
Chapter 538 You Didn't Occupy The Magpie's Nest?

But he said that the more he returned to the central hall, the more impatient he was waiting.

At this time, he was no longer afraid of Zhenhun, he pulled Megatron and asked all kinds of questions, which annoyed Megatron.

With no other choice, Megatron told Yue Hui about their experiences on this trip one by one, and his mouth never closed.

After a long while, Yue returned to slap his thigh and shouted: "You guys, what a blessing you are!"

Megatron grinned happily.

Isn't it a great fortune!

In the entire Chiming Realm, who can be sucked into the space crack during the out-of-body period and not die, and even get a monstrous fortune, even jumping a few levels, and now they are all called ancestors!

No wonder his cultivation was soaring at that time, and he couldn't stop it.

It seems that if he is promoted to ghost general, his cultivation base will skyrocket even if he is promoted.

It's just that the ghost general period is a hurdle, and it needs to be realized by oneself, and the soul can be sublimated, and it is not so easy to break through.

However, with the big carrot hanging in front of Yuechen, Yuehui was full of motivation, and he felt that breaking through the ghost general was not so difficult.

He was having a sweet dream, when a fiery breath suddenly came from outside the hall, vibrating the space and trembling.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came, and the sound came first before anyone arrived!

"Hey face, is what you said true? You can't lie to me!"

Black face?

Looking back at Zhen Hun, whose face darkened instantly, he couldn't help grinning secretly.

However, the voice of the visitor, the voice of a baby, is clearly a young child, where is Yue Chen?

Could it be that that kid Yuechen did something wrong to the fourth princess, and asked some foxy girl to grab Mr.'s doll and take the title of boss?

Thinking of this, the more he turned back, the brows stood upright, and his eyes were cold.

A gust of whirlwind rushed into the hall wrapped in blazing fire, and he looked back more intently.

However, in the main hall, there was a plump, white and tender child about four years old standing.

He was wearing a yellow dress and was holding a yellow leather gourd in his hand. He was staring at him curiously with his eyes wide open.

Yue Hui frowned and looked at the baby for a long while, but did not see a trace of Yue Chen's appearance in his eyebrows and eyes.

Looking at the yellow skirt and red silk on his body and the yellow leather gourd he was holding in his hand, he immediately put away the fierceness on his face and put on a kind face.

"Are you empty? Why is it getting longer and smaller?"

Yue Hui asked in surprise.

The gourd baby's eyes flashed with white light, and the wings of his nose fluttered a bit before he raised a big smile.

Well, it is indeed the incarnation of Master!

"Dry to meet Master!"

Cucurbit Baby stepped forward respectfully, and returned the disciple's salute to Yue, but only called her master to distinguish the two.

"Huh? Have you worshiped that guy as your teacher? That's good, now that you have a flesh and blood body, you can practice well and have a bright future!"

Yue Hui helped him up and looked at him carefully.

As soon as the gourd baby rolled her eyes, she knew that Yue Hui must have known their experience on this trip, so she didn't repeat it anymore, and only asked the questions they urgently needed to know.

"Master, how many years have passed in Chiming Realm? How is Master?"

Hearing him ask about Ao Lin, Yue Hui's eyes darkened, and his expression was a little gloomy.

This startled Cucurbit Baby and the others.

He hurriedly grabbed Yue Hui's big hand, begging him to speak carefully.

Therefore, Yue Hui had no choice but to tell them all about what happened after they fell into the crack.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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When they learned that Xianzong had avenged them, the Tianluo Sword Sect was wiped out and removed from the world.

Calabash Baby and Megatron immediately clapped their hands and laughed, quite relieved.

Even Zhen Hun nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips.

Knowing that only ten years had passed in Chiming Realm, they were even more relieved, and felt that there was nothing to worry about.

However, when they learned that Ao Lin had almost passed away and her spirits were exhausted, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and Calabash Baby burst into tears.

"It's all my fault, hiccup, if I refine more pills, it won't be so difficult to leave it to Mrs. Hiccup, Mrs. Huh"

Cucurbit Baby cried earth-shatteringly, her heart was full of remorse.

He blamed himself very much in his heart, and always felt that he was too picky and searched on weekdays, which led to the failure to exchange Guiyuan Huarui and Ning Xincao as soon as possible, so he could not refine the Concentration Pill and the Six-turn Protecting Vein Pill.

If these two kinds of elixirs were refined earlier, my wife would have suffered less.

Calabash Baby cried so much that she had a lot of snot and tears, wishing she could break through the void right now and rush back to the Chiming Realm to meet Ao Lin.

Suddenly, a big cold palm landed on his head, and rubbed it fiercely a few times, messing up his bun, and he immediately forgot to cry.

"Master, what happened next? How is Master's wife now?"

Cucurbit Baby raised her head, her nose was bubbling and she didn't bother to wipe it off, so she hurriedly asked.

Yue Hui didn't expect Cucurbit Baby's reaction to be so big, he was worrying about how to coax him, when he heard Cucurbit Baby's questioning, he hurriedly finished what happened later, lest he lose another golden bean.

"The Zongmen is righteous, and Master Miaojing has refined many useful panacea and sent them over. The East and West Dragon Palaces are also generous and generous, sending many panacea and rare treasures."

"The West Sea Dragon Palace even sent a dragon ball left by the ancestor of the Silver Dragon Clan after his death."

Yue Hui was extremely moved by the kindness of the old Dragon King, and respected him very much.

"With this dragon ball, now the fourth princess, not to mention giving birth to a dragon egg, can see even the real fairyland. It's just"

Speaking of this, he felt a little melancholy.

"Just what, you kid, tell me quickly!"

Megatron urged.

Unexpectedly, the more she looked back, the more sad she was, and she murmured: "It's just that the fourth princess is sick from worry, but there is no cure for it!"

He was extremely frustrated in his heart, and he was sad that he was not the antidote.

Seeing his appearance, Calabash Baby sized him up suspiciously, and said tentatively: "You, you didn't occupy the magpie's nest, did you?"

Hearing this, Yue Hui suddenly became so angry that smoke rose from the top of his head, and his face flushed.

With one finger bent, he knocked heavily on Cucurbita's forehead, and scolded: "Poverty is such a dirty-minded person! Don't talk nonsense!"

What he said was so serious that Huluwa immediately believed him.

Holding Yue Hui's big hand, he smiled apologetically, "I knew Master was not that kind of villain, otherwise it would be hard to say anything about Master in the future."

The more he twitched the corners of his mouth, he suddenly felt that this kid was really difficult, not cute at all.

He glanced at the crowd and saw that Yuechen had not come after a long wait, so he could only say: "I still have a task to do, I have told you all about it, and I have to go back and report to the fourth princess, and go first!"

After all, with a flick of his sleeve, he was about to leave the central hall, so that he could find Chang Bai to do the task together.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhen Hun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out, causing Jiang Yue Hui to be startled for a moment.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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