Twin martial arts

Chapter 2545 Anti-drug Sect

Boundless dark clouds shrouded Poison Sect, he seemed to be standing on the avenue, his eyes were icy cold, and his murderous aura was so surging that it split the sky.

He was scolding, his brown eyes were full of viciousness, and his expression was too ferocious, the disciples under his sect were being ruthlessly slaughtered, which made him out of anger.

"Get over here and kill you."

Lin Fan pointed at Poison Sect.

The two veins cannot be reconciled, and the only solution is bloody killing, and the complete death of one of them.

Just because the hatred is too deep, there is no possibility of adjustment at all.

The phoenix master almost died.

This Poison Sect unexpectedly came here again under orders, intending to poison Lin Fan's lineage and wipe it out completely.

The peaks of the two faced each other, and the aura surpassed the past and the present. There was the sound of a long river rushing from behind Lin Fan.

But the Poison Sect is also terrifying. Afterwards, there are thousands of phantoms of gods and demons roaring, all of them are pitch-black as if they have been soaked in poison for tens of thousands of years, and even the eyes that appear from time to time are like black holes. The dim light shone obliquely, outlining the outlines of these gods and demons, and it was impossible to see their reality.

The other Juggernauts and other Xiemen people hurried away, their expressions were very solemn, and they all looked at the opposing sides with fear.

They are all too strong, but they were shocked and astonished by Lin Fan Zhiqiang. How long has he been in this realm?

Why is it that compared with the Poison Sect who became famous thousands of years ago, he is not inferior in the slightest? Moreover, that fierce aura, and the occasional figure that appears in the golden mist, dominates the contemporary era, like a god of war who has never been defeated since ancient times.


Suddenly, the Poison Sect made a move, and the gods and demons who couldn't tell whether they were phantoms or phantoms all rushed away, like a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers descending on demons to punish evil!

There are gods and demons beating the dark war drums, and souls of the dead are ringing the death knell beside the circuit of reincarnation. Looking carefully, all the masters are terrified;

"Is this the Myriad of Demon Stars?"

A master's words trembled, with an expression of disbelief: "He actually took this step!"

He opened his mouth, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Being invited by the Poison Sect to go north together can only prove that at least for a long time, their pedestrians and the Poison Sect are fellow travelers.

But when he saw Poison Sect making this move, he could only smile wryly. It turned out that the other party had already pushed them far enough away without knowing it.

"At that time, the Poison Sect only mentioned the structure of this trick, but no one thought he could succeed." There was another dominating gaze: "He really walked out of that road and found his own supreme way, which is far beyond all of us"

"Indeed, he should be ranked in the top ten in the realm of masters of the world."

All the masters sighed, unable to stop the loss and shock in their hearts.

"It seems that Lin Fan is in danger."

The master of this opening had cold eyes, and he asserted that the Poison Sect had walked this path; after finding his own path, Lin Fan was no match.

The rest of the people in the same situation also nodded, and the master sighed: "It's a pity for these two extraordinary juniors."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Of course he knew who the two juniors he was referring to were.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo were astonished to the point of fright, even though these masters have gone through tens of thousands of years at least, and watched how many vicissitudes have changed; but in their long lives, it is still rare to see such heroes.

The Poison Sect is like the master of gods and demons, wielding thousands of gods and demons to fight, but Lin Fan's response was too simple, the divine clock pushed away, the chaotic energy suppressed the ancient and modern, crushed mountains and rivers, washed away like a waterfall, and the divine clock floated Shen Chen rushed into the phalanx of gods and demons, and all the gods and demons were crushed into ashes.


Lin Fan shouted loudly, and rushed out with his fists, the rules surged, and the runes became pieces!

The world was overturned, and in a trance, everyone seemed to hear the sound of a long river rushing behind Lin Fan, and a long river rushing appeared, everyone was horrified and surprised!

With one punch, the entire world was shaken, as if it had taken the power of the entire world to kill the enemy, and the space was chaotic, and the long river of time was rewinding; all of them merged into the two invincibles, just like the fists of two real worlds. Going to India and China crushed everything.


The Poison Sect is extremely strong, otherwise it would not be valued by Tongtian. He put in a lot of effort to invite him to come out of the mountain. With a roar, mountains and rivers shattered. Within a radius of ten thousand miles, countless mountains were directly shattered, and a black river gushed out of his mouth.

The river suddenly appeared, and the eardrums were filled with the sound of the great world being corroded. Nothing could escape the scour of this river. , A foul-smelling blue smoke came out.


Lin Fan yelled again, and stepped forward, cutting off the black river with his fist prints, and he slammed forward, with a bang, as if a hundred thousand mountains were knocked down at this time, the road that could corrode All the long rivers were turned upside down by Lin Fan's body of flesh and blood.

The Poison Sect was horrified!

Is this the horror of going down that road?

The physical body is really invincible, how can he ignore the rules of his poisonous way?

"Kang Keng!"

At this moment, thousands of gods and demons reappeared, and with one of the six-headed gods at the center, the rest of the gods and demons rushed towards it, and thousands of gods and demons merged into one in the blink of an eye.

This is simply indescribable, I don't know how to describe the infiltration and terror of this god and demon after being integrated into one body, with hundreds of big hands like mountains, and dozens of heads like mountains.

Lin Fan was fearless, his whole body was shining with golden light, he stood up and continued to move forward, he didn't even use Punisher, he just punched and killed with his fists, the radiance of his fist prints overwhelmed the scorching sun in the sky, and shattered the sky.

He killed this sky-high demon with his life!

"how is this possible!"

A master exclaimed!

It's just because, after the Poison Sect walked out of this path, it should have pushed everything horizontally. At least their former companions, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the Poison Sect.

"Don't be anxious and worried. Temporary toughness is nothing. Lin Fan will die in the end. Don't forget that the methods of the Poison Sect are more than that."

"Look! The Heavenly Rebirth Wheel!"

The master was trembling with fear, and he once again led his disciples away from him, looking at the spinning wheel of rebirth in horror!

The wheel of rebirth, looming, is like inserting tens of thousands of ultimate weapons on a huge black hole, spinning and cutting down, it can easily destroy the sky and explode the sea of ​​stars.

But Lin Fan still didn't evade half a step, and punched the reincarnated wheel that was spinning towards him.

With a bang, the Rebirth Wheel was forcefully crushed by the invincible fist seal, and Lin Fan stepped forward again.

At this time, he was only three feet away from the Poison Sect!

Fear flashed in Poison Sect's eyes, and he raised his big black hand, ready to slap him, and use it to distance himself from Lin Fan.

"Enough playing." Lin Fan whispered, his body flickered for a moment, and his chest seemed to have a flash of light that disappeared.


Poison Sect's brow was pierced by Lin Fan's long fist.

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