
Chapter 516

The dragon sparrow was caught off guard, and fluttered to the side in panic, but was still swept by the tip of the dragon python's tail.


The sparrow's feathers flew, the sparrow's mouth spurted blood, and a piece of its chest and abdomen collapsed.

It hastily spread its wings to a high place, the feathers on its body were shining, but it was using a secret method to heal its injuries.

Longque was seriously injured and could not participate in the battle for a while.

With only two beasts left, it was a bit tight.


Mochizuki Qingyang bleated, and shouted hastily: "This dragon python has used a secret method, it won't last long, I'll hold on!"

It looked at the Dragon Mang God's eyes full of fear, and it was no longer as cunning as before.

However, they have already lost their way out.

In this battle, either you die or I die!

And the monsters who fought against the Dragon Mangs before had no opponents at this time, and all set their eyes on the Dragon Mang God.

They were afraid, they panicked, but none of them ran away.

They have extremely high spiritual intelligence, so they naturally know the truth of killing a snake without causing harm.

Today, this dragon and python god must die!

They roared, overcame their own fear, gathered together, like a torrent of steel, swept towards God Dragon Mang.

All kinds of magical powers filled the sky, like dazzling fireworks, gathered into terrifying explosives, and exploded on the body of Dragon Mang God.

However, such a horrific explosion did not play a significant role.

God Dragon Mang screamed, his body twisted continuously, and he broke free from the explosion.

The colorful scales on its body fell off piece by piece, but it quickly began to heal.

God Dragon Mang was furious.

It raised its snake head like a hill, and sprayed out a stream of stinky venom from its huge bloody snake mouth.

In an instant, the venom like a waterfall drifted away, and the void seemed to be poisoned, ripples appeared, and the air was bubbling!

"Go back!"

Mochizuki Qingyang roared vigorously.

However, there was still a monster that slowed down by a step, and was instantly stained with the venom floating in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the bones and flesh of these monsters melted away, and soon turned into a pool of blood.

The bloodthirsty eyes of Dragon Mang Venerable God continuously spewed out venom.

It stared at the Moon-Watching Sheep, its snake tail was elusive, and kept blocking the Moon-Watching Sheep's escape route.

It was this cunning Qingyang that caused the dragon and python clan to be wiped out.

Venerable Dragon Mang was mad with grief and indignation, he wished he could eat the flesh and blood of Moon Moon Green Sheep alive.


The Moon-Watching Sheep was dodging the poisonous rain, and unexpectedly, the colorful snake tail swept past and slammed into its back hard.


Mochizuki Qingyang screamed, her body was twisted in an unnatural state, and her breath languished instantly.

A trace of despair flashed in its eyes, and a bad premonition filled its heart.

A gleam of pleasure flashed in the eyes of Dragon Python Venerable God Snake.

Its huge body twisted and rushed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the Moon-Watching Green Sheep was tightly wrapped between the snake's body.


Mochiyue Qingyang wailed in pain and struggled vigorously.

It kept spitting out the cold moon blade, trying to cut the dragon python's body in two.

God Dragon Mang completely disregarded his injuries.

On the one hand, it imprisoned the moon-watching green sheep tightly, and it became tighter and tighter.

On the one hand, it continued to spit poison, attacking the monsters that kept besieging them.

Although these monsters are intelligent, they are not very intelligent.

As soon as the monsters in the front died tragically, the monsters in the rear immediately attacked the Dragon Mang God.

Under such non-stop, continuous attacks, the group of monsters suffered countless casualties.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And the aura of the Dragon Mang Venerable God also gradually fell back.

Mochizuki Qingyang's eyes were filled with joy, and he greeted the violent thunder lion: "It's dying, I'll attack it quickly, and don't give it a chance to breathe!"

It shouted loudly while struggling harder.

However, God Dragon Python had to pull it on his back, even though the snake's body was trembling, it was still getting tighter and tighter.

The violent thunder lion roared up to the sky, summoned the thunder, and shot with all its strength, trying to kill the god dragon python under the thunder of the god.


There was a cry from a distance, and the sparrow flapped its huge wings and flew quickly.

It has healed its wounds and is fighting hard again.

Seeing the dragon sparrow fluttering in the sky, Wangyue Qingyang had infinite hope in his heart.

Its entire body glowed with crystal moonlight, and the power of the extremely cold sun continuously penetrated into the snake's body, freezing the snake's body to death.

However, God Dragon Mang seems to be unconscious, and his body is constantly entangled by conditioned reflex.

Seeing the dragon sparrow attacking again, crazy tyranny flashed in its snake eyes.


God Dragon Python roared, completely ignoring the monsters that were besieging it, the snake body twisted and tightened frantically, making a friction sound of 'Kaka'.


Its snake mouth was wide open, its throat rolled rapidly, a huge white bead burst out from its snake mouth, and smashed towards the flying sparrow.


In the sky, a trace of solemnity flashed in the eyes of the dragon bird, and its wings swayed slightly, and it instantly escaped the bombardment of the dragon python inner alchemy.

However, before it could breathe a sigh of relief, the inner alchemy struck again at a faster speed.

Longque kept dodging, looking at the moon-watching Qingyang below who was not breathing in, and became anxious in his heart.


It opened its beak, spewed out a mouthful of fiery flames, and met the Dragon Python Neidan that was rushing towards it.

A gleam of joy flashed in the snake eyes of God Dragon Mang, which instantly attracted Neidan.


A huge explosion resounded throughout the world, and the bloody feathers splashed down on the ground, and the valley seemed to be overturned, scraping the ground three feet, and ravines were all over the place.


The dragon sparrow let out a mournful cry, and stuck its head on the rock wall of the valley.

Mochizuki Qingyang didn't even let out a last whimper, and was blown out of his wits.

As for God Dragon Mang, it is at the center of self-explosion. After it self-exploded the inner alchemy, it has long been unable to resist the power of the explosion.

However, it has not yet died completely.

Its snake head twisted vigorously, looking towards the corpses of dragon pythons all over the valley.

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Mang God.

It knows in its heart that the colorful dragon python clan that has been glorious for countless years has since become a cloud of the past.

"Ha ha ha ha"

God Dragon Mang laughed wildly, and was gradually annihilated under the furious attack of the violent Thunder Lion.

Before that, the self-destruction of the inner alchemy of the dragon python caused heavy casualties on the side of the monsters, and a large number of monsters died.

Only the Violent Thunder Lion managed to escape the catastrophe by virtue of its rough skin and thick flesh.

However, it was also seriously injured, and it was coughing blood at this time.

There was a howling sound in the valley, but the nine-tailed green fox didn't hear it at all.

It looked at the purple-robed Taoist in front of the crack, who was still calm and calm, and swallowed saliva frantically.

It has a deep understanding of how powerful the dragon python's inner pill explodes.

Didn't you see that the ones that were far away from it were blown up with anger and blood, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

However, the purple-robed Taoist stood in front of the crack, very close to the center of the explosion, but he didn't even move his clothes.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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