
Chapter 1043 Shen Gongbao makes a move

By the big lake, Fairy Huanxi looked at the beast claw that fell from the sky, and was terrified.

Before the beast's claw fell, the tyrannical coercion had already hit her face, making her almost suffocate.

She was flustered for a while, and when she was about to die unexpectedly, suddenly a blue figure flashed beside her, and pushed it to a safe place with a palm, and at the same time swung the whisk in her hand, hitting the beast claw.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the animal claw was swept aside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fairy Huanyu hurriedly turned her head to look, only to find that the one who saved her just now was Shen Gongbao who defected from Dazhou!

"Thank you brother Dao for saving your life!"

Fairy Huanyu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly thanked her.

Shen Gongbao waved his hand and said with a light smile, "It's okay, it's just a matter of little effort."

Afterwards, the Buddha dust in his hand lifted and pushed it towards the camp.

Then, he suddenly turned around, flew up, and rushed towards the giant claw that continued to pat.

"Don't be insolent if you are evil, the poor will meet you!"

After the words fell, his Taoist robe flew up, and he had already rushed in front of the beast claw.

"Brother Dao, be careful!"

Fairy Huanxi suddenly became nervous, and her heart was almost in her throat.

It was a big monster in the realm of Dao Monarch, fierce and mighty. Shen Gongbao had just rescued her. Although she was not a good person, she would not avenge her kindness, so naturally she did not want Shen Gongbao to be injured.

However, Shen Gongbao's speed was too fast, before the animal claw fell, his whisk was already entangled with it, making a crisp sound of gold and iron.

"Bang! Bang"

When the two collided, terrifying fluctuations of spiritual power erupted, shaking the surrounding fields and sweeping in all directions, causing the entire mountain range to shake.

Fairy Huanyu stood unsteadily and staggered, but her face showed an excited expression, and she couldn't help shouting: "Brother Shen Dao is a real man!"

"Hahaha, little worm!"

Shen Gongbao laughed three times, strong magic power gushed out, and with a flick of the whisk in his hand, it suddenly surged up, like a long whip, and went straight to the holy monster.

"Good job Shen Gongbao! You actually value sex over friends!"

Shengzhen Yaojun cursed secretly, and the five tails behind him also surged, flying like five giant pythons, and swooped towards Shen Gongbao.


There was another fierce battle between the two, and in the end, Shengzhen Yaojun was defeated.

"Shen Gongbao, let's wait and see!" He left a sentence viciously, and it disappeared into a stream of light.

"Brother Dao, go slowly."

Shen Gongbao retracted his whisk calmly and nodded slightly.

He straightened his clothes, turned his head reservedly, and suddenly met the bright and adoring eyes of Fairy Huanxiu.

"Brother Dao is amazing, thank you for saving me!"

Her cheeks were flushed, she had obviously regarded Shen Gongbao as a savior, and her affection for him doubled.

"Cough cough, small meaning, small meaning." Shen Gongbao touched his nose in embarrassment, and looked away in a little embarrassment.

Fairy Huanxiu immediately covered her mouth and snickered when she heard the words, her peach blossom eyes were moist and misty, captivating and attracting people's daydreams.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao hurriedly coughed a few times, and said seriously: "The fairy is seriously injured, it's better to go to heal the wound first, and I will bid farewell!"

After finishing speaking, he swung the Buddha dust and swaggered into the tent.

Fairy Joy was giggling at first, but soon her expression became gloomy.

Scanning around, the entire camp was empty, except for the mortal soldiers guarding the gate, there were no monks.

Pitiful for her painstaking efforts to set up the formation, not only did she fail to capture the Great Zhou prince, she also lost the sect's most precious treasure, and she didn't know what kind of punishment she would receive when she returned.

Now that she was seriously injured, except for Shen Gongbao who rescued her, the whole camp was silent, not only did no one respond, there was no one to greet her, it was really chilling.

With a sweep of her consciousness, she saw the saint of joy in the tent sitting high in the main seat, looking through the tent and looking at her sarcastically.

It seemed to be mocking her incompetence.


Fairy Huanyu was so angry that she couldn't hold back, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Before she fainted, her heart was only filled with sorrow and hatred. This kind of sect that is intriguing, scrambling for power, and scheming is not even as good as an outsider. How can there be any warmth at all?

"Hmph, trash!"

Seeing Fairy Huanyu fell down, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing snorted coldly, got up and walked out of the big tent immediately, and told the left and right: "Carry her to the back of the tent and place her there. Don't interfere with the rest, let her fend for herself."

The left and right took orders and left, only Taoist Hexuan and others behind him remained silent.

"A bunch of waste, just cheap for me."

The Holy Maiden of Love looked across the great lake and looked directly at the Da Zhou camp, with the determination that must be won in her eyes.

In the tent of the Da Zhou Zhong army camp, Yue Chen and Ao Lin sat in the main seats, and they sat in two rows below, and everyone was setting up wine to celebrate.

"Bah! That Shen Gongbao is really not a good guy. He actually did a fake show. He really dared to attack me. When I see him next time, I will beat him until his face is full of flowers!"

Shengzhen Yaojun took the table and said angrily.

Beside him, Niu Kui, who was drooping and had an unlovely expression on his face, suddenly regained his spirits.

He narrowed his eyes, smiled wretchedly, and yelled, "Hey, Shen Gongbao has taken a fancy to that girl, right?"

On the main seat, Yuechen paused with the arm holding the wine glass, and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Shen Gongbao can be regarded as a well-known Taoist cultivator, shouldn't he be attracted to a woman who is good at husband and good at gathering yang and nourishing yin?

Although cultivators regard skin as clothing, which is the way of cultivation of other sects, and there are many sects like this in the heavens and myriad worlds, but for moral people, appearance is more important.

Ao Qianmiao glanced at Niu Kui, frowned, and said, "What are you talking about? Although I don't like him, Shen Gongbao is indeed a man of profound morality and practice. How could he be confused by beauty? The reason why he Taking action is just an expedient measure, for the great cause."

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