
Chapter 515 Besieging the Dragon Mang God

Yuechen shook his head, and stood in front of the crack in an instant as if he had entered a land of no one.

The ferocious beasts such as Longque Qingyang noticed him, but they were fighting fiercely and couldn't move their hands to stop Yuechen.

Moreover, in their eyes, Yuechen was just a human cub, and they didn't take much precaution against him.

Although they also wondered how Yuechen, a cub of the human race, passed through many fierce beasts and came to this crack.

It's a pity that this thought is fleeting, and it is no more important than the Dragon Mang God they are besieging.


They attacked even faster.

The violent thunder lion let out a roar, urging all the beasts to fight quickly, and destroy the Dragon Mang God, so that the treasure can be divided.

"You guys are deceiving people too much, this deity will fight with you!"

God Dragon Mang was soaked in blood, his armor was covered with cuts and bruises, and his aura had weakened a lot.

Although it is stronger than these three beasts, it cannot be killed in one hit.

Facing the siege of the dragon bird and three beasts, it is still very difficult.

"Dragon Mang slashes against the blood!"

Dragon Mang Venerable's energy and blood were reversed, and the aura in his body soared, overwhelming the dragon bird and other three beasts in an instant.

A huge blood-colored blade spewed out from the mouth of the Dragon Mang God, violently slashing at the three dragons and birds.

The void was cut open, the earth was split, and the entire valley was shattered.

The heavens and the earth were crying, and it rained blood.

This is a taboo technique performed by God Dragon Mang.

Bits of blood rained down from the blood-colored blade that cut across the void, and sprinkled on the heads of many monsters.

At this moment, many monsters who were stained by the blood rain screamed in shock.

They feel that their own flesh and blood are slowly passing away, but they don't know what's going on.

There are also monsters who are quick to jump up to avoid the blood rain, but they are not contaminated.

The nine-tailed green fox had some ability, and avoided the blood rain early on.

After it jumped away, it realized that Yuechen was still near the crack, and hurriedly turned to look.

Seeing this, it immediately turned pale with fright.

"Boy, get out of the way!"

The nine-tailed green fox shouted.

But seeing the top of Yuechen's head, a large amount of blood rained down, with a ferocious monster aura, trying to drown Yuechen.

The nine-tailed green fox stomped its feet anxiously.

Although this kid is a bit annoying, he is still a human race. If he watched him die here, he would feel sorry for him.

However, it is unwilling to ask it to risk its life to save Yuechen.

Seeing that the blood rain was about to fall, the nine-tailed green fox cursed secretly, jumped up, and rushed towards Yuechen.

"Uh, boom"

The nine-tailed green fox slammed on the brakes and fell heavily to the ground.

But it didn't care about these at all, it just looked at Yuechen in a daze.

There seemed to be another void above Yuechen's head, and the blood rain disappeared without a trace as soon as it touched three feet above his head.

The cold hairs all over the nine-tailed green fox exploded, and it felt like its life was over.

This is not a cub of the human race, it is clearly an old monster who does not know how old it is!

It staggered back a few steps and was almost trampled to death by the galloping monster.

This nine-tailed blue fox is only in the realm of a demon king, far worse than the fierce beasts such as dragon sparrows that are fighting.

But it didn't know that Yuechen was looking helplessly at the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations in his soul, and wanted to drag it out and beat him up.

The blood of this ferocious beast is extremely stinky, what is there to drink.

Why did this little cauldron get bigger and more hungry?

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, there is no matter how many magic treasures Yuan Ling Dao Jie is, as long as it is something with spiritual energy, it will not refuse it.

This dragon python god is also a great demon king after all, so its essence and blood are naturally useful.

But God Dragon Mang, who was fighting in the air, was stunned for a while as he felt the withdrawn blood essence.

It stands to reason that its blood essence was sprayed on the heads of many monsters, and it should have skyrocketed after absorbing their blood essence.

But the recovered blood was not as much as the sprayed out.

If this trick is used, won't it be a loss?

"Could it be absorbed by that baby?"

God Long Mang was suspicious for a while, but was chased and beaten by the three dragon and bird beasts, so he had to cheer up to deal with it.

Seeing that it was absent-minded, Longque suddenly felt humiliated, flapped its wings, and shot a large piece of feathered arrows towards the Dragon Mang God without money.

"Clang Clang"

Feathered arrows shot at the scales of Dragon Mang God, and the clanging sound continued.

The king of the colorful dragon python clan was beaten until he was dizzy and tired of dealing with it.

It had already lost its essence and blood, and it suffered a severe loss, and now it is even more unable to withstand the siege of the three beasts.


The violent thunder poured down, and the lightning blasted on the colorful python body of the God of Dragon Python, electrifying it torn apart, emitting bursts of burnt fragrance.

God Dragon Mang felt the passing of life, and unconsciously panicked.

It turned its head and looked around, only to find that the dragon pythons of the colorful dragon python clan had already killed red-eyed, their auras were berserk, and they fought to the point of madness.

After this battle, the strength of the colorful dragon python clan will definitely be greatly reduced.

His position in this ancient imperial world is in jeopardy.

Instead of taking the risk of exterminating the Dragon Mang family, it is better to give it a go!

A trace of pity flashed across the huge snake eyes of the Dragon Mang God, and he suddenly neighed loudly.

In an instant, the dragon pythons who were fighting stopped one after another, and the blood from their bodies suddenly fell.

On the other side, Yuechen, who was observing the Lingxiao treasure ship in front of the crack, also turned his head curiously, watching the movements of the dragon pythons.

I saw the huge bodies of those dragon pythons quickly thinned out at an incomprehensible speed.

Until, only one piece of skin was left to cover the skeleton, proving that it was once a colorful dragon python.

The scene is tragic and strange.

"No, stop it!"

As the mortal enemy of the colorful dragon python family, the dragon bird knows them best.

This dragon python god is clearly using taboo techniques to devour the flesh and blood of his own family to supplement himself.

It's just that the forbidden technique it uses requires the consent of the members of the Dragon Mang clan.

Otherwise, it will eat itself back.


Moon-Watching Qingyang condensed a cloud of lunar power, gathered into an extremely cold long spear, and stabbed at Long Mang Zunshen.


The roar of thunder from the violent thunder lion condensed into a huge thunder hammer, as if being held by a god, it blasted towards the Dragon Mang God swiftly and violently!


The dragon sparrow has already displayed its ability to press the bottom of the box, spit out a huge fire dragon, and swept towards the Dragon Mang God.

However, this God Dragon Mang, who had devoured the flesh and blood of his own race, had already replenished his blood essence, and his aura soared a lot.

Its eyes are pitch black, and the vertical pupils of snakes have long been invisible.

The dragon python swallowed the huge snake letter, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed up the thunderstorm all over the sky.

It flicked its huge snake tail, violently raised, and rolled towards the dragonfinch flying in the air!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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