Twin martial arts

Chapter 2544 Battle

Xiao Wu killed two people in a row; what a pleasure, it made his heart itch, wishing he could kill the general and come forward at this moment.


The emperor under the Poison Sect roars!

His eyes turned red instantly.

His own junior was being punished one after another, and at this moment, the archenemy blatantly said that he wanted to challenge them all, how could this be endured?

It must be known that his lineage is feared by the people of the world, the heroes shy away, and the ghosts and gods change; what kind of prestige is that?

Since 63 years ago, when his master was invited out of the mountain gate by the Celestial Clan, he has been outstanding in the world, and he almost killed the leader of the Phoenix Clan by himself in a certain important battle, which made his lineage shock the world.

And at this time, to be hired again with a lot of money by the Celestials and Humans to come and kill Lin Fan's lineage, what an honor is this?

There are many masters in the world of heaven and man, but they are the only ones who are valued, and are valued by the ethnic groups that rule the world. This is the proof that his master is the best in the world.

Therefore, after hearing the invitation from the Heavenly Human Clan, his master, the Poison Sect, never hesitated to choose the most outstanding disciple under his sect just for once and for all.

At this time, it can be said that there are strong people gathered in his lineage, but all those who are well-known in the world went north together this time, but now, they were actually ordered to kill; it is said that they will all be killed with the superficial strength of the two of them.

"Jie Jie is worthy of being Lin Tiandi's parent and son. I don't know how much your father is capable of, but this arrogance has been thoroughly learned." Poison Sect's eyes are gloomy, and the brown eyes are shining with cold light.

"Old dog, why talk too much? If you give me ten years, killing you is like slaughtering a dog."

Xiao Nuo looked back for a moment and looked directly at Poison Sect, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

Lord Feng treated him very well, and knowing that Poison Sect was the vengeance that almost made Lord Phoenix hate him, he only hated himself for temporarily lacking strength and killing Poison Sect, so naturally he would not be polite in words.

"Is this how you discipline your children?" Poison Sect stared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan remained silent, Poison Sect Yin Li smiled: "Since there is no one to discipline, then this deity will teach you a lesson for your father."

He moved; gray silk threads shot out from his fingers, like poisonous snakes, climbing away at an unimaginable speed, everything along the way ceased to exist, everything was corroded, even time and space, even Yuanli, etc. , all can not escape.


Lin Fan's ten fingers moved rhythmically, and golden thunder dragons appeared out of thin air, slaying the gray poisonous snake that was shot at the Poison Sect. It was very vivid in the image, like a dragon and a snake fighting.

But when the thunder dragon slashed away with the thunder light, the gray poisonous snake unexpectedly stood up, with two sharp black claws, smashing towards the golden thunder dragon.

Lin Fan's pupils shrank slightly, and the ten thunder dragons exploded in an instant, condensing into a golden cage, trapping all the poisonous snakes in it.

It was a short fight, but it shocked the other masters present!

The seemingly peaceful short-term fight, in fact, the competition is about the understanding of the avenues that each of them walks. The orders and runes that explode from time to time are complicated and unpredictable, so profound that they are enough to make the emperor's head crack.

With a puff sound, the golden cage exploded, turning into thunder and dispersing, but all the poisonous snakes inside were empty, and a black hole less than the size of a fist appeared in the circle that was originally confined by the cage, and it was blowing out rustlingly. Gang Feng.

There was seriousness in Poison Sect's eyes.

It was just a short fight, but it shocked him inexplicably. He always thought that Lin Fan was just a junior. Even if he stepped into the inexplicable sea of ​​suffering and turned back, allowing him to break through the realm of dominance by chance, to him, he was just a newcomer after all, so nothing to worry about.

But now, he knew that he was wrong!

"Are you qualified to teach this venerable son a lesson?" Lin Fan's eyes showed a gleam, and he said, "I wanted you to watch the disciples who sat down die one by one, and take a breath of anger for this venerable father-in-law, but now it seems..."

"Tsk tsk, your apprentice and parents are really not good."

Lin Fan glanced at him, then looked at Xiao Nuo and Xiao Wu: "Go."

With Lin Fan's permission, Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo came out of the gate like fierce tigers, and without any disguise, both of them charged forward with their halberds.

It was clear that only two people slaughtered the sixteen disciples who sat down for the Poison Sect, and they should have looked weak, but everyone clearly felt that when the two brothers rushed to fight, they were like ten thousand horses galloping, and they couldn't help but sit down for the Poison Sect. The disciple became worried, but felt pity for that lineage, feeling that they were so weak.

As soon as the two sides collided, the rules turned to ashes, the avenue was like a sea, and then blood and flesh flew!

"Misunderstood your mind! Two people are mere ants, dare to charge us, send you on the road today!" The emperor shouted.

As a result, Xiao Nuo used one element of Heavenly Kung Fu, while Xiao Wu used his Dao body to emerge endlessly!

"You are surrounded, all of you are going to die!"

Xiao Wu roared, and tens of thousands of people suddenly stabbed out a halberd at the same time, instantly killing an emperor into a blood sieve!

This sentence made everyone stunned, and then horrified!

Who is bullying whom?

Who is being arrogant?

Originally, it was thought that if Lin Fan's disciples charged many disciples of the Poison Sect, there would definitely be blood splashes in the first round, and some people would die in the first wave of charge.

The result turned out to be like this!

Crying and howling, Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo were really too powerful, killing heaven and earth apart.

"What a guts!"

The Poison Sect shouted loudly, wanting to burst into tears!

What did he see?

Ben kept sneering, ready to intercept Lin Fan's rescue at any time, to let Lin Fan's disciples and sons die in front of his eyes, which was also the man's request.

As a result, his apprentices were being besieged and killed!

Xiao Wu's Dao body filled the sky, and Xiao Nuo even exuded wisps of emperor's power. He casually raised his arms or waved his trident, causing the void to become chaotic, time and space to be distorted, and he killed the strongest disciple who sat down. Coughing up blood.


The Poison Sect scolded angrily, and rushed forward to kill him. He was out of anger, because he unexpectedly killed another apprentice. After being shattered by Xiao Nuo with his bare hands, he was trampled into powder by Xiao Wu's Dao body, and his life Not saved anymore.

"Do you want to fight first?" Lin Fan flew across the sky like a star, blocking the way of the Poison Sect.

"Go away!" Poison Sect blasted out his fist, the fist print was pitch black, exuding a seductive fragrance, strands of poison runes jumped on the fist.

Lin Fan took a step forward and punched out at the same time—"Boom!"

Fist seals collided, as if a great world was destroyed at this time, everything on Yunshan Mountain was turned into ashes, and the sea of ​​clouds suddenly swept towards the sky. If there is no master here, who takes action to protect this mountain, maybe this is the famous cloud-watching holy place in the world of heaven and man will be completely destroyed.

"Get out of here!"

The Poison Sect was about to burst into tears, because, in the confrontation with the punches just now, he knew that he was really at a disadvantage. His poison rules could not invade Lin Fan's body of the Emperor of Heaven, as if he was born to be suppressed. However, it was with great difficulty that he restrained the rules of Lei Dao that rushed into his body along with his fists.

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