
Chapter 539

"What advice does the senior have?"

He regained his composure and asked suspiciously.

Zhenhun stood up, moved his body, and went directly to the outside of the hall.

He looked at the dark ghosts in purgatory, and there was a moment of compassion in his expression.

"In recent years, the wars in the ancient imperial world have continued, and it is still necessary to fetch souls from time to time."

Zhenhun turned his head and looked at Yuehui, the meaning was self-evident.

The more he nodded, he understood what he meant.

From now on, he will come here to seduce souls, until Yuechen and the others return to Chiming Realm.

He was about to leave, but he heard Megatron say again: "I see that you are cooperating with that yin messenger to seduce souls, but what is the difficulty?"

Yue Hui was taken aback, embarrassed to tell everyone that there were too many ghosts, and he was too busy.

With a roll of his eyes, he pulled Megatron away.

"Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle. You'd better come and help me with the task, so that I can go back to find the fourth princess as soon as possible."

He found this reason very well, so anxious that Calabash Baby urged again and again: "Extremely extreme! You hurry up and help, I'm going back to find Master, he is in a critical moment!"

After all, this kid drove the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot and ran away in a hurry.

Just like that, Megatron was kicked out of the shelves, and had no choice but to follow him back to seduce his soul.

With the addition of Megatron, the ghosts did not dare to resist at all, and they were honestly put into the soul arresting bag by the two of them.

Not to mention how surprised Chang Bai was when he saw Megatron coming to help.

It only said that the gourd baby returned to Shangyang Mountain like a whirlwind, waved away the monsters who came forward to say hello, and landed directly in front of the thatched cottage.

"What did you do?"

Ling Xiao looked at the joy in the corner of his eyes and asked suspiciously.

Calabash Baby couldn't hold back, opened her small mouth and babbled the message Yue Hui brought to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao could only hear exclamations and sighs.

What's more, Yuechen's mana in the house was heard running amok, and he almost lost his mind.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he stabilized his mind.

Then he gritted his teeth cruelly, gathered the innate qi of the whole body together, broke through the shackles suddenly, and reached the state of great perfection of the innate innocent Taoist body.

In an instant, the wind and clouds above the hut were surging, and there were bursts of thunder.

The two gourd babies were startled suddenly, and then came back to their senses.

"Master succeeded!"

The two exclaimed.

Dark clouds piled up quickly, lightning flashed continuously, and it was about to rain tribulation thunder.

Calabash Baby quickly pulled Ling Xiao and fled thousands of miles away.

At the same time, he did not forget to inform the creatures of Shangyang Mountain: "You should immediately leave the hut for thousands of miles, or you will bear the consequences!"

This word spread throughout Shangyang Mountain, and immediately awakened the living beings who were cultivating.

When they looked at the thick dark clouds in the sky that were about to destroy people's souls, they immediately fled in panic.

Only when the creatures had fled to a safe range did they dare to discuss this matter.

"Is this the ancestor breaking through again?"

Some souls asked incomprehensible questions.

"It shouldn't be. The highest level in this world can only be cultivated to the Dao. It is impossible for the ancestor to break through now!"

"Then what's going on?"

"Everyone stop arguing, it's better to ask the young master."

This is the native creature of Shangyang Mountain.

They have long regarded themselves as the descendant of Yue Chen, and respectfully called Cucurbit Baby the young master.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Calabash Baby raised her head and chest, and said proudly: "This is Master, who has cultivated the top Dao body in the world. Going against the Dao, the Dao senses, and it's just a test."

What he said was high-sounding, and the creatures understood it.

In the final analysis, we still have to cross the catastrophe.

However, the thunder tribulation that descended from this avenue must not be easy.

All the creatures looked at the thatched hut worriedly, hoping that the ancestor would survive the thunder disaster smoothly and continue to preach for them.

Human Sovereign Taiyi also looked at the thunderclouds in the sky worriedly, full of worry.

Others don't know, but he knows that Taoist Xuanxiao is of orthodox human origin.

As long as Xuan Xiao is there, it is impossible for the human race in the ancient imperial world to be exterminated.

He was worried, but he saw the green clothes flashing, and the fragrance wafted into his nostrils, and the melodious voice of the nine-tailed green fox came to his ears: "You don't have to worry, senior's merits and good fortune, how can we just speculate on it?"

Taiyi turned his head, and immediately saw the clear look in the eyes of the nine-tailed green fox.

He was depressed, he didn't quite understand how the nine-tailed green fox knew the ancestor so well.

Seeing that his expression was not quite right, the nine-tailed green fox turned her beautiful eyes, and told her appearance when she first met her ancestor as a joke.

She laughed at herself: "It's ridiculous that I still think I'm very smart, but I don't even recognize the real face of an expert right in front of me, and I'm thinking that you will teach him a lesson in the future."

Speaking of this, she looked at Taiyi and covered her mouth with a smile, her brows and eyes were full of intimacy.

Taiyi's heart softened when she laughed, and the Emperor's majesty could no longer be held back.

The nine-tailed civet next to him was relieved when he saw the flirtatious looks of these two people.

In fact, she didn't quite understand why she was a little more relaxed.

However, looking at the shocking scene of rolling thunder clouds in the distance, the nine-tailed civet didn't care about thinking about the strangeness in his heart, and began to worry about the ancestor.

All the creatures in Shangyang Mountain are worried about the ancestor, only the two old gods, Cucurbit Baby and Ling Xiao, are there, and they don't worry about him at all.

Just kidding, if the disciples of God Leifeng can't even survive the thunder disaster, they might as well just rebuild.

Just like that, the two sat on the cloud, discussing in a low voice the news brought by Yuehui.

This said that he finally avenged the young master, otherwise there would always be pimples in his heart.

That said it's a pity that I'm not here, there must be a lot of treasures in the treasure house of Tianluo Sword Sect, I worked so hard, I didn't get any of them, it's a bit of a loss!

Fortunately, only ten years have passed over there, so things are not right and people are wrong, and the sect is also righteous and has given a lot of panacea.

The one said that thanks to the generosity of the old dragon king of Xihai, he gave his wife a big dragon ball, and his wife would not have to worry about mana in the future.

The two of them were chattering here, and they almost quarreled over which side Xianzong and Longgong would treat the fourth princess better.

Over there, Yuechen heard the veins on his forehead bulge, and almost couldn't hold back from hitting the two little bastards.

If you want to talk about it, you can tell the whole thing, I can hear him scratching his heart, but he can't get away.

Seeing more and more thunderclouds in the sky, he wanted to crush the hut.

Yuechen raised his eyebrows, walked out of the thatched hut, soared into the sky, and stood on the top of the mountain.

Lei Yun saw that the man who crossed the catastrophe ran away, and hurriedly followed. On the top of the mountain, a large black cloud quickly gathered.

"Boom! Crack!"

The violent thunderbolts poured down one after another without giving anyone time to react.

In an instant, the mountain rocks shattered, and a large pit appeared on the spot, and Yue Chen's figure disappeared immediately.

The creatures onlookers suddenly let out exclamations, and even the two Calabash Boys stopped arguing and looked over in amazement.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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