
Chapter 1044

Hearing Ao Qianmiao speaking for Shen Gongbao, Niu Kui pouted and muttered softly, "What if it's true?"

"That's not something you can worry about. Everyone has their own destiny, so why bother?"

Ao Qianmiao said coldly, her gaze was like lightning, and she looked directly at Niu Kui: "When the second senior brother is out of the customs, you go to him, when will it be better, and when will you come to see me again."

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

Niu Kui immediately lowered his head in shame, not daring to look directly at Ao Lin, mother and daughter.

Ao Lin sat beside Yuechen, her pretty face was as cold as ice, and she regarded Niu Kui as nothing.

This old cow is lustful and daring, so it would be good to improve his memory, so as not to run amok in the future and implicate her precious daughter.

Yuechen didn't know about these lawsuits, he looked at the people under his tent, and said with a smile: "These disciples of the Hehuan Sect are dead and wounded, and I'm afraid they have no strength to fight anymore. What do you all think about attacking Huanglong and destroying his sect?"


Shengzi Yuanba hastily stopped him and said: "Fellow Daoist, why don't you know that Empress Yumei, the head teacher of the Hehuan Sect, is Daoist Lord Daluo, and the elders in her sect also have many great abilities. With our strength alone, we want to take down the Hehuan Sect , still powerless!"

Hearing this, Yue Chen couldn't help being stunned.

Naturally, his understanding of Hehuan Sect is not as thorough as that of the native Yuanba Shengzi. How did he know that there are many masters in his family?

"What do you think Brother Dao should do?"

He humbly asked for advice.

"Of course, we have to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and when the time comes, all parties will work together to take down the opponent in one fell swoop, but"

He paused, frowning tightly, as if he was a little puzzled.

"But what?"

Yue Chen hurriedly asked.

Shengzi Yuanba shook his head, and said: "But this time, I didn't see the saintess of the Hehuan Sect appear in the phantom formation. Could it be that she didn't come?"

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, none of them had ever seen the Holy Maiden of Love, and even if they had, they didn't know each other.

"She is coming!"

At this time, a soft voice suddenly appeared from behind Yuanba Shengzi.

Everyone glanced over together, and saw behind him, a petite but extremely beautiful girl was lowering her head, as if uneasily grabbing the hem of her clothes.

Looking at the girl in front of them, everyone smiled knowingly.

Kong Yu even looked at Shengzi Yuanba winking, with a suddenly enlightened expression.

Shengzi Yuanba was a little embarrassed, coughed dryly, and then introduced to everyone: "This is Fairy Luqi from the Hehuan Sect. I begged my Shengzi to help her escape from the sect, so I brought her out. It's not what you want like that."


Everyone sighed in unison again, showing meaningful expressions.

"You guys, hey!"

Yuanba Shengzi was extremely depressed, so he had to tell everyone about Luqi's life experience, so as not to be misunderstood.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Luqi still has such a bizarre experience. This member of the Hehuan Sect is really not a son of man!"

"That's right, you don't have to worry about karma when you dismantle people's flesh and blood. Don't be afraid, Fellow Daoist Luqi, we are our own people after we enter the Great Zhou camp. What kind of oath is it? Self-destruction, what is there to be afraid of!"

"Not bad!"

Everyone nodded, and they all sympathized with the life experience of Fairy Luqi mentioned by Shengzi Yuanba.

At this time, Luqi had already raised her head, looked at the crowd with tears in her eyes, and said timidly: "Thank you, fellow Taoists, Luqi. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and Luqi will never hide it."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in satisfaction, she is a good girl who knows how to repay her kindness, and who gets out of the mud without staining herself.

On the contrary, Shengzi Yuanba had a headache.

He was used to walking around alone, at most he would bring some guards with him, since he had never been with this charming little lady before, he felt very awkward for a while.

Pian Luqi seemed to have spotted him, she couldn't drive her away, she kept following him except sitting down to practice, which made him very annoying and helpless.

Finally at a certain moment, Yuanba couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and gave Luqi a look, and said, "Why are you always following me?"

Luqi blinked her eyes and said, "You are my savior, so I will naturally follow you to repay the debt of gratitude."

Yuanba is angry.

This girl's film is simply not oily and salty, soft and hard!

"That's all, that's all, my son is going to practice!"

He flicked his sleeve robe and left angrily, leaving Luqi sticking out her tongue behind him.

Five days later, Da Zhou's army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but instead guarded the lake, facing Hehuanzong's camp across the lake.

"Eldest Prince, the enemy army has remained silent, what should our army do?"

On this day, Zhang Wenyuan asked Yuechen.

Yue Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "There is no rush, just wait patiently for the arrival of the army."

"Yes, the last will obey!"

Zhang Wenyuan cupped his hands.

"Since I'm idle, I'm idle, let's go, take the soldiers to fish in the lake, it can be regarded as an extra meal for them."

Yuechen suddenly became playful, and laughed.

After finishing speaking, he rolled up his clothes, tied them around his waist, and got into the water.

However, he had just entered the water, as if remembering something, he hurriedly stretched out his head and shouted: "Madam, you and Qianmiao must not come down, otherwise there will be much less fun."

All the soldiers suddenly laughed.

They all know that the real bodies of the eldest concubine and the eldest princess are real dragons, if they both got into the water, there would be nothing wrong with them.

Ao Lin, who had been standing on the shore, rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "The fish and shrimps in this lake are not enough for me to eat alone. Who cares?"

All the soldiers burst out laughing again, took off their heavy armors one after another, and went into the water together.

At this time, the Holy Maiden of Huanqing who had been watching in secret suddenly lit up and stood up.

"This Palace has an opportunity!"

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