tribulation was extremely weird, he was always sober, watching Yue Hui take his place in filial piety to his parents, accompany Ao Lin in his place, and finally became the father of the dragon egg in her belly.

In the end, he even won the world battle on his behalf, ascended to the upper world, found his parents on his behalf, and fell under Cheng Huan's knees.

As time goes by, these images are played again and again and again and again.

Yuechen's eyes gradually turned cold, and he shouted coldly: "Come out!"


A chuckle resounded in Yuechen's soul, and the dense black mist formed a human-shaped object.

In the black mist, a pleasant voice came out: "How about it, how does it feel to be imitated by others? If you are willing, vote under my command, and this seat will pass on to you the Heavenly Demon Sutra of Transforming Freedom!"

Yuechen's eyeballs rolled slightly, and he was amazed in his heart.

He transformed himself into the Heavenly Demon Sutra!

Isn't this the legendary supernatural power that he transformed into a demon?

Could it be that this guy is actually the Son of Heaven?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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