
Chapter 517 The Clever Nine-Tailed Green Fox

The nine-tailed green fox panicked, and didn't dare to look directly at Yuechen, only guessing wildly in his mind.

Who is he?

This is definitely not a character that should exist in the human race!

It has only been a few years since the rise of the human race, and the strongest among them is the current emperor.

It has a good relationship with the Emperor, and has never heard him talk about which ancestor in the clan can be so powerful.

The nine-tailed green fox wanted to leave, but secretly felt that if he left, he might miss something.

Therefore, it carefully avoided the crazy group of monster beasts, and fixed its eyes on Yuechen's body.

It wants to see who this mysterious Taoist is!

On the other side, the Violent Thunder Lion panted heavily, looking at the group of monsters that had suffered heavy casualties, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

These monsters, born in this troubled world, fight all the time.

Fighting against the sky, fighting against the same race, life is extremely difficult.

Within the tens of thousands of miles of Tongfu Mountain, the monsters have been oppressed by the colorful dragon and python clan.

But because of their own internal fighting, they are powerless to resist.

Until Youbao was born this time, it and the dragon bird and three beasts suddenly felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the colorful dragon and python clan.

Thus, there was the scene outside the valley.

However, no one knew that God Dragon Mang was so powerful.

With one against three, they have suffered heavy casualties.

In this battle, almost all the monsters within a radius of [-] miles of Tongfu Mountain died, and their vitality was seriously injured.

However, fortunately, it was lucky and still survived!

Violent Thunder Lion looked around, only to feel that the baby who was about to be born was no one but me!

It is not as intelligent as Qingyang's mind, and a trace of doubt also flashed at this time.

After fighting for so long, why hasn't that treasure been born yet?

The violent thunder lion hurriedly looked towards the place where the baby was born.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

I saw the treasure shining in the crack, and a bronze treasure ship was slowly rising from the crack.

This bronze treasure ship was shining brightly, its power was shocking, and its aura was shocking through the ages. It oppressed the monsters in the valley to tremble, and they didn't even have the slightest desire to resist.

The violent Leishi struggled to raise his head, but saw that the treasure ship did not even have the slightest resistance, and obediently fell into the hands of a purple-robed Taoist.

This time, it was shocked.

Who is this purple-robed Taoist?

Definitely not the human cubs they thought before!

I hate them for beating their lives to death, and now this Taoist is taking advantage of them.

The violent thunder lion was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, but he didn't know that Yuechen was also speechless in his heart.

He originally thought that this was a good time for him to show off his might.

But he didn't want to, these monsters didn't take him seriously at all, but started fighting among themselves first.

All the plans to call him out fell through.

Yuechen shook his head, lost interest, and didn't care much about the supernatural power.

He looked at the treasure ship in his hand and flicked it lightly.

"Are you happy to watch this excitement?"

Yuechen's cold voice sounded, and it was like a ladle of cold water pouring on the monsters present.

They struggled to raise their heads, and looked at the treasure ship in the hands of the purple-robed Taoist in disbelief.

It turned out that they were beating their lives to death. In the eyes of this treasure ship, was it a scene of excitement?

An inexplicable emotion spread among the monsters.

Like grief, like helplessness, like desolation.

Only the nine-tailed green fox had a look of shock in its eyes.

Judging by the Taoist's familiar tone, could it be that this bronze treasure ship originally belonged to that Taoist?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It has to be said that the fox family is really smart.

The nine-tailed green fox didn't dare to think of snatching it at all, it only hoped that this Taoist would leave quickly, and don't pay attention to it.

But, as if aware of its thoughts, Yue Chen turned his head and looked at it with a slight smile.

"You little girl is really kind-hearted, I appreciate your kindness, and come to Shangyang Mountain to listen to the sermon in a year's time!"

After all, Yuechen held the treasure boat in his hand, swayed through the group of monster beasts, and came out of Tongfu Mountain amidst their struggling expressions.

The violent thunder lion had a ferocious expression, and the storm in his eyes was condensed.

After Yuechen left, it roared wildly and was about to catch up, but was stopped by the nine-tailed green fox.

"You bastard, wake up! Do you know how terrifying that Taoist's power is?"

The nine-tailed green fox cursed, hating iron for being weak.

Violent Thunder Lion looked at the Nine-Tailed Green Fox in bewilderment, his eyes full of doubts.

Helpless, the nine-tailed green fox had no choice but to tell the violent thunder lion what it had seen earlier, hoping that this dead-headed brat would wake up better.

After hearing this, the violent thunder lion remained silent for a long time.

It closed its huge purple eyes, and when it opened it again, it said firmly, "I want to listen to the Tao with you, and see what this Taoist is capable of!"

The corner of the nine-tailed green fox grinned, as long as this rammed product is not impulsive now, he will always recognize the reality in the future.


A faint bird song rang in the ears of the violent thunder lion like thunder.

It instantly widened its purple eyes, completely forgetting the purple-robed Taoist.

"Did you hear anything?"

It asked the nine-tailed green fox in shock.

"You idiot, hurry up and take a look!"

The nine-tailed green fox wanted to slap it in the face a few times.

It flicked its limbs, its body soared into the air, and with a flick of its nine huge fox tails, it landed in front of the stone wall.

It looked at the sparrow, which was motionless in front of it, stretched out a paw, and cautiously poked it over.

However, before its claws approached, the feeling of danger instantly hit my heart.

The nine-tailed green fox withdrew its claws in panic, only to see Longque opened its eyes and was looking at it fiercely.

It jumped back in an instant, just in time to step on the head of the berserk Thunder Lion who was rushing over.

"If you come down to me, if you dare to step on my head, don't you want your tail?"

The violent thunder lion smacked its head a few times and tore the nine-tailed green fox off.

Long Que looked at them in shock, then tilted his head again, and passed out, leaving the violent Thunder Lion hopping anxiously.

Not to mention how many corpses were attracted by the corpses everywhere in Tongfu Mountain, and how many souls were left homeless.

He only said that Yuechen had left Tongfu Mountain, and he sacrificed the treasure boat of Lingxiao, and with a flick of his body, he entered the inside of the treasure boat.

Today's Lingxiao Treasure Ship has changed a lot. Not only has the appearance become more divine, but even the interior is completely different from before.

Since the Lingxiao Treasure Ship was promoted from a magic weapon to a pure Yang magic weapon, its magic weapon Yuan Ling can also appear in front of people.

At this time, Yuan Ling, the magic weapon of the Lingxiao Treasure Ship, was standing in front of Yuechen, listening to Yuechen's lecture with his head downcast.

"You have never been in contact with others, and your heart is like a naughty child. This seat can understand."

Yuechen looked at the seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in front of him, feeling guilty for a moment.

But he still said solemnly: "But now that you have achieved Chunyang, you will also become a patriarch in the future. You must not act like this again and regard life as a trifling matter!"

"Otherwise, I will punish you, remember?"

Yuechen looked at him and said lightly.


The boy pursed his lips, and said with some grievances.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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