Twin martial arts

Chapter 2543 Dispute Between Teachers

The one who spoke was naturally Xiao Wu, full of murderous intent; the heavy halberd in his hand hummed, making it clear that he had no other intention in this trip, just to kill you.

"Lin Fan?"

The Poison Sect's eyes narrowed.

He looks very distinctive, with long gray hair, brown eyes, and a swollen face, of course he is very stooped.

Lin Fan smiled: "I knew you were coming to see me, so I came first."

"Jie Jie"

Poison Sect laughed like a night owl; his nails were long but black.

The world is so vicious. Few people have seen Lin Fan; but they have all heard of Lin Fan's name. When they knew that Lin Fan had really come here, all the hundred and ten people tightened their expressions, and stared at Lin Fan very apprehensively.

If the four masters were killed overnight, the news cannot be confirmed; but the news that all the falcons were wiped out is definitely not a secret to people at the master level.

And the ruler of the Falcon tribe was dreadful, but he still died in the hands of Lin Fan.

"Just in time!"

The eldest disciple of the Poison Sect smiled ferociously; he looked at Xiao Wu: "Do you have any objections to my brother's theory of heavenly dragons and ants?"

Xiao Wu took a step forward; Murderous Intent said awe-inspiringly: "You have to kill first to prove who belongs to the so-called ants and heavenly dragons."

"You're so brave." Poison Sect smiled, and he turned to look at Lin Fan: "Your disciple is very good, it's a pity to die."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiao Nuo: "Your son is also very good, and it would be a pity to die."

"Eighteen people, eight for you, ten for me." Xiao Wu said.

These words seemed too abrupt.

"Brother Wu, you are wrong. You are right to punish ten people, but you are right to punish eight people."

Xiao Nuo frowned and shook his head.

"It's up to me to arrange for you to actually call me elder brother."

"Hmph, you are still my brother-in-law, why don't you talk about it from this point of view?" Xiao Nuo squinted at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's face suddenly became embarrassing.

"You two are enough, and you don't feel ashamed." Lin Fan pretended to reprimand, then ignored the gloomy faces of the Poison Sect, and said with a smile: "Don't mind."

"I don't mind, my lineage never fights with words, only kills people." Poison Sect was sad, and glanced at a disciple who had been drinking: "Go, I will learn the tricks of Lin Tiandi's master disciple."

"Follow your master's orders."

The drinking disciple got up, and a black cloud suddenly rose from behind him. This black cloud was so black that it shone brightly, which made people feel born in their hearts.

"Who's going to die?" The emperor-level figure chuckled, his nails on both hands were extremely long like a poison sect, shining with jet-black light, like sharp poisonous blades that had been poisoned for thousands of years.

"Xiao Wu." Lin Fan said, Xiao Wu smiled and moved forward with his halberd.

The two juniors confronted each other, while the other masters squinted their eyes and watched.

"Brother Du called out the emperor when he came out, which shows that he attaches great importance to it."

"How dare he not take it seriously? Which family's arrangement is this? If he can't win, what is waiting for him?"

Many masters whispered to each other.

"Emperor Lin Tian, ​​I prepared a good coffin, and don't worry, after the death of your disciples, the corpses will not only be exposed in the wilderness." Poison Sect laughed, ferocious and cruel.

Lin Fan glanced at him and didn't say much.

It has to be said that Tong Tian's move is really beautiful, it's just a dispute between masters, and no matter whether he wins or loses, it will have no effect on his clan.

But if Lin Fan's lineage loses every game, there will naturally be endless opponents waiting, at least it can break the myth that Lin Fan's lineage has never been defeated.

The two juniors began to kill, one of them had mastered the true way of poison, and poisonous dragons and dragons sprang out from the rules of the way of poison, corroding the space, killing time and space with poison, and causing Yunshan an earthquake.

One person is swaying the High Thunder Avenue, magnificent and magnificent, the profound meaning of thunder imprints the void, and blasts the sky for a hundred thousand miles.

"The coffin is here, don't worry, I am not stingy, and the golden nanmu for thousands of years can keep your high disciples from decaying for thousands of years." The poisonous sect sneered, but then he slapped his forehead: "The deity made a slip of the tongue; after all, your lineage is destined to be immortal today." Don't worry, I will send the three coffins to the Phoenix Clan."


At this moment, a thunder fell from the sky, and it was hitting on the Tianling cover of the emperor under the Poison Sect. His whole body was split open, and his whole body was crushed by Xiao Wu's heavy halberd.

Lin Fan glanced at this scene, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am not stingy, I can cut stones into a coffin and bury your high disciple."

After finishing speaking, he really raised his hand to capture the ten-thousand-jin boulder, golden lightning overflowed, and in the blink of an eye, he cut a sarcophagus and smashed it in front of Poison Sect.

"Useless thing!" Poison Sect was furious, his face was cold: "Go again, if you can't kill him quickly, you will kill yourself."

He pointed at another Dijun figure, the Dijun smiled sinisterly, outlined a pentagram with one hand, and threw it into the sky, and a monster tiger with a full three hundred feet came out of the pentagram.

This demon tiger is very impressive, with six wings, except for the scarlet vertical pupils and white canine teeth, it is completely black, and it is actually a monster in the realm of the emperor.

"Six Wings Poison Lord!"

Everyone's pupils shrank!

This person is too great, he is not the strongest under the Poison Sect, but if he is the most ruthless, poisonous and cruel, he deserves it!

In a specific domain, this six-winged poisonous lord is a yin god character that stops children from crying at night.

"The Emperor of Heaven is high enough to be in danger!" Master Wu asserted, making the other masters nod their heads.

Although this six-winged poisonous monarch was only in the realm of an emperor, he possessed unparalleled poison skills. The emperor who died in his hands knew nothing about himself, and he was not comparable to a role like Huang Feiyu.

"My condolences to Emperor Lin Tian."

Before the massacre started, the six-winged poisonous lord actually looked at Lin Fan with a smile and said this.


Xiao Wu slashed with a halberd, and as a result, the monster tiger cut off its wings, cutting off time and space, making Xiao Wu's halberd empty.

"The monster and the tiger block the enemy, the poisonous king kills and cooperates seamlessly, and the clothes are seamless, let the heroes drink their hatred."

Someone whispered, eyes full of fear.

The massacre began, and Xiao Wu went crazy.

Poison Sect laughed, pointed at Jiangshan, and bluntly said that although the Six-Winged Poison Lord was the latest to get started, he was extremely satisfied and never let him down. He pointed at Lin Fan and said all kinds of nasty words.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Lin Fan whispered.


Just at this moment, the heavy halberd flew across the sky, and the head of the monster tiger like a hill was chopped off and fell into the sky. It was like a dark cloud and pressed down on the Poison Sect. The head of the demon tiger turned into green smoke and dispersed.

The six-winged poisonous king dies again!

"Here, I'm already ready."

Lin Fan waved again, and a sarcophagus landed firmly in front of the six-winged emperor.

Even the two high-ranking disciples of the Poison Sect were unharmed, which made Zhu Xiong frown.

"Who will die next?" Xiao Wu held a halberd and pointed at the line of the Poison Sect: "You want to provoke my sect? You are all tired of living! Today, none of your line can even think about living."

"That's what I mean, why kill them all alone? No point, you and my brothers will be killed together!"

Xiao Nuo stepped forward, surrounded by a strange red glow, and he strode forward.

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