Twin martial arts

Chapter 2530 Killing God

What cards does Fengdu have?

Why is it so scary?

It is actually possible to attack two Linshen holding the ultimate weapon at the same time, and the words can last ten breaths!

This is so incomprehensible.

It should be noted that with Linshen holding the ultimate weapon, it is not difficult to destroy a great world with just one breath, and the star sea can be easily destroyed with one blow.

"You are begging to die!"

Yaozu shouted loudly, and the medicine hoe in his hand erupted with majesty, the seven-colored red awn was held in his hand and swung backwards, blocking the Wujin arrow.

Feng Du grinned grimly, and with his pale face due to excessive bleeding, he looked even more frightened. The blood spattered from his chest was thicker and redder, dyeing the entire altar of summoning gods red.

At the beginning of the battle, Lei Zhu was blown back three steps by the blow of the big gun. From the rune, a big gun in his hand continued to attack and move forward. Moreover, the runes flew like butterflies, and the space was all disordered, as if there was an unstoppable statue. The speculated creatures will come out from the unknown time and space.

"Is it fear? Is it despair? Is this feeling of imminent death good?"

Fire Dragon scorned and ridiculed, his eyes passed by Yaozu and Leizhu who were fighting, and stared at Lin Fan with a cold face.

Lin Fan was silent, but his face was cold, and his eyes were even more stern.

It seems that there is no need to hide the backhand anymore, Fengdu's trump card has been revealed; he can use that big killer weapon to completely wipe out the fire dragon.

"Why are you talking so much with him! Why don't you kill him quickly!"

Feng Du drank heavily, his face was as pale as paper, and even his whole body seemed to have lost weight, like a plump fruit that had been absorbed a lot of water in an instant.

"Hehe, don't worry, you don't need to breathe to kill him."

The fire dragon looked back lightly: "The slaying of the prey does not lie in the moment of killing, but in the pleasure of catching the moment."

"You're going to die." Lin Fan finally spoke out, having negotiated the terms with the shroud, and the big weapon will attack and kill the fire dragon completely.

"Lin Fan, do you dare to speak hard when you are about to die?" Huo Ling was laughing wildly, but his eyes were vicious, and he said viciously, "Don't worry, after you die; all your relatives will follow in your footsteps, of course, I will accept those female relatives with a smile." , will enjoy it."


Lin Fan's murderous intent ignited [-] feet like a raging fire that burned the sky, and punched Huo Ling across [-] feet.

"What a guts!"

The fire dragon shouted angrily: "I wanted you to live an extra breath or two, but now, I will send you on your way."

He made a move, and the Vulcan long sword slashed down, the temperature soared violently, and even the gravel on the ground was melted in an instant.

Hula la

It was like a battle flag rolled over, a piece of blood-stained cloth flew across the sky, and the sword glow was wiped out by the blood-red light.

"I said, don't force me, or you will die ugly."

Lin Fan swept across the fire dragon coldly, and at this moment, he took a step of three hundred feet and blasted the fire spirit with his fist seal.

"It's just a piece of rag, how dare you stop me?"

The fire dragon roared; and at this time, Linshen's aura was flowing, crushing mountains and rivers to suppress the galaxy, especially, the Vulcan sword in his hand was blooming with a pressure far beyond the realm of Linshen, it was too terrifying, this kind of Prestige, even if it's just a thread, makes people feel unbearable and wants to bow down.

The reason why the Vulcan sword was activated at the first time was to stop the blood-stained cloth and save the fire spirit, but it was useless, the shroud was too strong, and it didn't emit any monstrous power. The bloodstain suddenly seemed to come alive, as if a hundred scorching suns emerged.

"You can't stop me." Lin Fan punched Huo Ling coughing up blood, and when he fell back, he turned his head to look at the fire dragon, and his fingers bloomed with sharp light, killing all of them. Great changes, space and so on are distorted.

"Ancestor save me!"

The fire spirit howled!

He once had a short fight with Lin Fan, but at that time, he was still able to contend, but now, he is really not an opponent, just punches and fingers, almost crushing his Dao heart.

"Lin Fan dare!"

The fire dragon galloped towards Lin Fan, trying to avoid the shroud's attack, but it couldn't dodge, the shroud was rolled up, the sky was dark, and it formed a cage, trapping the fire dragon inside.

"You shouldn't have angered me." Lin Fan said coldly, he glanced at the trapped fire dragon; his sharp eyes stared at Huo Ling, his murderous intent was undisguised.

Huo Ling roared; struggled with all his strength; unfortunately, it was useless, Lin Fan rushed past, twisted his loose long hair, and blasted his fleshy body with a punch.

Huo Ling was not dead, but Lin Fan grabbed his hair and took off his head.

"Lin Fan, I will kill you!"

The fire dragon roars!

Unexpectedly, Tangtang Linshen made a move, but was blocked, unable to protect his offspring.

"His sword is a little troublesome."

The sound of the shroud spread to Lin Fan's soul.

Lin Fan frowned.

"All halberds are used."

The sound of the shroud came again.

Lin Fan threw Zhu Tian, ​​and the shroud changed into a human shape, with one corner tied to the heavy halberd to kill the fire dragon.

At this time, Yao Zu and Lei Zhu were madly beheading two heroic spirits, it was too terrifying, they raged for at least ten thousand miles, and killed more than a few time and space.

But Fengdu's expression changed!

He had known for a long time that Lin Fan also had a big hidden method, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

His eyes changed, and he slapped his chest fiercely again, and a ball of blood gushed out from that hole again, making the two heroic spirits who were about to fade even more solid.

Fengdu himself, on the other hand, was madly rushing towards the Heart of Time and Space. He was really terrifying, pushing past him all the way, and no one could stop him even half a step.

Feng Du's talent is superb, not much weaker than Lin Fan's, and his realm and combat power are almost at the same level as Lin Fan's.

"Want to get the Heart of Time and Space? You are dreaming!"

Lin Fan shouted loudly, and rushed forward; it was impossible to allow Feng Du to take the Heart of Time and Space into his hands.

The fire dragon is roaring, struggling, and ready to tear itself apart!

At this time, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been sold, at least relatively speaking, his chances of getting the Heart of Time and Space were too few.


Zhu Tian slashed across and swung the Vulcan sword away, a string of bright red blood flew up, the ribs of the fire dragon were cut open, and the blood flowed profusely.

He was doomed to die. In fact, if he hadn't had the Vulcan sword in his hand, he would have been killed by the shroud long ago. Relying on the power of the Vulcan sword, he was cut in half by a halberd after resisting the shroud with three hundred moves. .

"I'm not reconciled!"

The fire dragon roared, and it was actually killed by the means of a junior, how could it be accepted.

To him, Lin Fan was just an ant, how could he be willing to be punished like this?

The shroud rolled backwards, crushing his body and soul light into dust. The Vulcan sword seemed to be fully revived. If it wasn't for the wild man's halberd, medicine hoe and scepter, it would also be unleashed. As long as his majesty comes out, maybe there will be a big fight with the ultimate weapon here. At that time, except for a few people, no one here will be able to survive.

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