
Chapter 1042

It turned out that Niu Kui nearly exploded to death, but he still suffered from his strong physique.

Sister Lansha only hated herself for being blind. After finding such a useless thing, she couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Trash!"

Poor Niu Kui was frightened again and again and almost exploded to death by this woman, and now he was scolded by her as a waste, his face turned red with anger, and his bull face turned into black charcoal.

Ao Qianmiao's complexion changed slightly, and she sternly reprimanded: "Bitch!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand, and a purple-green sword energy instantly shot at the neck of Nuxie Lansha.


A flash of precious light blocked Lan Sha Nvxiu's body and bumped into the oncoming sword energy.


Sister Lansha spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted in horror: "You dare to kill me? Aren't you afraid that my sect will live forever with you?"


Ao Qianmiao sneered: "What kind of thing are you, worthy of the Hehuan Sect's unending death for you and me?"

"Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't die forever, the karma has already been established, and we will get it back sooner or later!"

She didn't say any more, and swung the sword again. The light of the sword suddenly rose sharply, and it slashed down with a destructive sword intent.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Sister Lansha's eyes were full of panic, and she quickly took out several talisman cards, crushed them and turned them into a layer of mist to cover her surroundings, trying to resist the sharp sword light.

However, all of this was in vain, the sword glowed like a sharp arrow, with unparalleled strength, pierced through the mist, and pierced fiercely into her neck.


With a flick of the sword tip, a huge head flew into the sky, and hot blood sprayed towards Ao Qianmiao.

She avoided it in disgust, with a chill in her eyes, and kicked hard on the corpse.

With a "click", the body of Sister Lansha fell to the ground nearby, splashing a pile of dust.


She rubbed her fingertips, and a gray-blue flame suddenly rose, and she threw it on the corpse.

Soon, the flames rose, leaving a deep pit in the scorched earth.

At the bottom of the pit, only a handful of ashes remained.

After finishing all this, Ao Qianmiao coldly wiped off a few drops of blood on her face, and then turned to look at Niu Kui.

At this moment, Niu Kui looked at the deep pit with a dazed expression, and remained silent.

He hunted geese all year round, but was finally pecked by geese, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

Ao Qianmiao thought for a while, and took out a bottle of elixir again, about to deliver it to Niu Kui's mouth.

"wait wait wait!"

Niu Kui shouted hastily.


"Senior Sister, what kind of medicine is this? Will it have the opposite effect?"

Niu Kui asked cautiously.


Ao Qianmiao snorted coldly, and put away the pill.

"Forget it if you don't eat, that's all you need to do!"

She didn't untie Niu Kui's acupuncture points all over her body, and planned to move on while holding him.

At this moment, a piercing sword light soared into the sky, and the void trembled for a while, like a curtain, torn from the middle by the sword light.

Immediately afterwards, a large nine-colored tripod came across the sky, suspended in the air, and there was a silver dragon wrapped around the top of the tripod, and it was roaring towards the void.

At the mouth of the cauldron, countless runes flickered, and gray mist overflowed from the cauldron, gushing towards the void.

At the same time, a huge wave of monster energy surged over the sky, as if the whole world was frozen.


A huge animal claw stretched out suddenly, the furry palm was as big as a millstone, covering the entire sky, the sharp claw shone with a metal-like icy luster, and slapped straight into the void.

"It's Daddy and the others!"

Ao Qianmiao lifted her spirits and raised her head to look into the void.


The sky split open, a deafening sound sounded, the sword light shattered, turned into little stars scattered in all directions, and disappeared into the void.

The giant cauldron followed closely and slammed into the shattered void, and the aura of myriad calamities erupted, constantly corroding the void.

The silver dragon roared, the dragon's power soared into the sky, and the huge dragon's tail quickly drew towards the sky.


The void suddenly made a sound of cracking, cracking into dense cracks like a mirror.


The giant claws slapped, piercing through the entire sky, revealing the blue sky outside.

"hold head high"

The dragon's chant shook the sky, and the body of the silver dragon swayed, turning into a length of thousands of miles, stirring up waves in the phantom formation like an overwhelming river, and soon smashed the entire formation to pieces.

Yuechen stood on the dragon's head, his eyes were like lightning, and he searched around to find the person who set up the formation and send him to the Western Paradise.

Coincidentally, after he and Ao Lin came out of the cave, they turned the valley upside down and failed to find any flaws in the illusion. They both looked at the void by coincidence.

Since there is no such thing on earth, try it in the sky.

It so happened that Jin Ling also slashed towards the void with a sword at this time, breaking through the sky and falling into the eyes of the two of them.

The two immediately shot at the same time, attacking high into the sky together.

And the reaction of Shengzhen Yaojun was not slow, he directly showed his real body, and slapped the void with his claws.

The formation was shattered, and Ao Lin smashed it into a bad shape. Now is a good time to catch a turtle in the jar.


A figure hurriedly ran out from the phantom formation, it was Fairy Joy.

At this time, her dress was tattered, hairpins were scattered, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding continuously. In her hand, a huge mirage bead was covered with dense cracks, and it had lost its dreamlike luster.

She gritted her silver teeth tightly, her feet kept running away, and she hurriedly ran towards the Hehuan Sect's camp.


Suddenly, a cold snort came from the void, and a boundless evil spirit gushed out.

A huge animal claw descended from the sky with terrifying power, and slapped the ground fiercely.

"Brother Dao, save me!"

Fairy Huanxiu was so frightened that her face turned pale, her liver and gallbladder were torn apart, she could only scream desperately.

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