
Chapter 518

The handsome young man in front of him is the magic weapon Yuanling of the Lingxiao Treasure Ship.

He chose a nice name for himself, Ling Xiao.

Because the treasure ship of Lingxiao had been severely damaged, the spirit of the magic weapon was almost wiped out.

Therefore, after being promoted to the pure yang magic weapon, its magic weapon Yuan Ling is also in a state of uncertainty.

Sometimes the heart is naughty like a child, and sometimes it is calm like an adult.

Yuechen knew that this was the reason why he was split in two, which caused some schizophrenia.

Suddenly, his mind moved.

Perhaps, Rongshen Dan cured him.

Thinking about the neurosis like Python Chengshuang, he can be cured with a fusion pill.

No way, it's also useful for Lingxiao.

Yuechen took this matter down, and turned to look inside the treasure ship.

As a pure yang magic weapon, although the Lingxiao treasure ship has only nine innate gods, it also forms its own space.

Today, the treasure ship can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it doesn't seem crowded.

This is due to the fact that it is a magic weapon of space, and it is still being sacrificed in the little chaos.

Little Chaos is also Chaos, and the Primal Chaos Qi within it has the same effect, capable of transforming all things.

Therefore, the space inside this Lingxiao treasure ship is extremely large.

It is much more spacious than the Juntian Treasure Ship that Yuechen sat on once.

And the previous formation in this treasure ship has also changed a lot.

Its own several defensive formations are even more powerful, and it is easy to defend against attacks of the same level.

Now, the only one who is at the same level as Lingxiao is the ancestor Hedao.

Moreover, in the process of being promoted to Chunyang, this treasure ship unexpectedly derived a defensive formation and an offensive formation by itself.

Don't look at the fact that these two formations have only derived one, but its power is astounding.

That new defensive formation has an extremely simple name, it's called Mirror Light Anti-killing Formation.

As the name suggests, this formation can mark the enemy with mirror light when attacked, and then use the mirror to counter the enemy's damage.

Of course, the extent of this counterattack depends on the ability of the treasure ship to withstand and the attacking ability of the enemy.

When Yuechen saw this formation, he immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile.

This formation is said to be a defensive formation, but it is no different from an offensive formation. It can be said that it has both.

As for the other attacking formation, its name is also obvious at first glance, it is called the Golden Light Armor Breaking Formation.

This formation can form a golden light that pierces the sky and penetrates the earth, and it can break through the enemy's defense in an instant.

This formation also scratched Yuechen's itch.

If you encounter an enemy again, break your armor first when you come up, and then fire three times.

It is estimated that it is not his turn to do it himself, and the enemy will die.

It's just that all of these have to be supported by huge energy.

Yuechen looked at the three attacking formations he had originally, and naturally they had been greatly improved.

As for the extent to which it is improved, it requires actual operation.

Looking at the ancient emperor's world, Yue Chen has not yet found any creatures that can call him out.

The return of the Lingxiao treasure ship made Yuechen feel more joyful.

Following the induction in cause and effect, he calculated the whereabouts of Shanlei Sword, Calabash Baby and Megatron on the spot.

After a long time, Yue Chen touched the beads of sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and murmured: "Shan Lei Jian and Qian Kong are okay, but Megatron hasn't come to the world yet."

"However, he is a great opportunity."

After thinking about it for a moment, Yuechen put aside the matter of Megatron, and only talked about it later.

He beckoned and called Ling Xiao to come forward.

Ling Xiao was sulking in the corner, seeing Yuechen calling him, he snorted coldly and walked forward slowly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yuechen sighed, patted his head, and comforted him: "When you recover, you will understand how naive you are now."

He didn't care whether Ling Xiao could understand or not, he just ordered: "Fly over there, maybe you can find someone you know?"

Ling Xiao was a little puzzled, what acquaintances could the master have in this ancient imperial world?

It was he who had suffered heavy injuries, had many memories shattered by a sword, and forgot everything about the past.

Now he is a brand new magic weapon Yuanling.

Therefore, Yuechen felt guilty towards him.

Ling Xiao turned his head awkwardly, but the treasure ship involuntarily changed direction and flew towards the route designated by Yuechen.

This duplicity guy!

Yuechen secretly laughed in his heart, and didn't expose him, and let him continue to sulk.

There is a suspended peak in Lingcang Mountain. This peak stands out of thin air and hovers in the air, but it cannot be blown away by the wind or struck by thunder. It is very miraculous.

I don't know how many monsters lived nearby, they climbed to this peak curiously to check, but found nothing.

But the aura on the Hanging Peak is abundant, and if there are any monsters, they will move their lairs to this place.

Over time, many monsters lived here.

On this day, many monsters were gathering on the Hanging Peak to celebrate the promotion of one of the beasts in the cloud to a god.

I saw that on the open space in the middle of Xuankong Peak, white clouds curled up, cranes flew, and water gurgled, like a fairyland.

And under the shady old tree, piles of monsters gathered in twos and threes,

They are lying or sitting, or playing with each other, so leisurely.

But in front of them, a lot of blood food was placed, exuding a strong smell of blood, destroying this peaceful scene.

One of them, with four hooves as white as walking on the clouds, was a gigantic snow-white monster, looking at everything in the arena leisurely, with a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.

This beast is the protagonist of this gathering, the beast in the cloud.

This is a behemoth born from the clouds.

Its roots and feet are extraordinary, it was the last breath that Qinghuang exhaled when he fell, which echoed with the white clouds, thus giving birth to this giant beast.

It's just that it was born to be free and unrestrained, and it didn't want to argue too much. It just devoted itself to cultivating hard, and only recently became a god.

In Yuechen's eyes, the gods in this world are the realm of the great demon king of monsters and the realm of the primordial spirit and Dharma body of monks.

"Congratulations, King Congratulations, you have finally become a god. From then on, no one dares to bully me in the Cangshan lineage!"

A flaming golden lion stood up, and its huge lion head lowered deeply to the beast in the cloud to show its respect.

A trace of frenzy flashed in the flame-like golden lion's eyes, which were like fiery rubies.

It has some unusual feelings for the beast in the cloud.

Because when it was young, the beast in the cloud often protected it under its wings, saving it from many disasters.

"They're all from my own family, why bother to be so polite!"

The beast in the cloud looked at the group of beasts who straightened their sitting postures because of Lie Yan Jinshi's words, and couldn't help smiling gently.

The golden fur of the Flame Golden Lion trembled for a while, and retorted: "Your Majesty has become a god, so you should be powerful, so don't pamper them too much."

A trace of helplessness flashed in the emerald eyes of the beast in the cloud.

This lion is good in every way, but it is too serious, which does not fit its artistic conception of making Cangshan happy.

That's all, that's all!

Who told this to be the cub it watched grow up, let's find something for it to do.

The author's digression: 892376+ Huangquan Hotel is a good book of urban supernatural fantasy, you can read it if you are interested.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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