Twin martial arts

Chapter 2542 Poison Sect

When mentioning Ao Qiankun, Tian Xin'er's eyes showed tenderness for a moment, but then it was replaced by determination.

She made it clear that she would not go anywhere, just in this dragon clan. Of course, she also stated that from now on, she would no longer communicate with the outside world, and the scope of her activities would be limited to this not too wide dragon nest.

Lin Fan frowned, but then he gave a wry smile. This is the end, what can we do?

After all, he owed this woman too much. Of course, his emotions such as self-blame would not decrease a bit, but in fact, at the beginning, he just thought that since Lin Long had this kindness in his heart, he would make a good thing come true. But at that time, I was trapped in vision and experience, so I didn't think about the situation I am in today.

"You go ahead; it's just my family business after all." Lin Long said, no emotion could be heard in his words, Lin Fan just patted Lin Long's shoulder and disappeared.

"I don't know what I can do." Lin Long looked at Tian Xin'er who was sitting on the edge of the bed, covering his face and crying, and couldn't tell what it was like.

"If you can keep them alive?" Tian Xin'er asked suddenly, Lin Long suddenly raised his head, looked at Tian Xin'er, and asked back: "If they can keep us alive?"

Tian Xin'er was at a loss for words, but felt as if there were tens of millions of sharp knives cutting her heart, and she was crying on the same side of her heart, without any beauty or demeanor at all.

Lin Long also just felt uncomfortable and depressed.

Among the Phoenix Clan, Lin Fan has always had a gloomy face. He has never thought about how to deal with this matter until three days have passed.

How innocent is Tian Xin'er?

That is a very extraordinary woman, with scheming and looks, etc., which can make most women in the world ashamed, but at this time, she is crying all day long, and always feels that she owes too much.

"Don't think too much about this matter." Lin Long was right next to Lin Fan, he didn't hide his true face, the two were almost identical, like twins.

Lin Fan didn't speak. In this pavilion, sitting under the flower stand, he just gulped down wine.

"What you need to consider now is how to destroy the Poison Sect." Lin Long reminded.

Obviously, Tian Xin'er really never disclosed the secrets of the two of them, at least he came from the north of the Poison Sect, and Lin Long could guess it as soon as he knew the news.

"Poison Sect?"

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold.

Lin Long nodded: "It seems that Tongtian wants to kill you with the means of the cultivator world."

"Then he is just talking about dreams." Lin Fan grieved.

In the past few days, he has been oppressed day and night; the unknown anger accumulated in his chest is about to erode his sanity.

"The momentum is huge, and the companions are all heroes of the first generation. Hao Tang went north, of course, using an excuse to challenge." Lin Long was also drinking himself.

"Where are they at this time?" Lin Fan asked.

"Based on time, they should be at Yunduan Mountain Cliff at this time." Lin Long replied.

Lin Fan frowned, Lin Long said: "Poison Sect, the disciples under his command are following, I'm afraid it is"

"Hey, you want to challenge my school?" Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

This is so obvious.

Unexpectedly, Poison Sect led his disciples to go north, of course not only to challenge himself, but also to kill Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo together.

Not long after, both Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo arrived, and within a few words, they already knew about Poison Sect's plan, which caused both Xiao Nuo and Xiao Wu to be cold-hearted.

"Yunduan Mountain Cliff is only a thousand miles away from the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters." Xiao Nuo sneered, "The strength of that clan is really unfathomable, and they were able to hide it from many of our spies."

"What's the use of that?" Xiao Wu's eyes flashed murderously: "What does Master plan to do?"

"Since that school is going to challenge my lineage, how can we disappoint them? Come with me and kill them thoroughly."

Yunduan cliff; the beauty is overwhelming, and the clouds only reach halfway up the mountain. If you stand on the top of the mountain and watch the clouds roll and unwind, every step is like stepping on the sea of ​​clouds, as if you are in a palace in the sky, which always makes people feel happy and proud.

At this time, on the top of the Yunduan Mountain Cliff, a hundred people sat cross-legged, like a banquet of gods and gods, only half of their bodies were exposed, the rest were covered by the occasional clouds of smoke blown by the wind, and the aroma of wine was overflowing. The silk and bamboo are messy, a scene of a fairy family.

And if people in the world of cultivators see the scale of this banquet, they will be shocked and inexplicably shocked.

It's because, in this gathering of hundreds of people, there are only ten masters, and the rest of the cultivators are also well-known heroes in the world of heaven and earth. Many of them have made great names in world wars. , even those serving as attendants are the best of the younger generation, and none of them are ordinary.

It can only be said that the specifications of this party are too high, too high.

"Brother Poison, please drink this cup to the full, and wish the flag a victory."

A master smiled, he was very extraordinary, and raised his glass of wine.

Poison Sect chuckled: "It's just to pick off a head, it's not worthy of praise."

He is reserved, but his words are full of pride; his arrogance is boundless.

"Look at Brother Poison's meaning, I'm afraid he doesn't just want to kill someone, does he? Do he want to step on his line?" The ruler spoke again, full of rottenness. Climb out of famous mountains and great rivers.

"The master has exactly this intention."

An emperor spoke, he was not too old, he was in the golden years, he smiled proudly and said: "The so-called tiger and monkey dominate the mountains, my master's lineage has not existed for thousands of years, but it makes some local chickens and dogs Made a big statement."

"Nephew's words are exaggerated. That lineage is very good. Those twins are indeed outstanding for a while, and it is difficult for them to compete with each other at the same age." The master shook his head and laughed, bluntly saying that the emperor's words were a bit loud.

"It's really nothing. I became emperor 70 years ago, and I suppressed my peers at that time."

Unexpectedly, the emperor shook his head and said with a sneer: "Xiao Wu? Xiao Nuo? It's nothing. It is said that they have not yet reached the emperor's level. All they need to do is to turn them into a pool of blood. .”

"I only hate that there are still thousands of miles away, but I can't kill a hundred thousand miles with poison!"

Sure enough, after the emperor spoke, many emperors belonging to the lineage of the Poison Sect laughed grimly.

"That Xiaowu allegedly beheaded Huang Feiyu with the Emperor's Realm, I think it's against the sky, everyone should not be careless." Some masters frowned, not liking the boastful talk of these people in their hearts.

He is already the ruler of the realm, and he has already stood at the top of the world, so he doesn't need to try to please him, he can do whatever he wants.

"I don't agree with Master Wu's words! Could it be that we, the heavenly dragons, are willing to be with ants?" The Poison Sect disciple sat down and sneered, unexpectedly he was not afraid of offending the Master Wu.

Master Wu frowned and snorted coldly, but didn't say anything more.

Ben was invited by the Celestial Human Race to help out, so there was no need to offend anyone.

"Tianlong? Ant? Did you decide?"

At this moment, a divine rainbow broke through the clouds and mist, and from the foot of the mountain, it was like a divine bridge. The gang of three walked on the divine rainbow, all very extraordinary.

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