He came here for more than a month; followed the relics of his predecessors; entered the huge cliff with his soul body, to bear the cutting of the wind, the slaughter of time and space, just to find the way forward, to find the heart of time and space.

Of course, he got nothing, but he thought that it was just that he was not strong enough to really fully adapt to the swords, frost, swords and rain in the giant cliff.

And I firmly believe that I will always find the right way forward and see the heart of time and space.

But if it is at this time, Lin Fan said that this huge cliff is the heart of time and space.

Then he is a joke and will really become a laughing stock.

In fact, when Lin Fan and others entered this place, he was already very depressed, and he always thought that he had already arrived first; he thought that he would be able to find the Heart of Time and Space and take it into his pocket before all the latecomers.

He was wrong.

But even so, he still has hope, just because he came here first for more than a month, he will definitely be more familiar with it than other latecomers, and he will definitely occupy a lot of opportunities, at least he can stay in the giant cliff longer than others, This is opportunity.

But he was wrong again.

The first time Lin Fan entered the giant cliff, it was longer than the sum of the time he stayed there.

If it proves that this huge cliff is the heart of time and space, he may be suffocated with anger.

Lin Fan was very respectful, bowing to Juya, as if facing a sage, this posture has never changed.

But the huge cliff is still majestic, giving people infinite oppression, like a dead thing.

"Lin Fan! Are you joking? This is just a huge cliff, just a stumbling block blocking our way. It can't be the heart of time and space."

The fire dragon laughed, presumptuous and rampant.

The rest of the cultivators were also cold and taunting.

"Please reveal the true form of the artifact."

Lin Fan stood up again and bowed deeply.

"Lin Fan, don't be hypocritical, your bet with me has been fulfilled, do you want to cheat?" Feng Du yelled, and his murderous intent was too strong!

He felt that he was really crazy, and at a certain moment, he believed that this huge cliff was the real heart of time and space.

"Please reveal the true form of the artifact."

Lin Fan still said these words, very sure, his intuition is not wrong.

Moreover, he is sure that this should be one of the tests of the time and space gods, using people's habit of blind obedience, thinking that there are traces of predecessors to follow.

Lin Fan begged again and again, but Juya remained silent. Lin Fan began to talk about why he confirmed that Juya was the heart of time and space.

"Hehe, I almost believed it." Feng laughed.

"I almost believed it." Huolong sneered, and at this moment, he glanced at Lin Fan; then suddenly pointed at Fengdu: "He came here more than a month before you and me, why didn't he check carefully? If this huge cliff is really As the heart of time and space, how can I wait for you and me to come?"

Feng Du chuckled, and said sarcastically, "Could it be that you think that this deity is worse than you?"

Huolong shook his head: "Lin Fan, you are an idiot, but you still want to treat everyone as an idiot. This is your fault."

"I've explained the truth clearly, but you still don't believe me?" Lin Fan looked at Fire Dragon.

"Of course I don't believe it." Huolong said, "How about this, the deity also joins in your bet, okay?"

Lin Fan's eyes were strange: "You mean, if I really find the Heart of Time and Space first, then I will be the winner? Are you withdrawing from the competition for the Heart of Time and Space?"

"Of course. Of course, if the deity wins, you have to kill yourself."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

"Think clearly, one life for one artifact is already a good deal." Fire Dragon squinted.


Suddenly, the earth was shaken, time and space collapsed, and a long river of time emerged here, flowing from the prehistoric vastness to the vague future.

This made all the heroes scream, they all thought that the end was coming, the sky was collapsing, the years were changing, time and space were chaotic, as if they were going to bury all the people here.

"what happened!"

The fire dragon roars!

He was furious.

Because, the huge cliff in front of it has changed drastically, becoming gray and shrinking sharply, only the size of a fist.

"This is the Heart of Time and Space!"

someone exclaimed.

"It is the heart of time and space. In that crack, more than one person has seen it with his own eyes."

"Oh my god! So what we just penetrated was only inside the Heart of Time and Space?"

Everyone exclaimed and shouted.

"You guys are defeated!" Lin Fan said with gloomy eyes, "Don't forget the bet."

"Gambling contract? What is that?" Huolong grinned grinningly, "It's not restrictive, boy, I'm admonishing you. It's my guide to you, the younger generation. Or the oath of the soul."

Lin Fan chuckled: "So you're trying to play tricks?"


Huolong's answer was so straightforward and decisive that Lin Fan lost his words in an instant, and didn't know what to say.

The heart of time and space is completely presented, changing various colors, like a dream, but finally fixed on the bright red, it is really like a heart, releasing strands of glow, and the space-time runes are permeating.


"Kill them all, this Heart of Time and Space is mine."

"Kill, with the heart of time and space, I can create a group of people, surpass the three thousand realms, and dominate the nine heavens."

Everyone went crazy. When the Heart of Spacetime appeared, everyone's eyes were bloodshot. Even Lei Zhu and others were attacked.


The fire dragon was laughing, and he muttered with gloomy eyes: "It's too fast, it appeared too fast, if it's later, I will come from the background of the fire clan."

"Fengdu, cooperate."

This sentence is concise and powerful.

Feng Du narrowed his eyes: "Okay, but my trump card can stop one Linshen at most. Of course, if you can kill Lin Fan within ten breaths, then I can also try to stop two people."

"That's good." Fire Dragon grinned.

In fact, neither Lin Fan nor Feng and Huo Long knew that there were only three Linshen, and that the Heart of Time and Space would most likely fall into the hands of Linshen, but it was not the case. The great fan who discovered the Heart of Time and Space naturally has the hope of getting the Heart of Time and Space before everyone else.

And Master Lei, Yaozu and Lin Fan are clearly allies, if Fengdu and Huolong don't join forces, there will be no chance at all.

"Summoning Altar!"

Feng Du suddenly yelled, and from his mouth, a stone platform covered with mysterious patterns flew out. There were many simple and vicissitudes of patterns on it, and many dark divine patterns were engraved on it.

"Quick, I can only hold ten breaths."

Feng was completely desperate; cut a big hole in his chest, let his blood splash on the stone platform, woooo——

All the patterns seemed to come alive, and the runes flew into the sky one by one, and finally they seemed to converge into an ancient road, communicating with the place where the heroic spirits lived, and a vast coercion came from it.

Both Leizhu and Yaozu felt as if they were approaching a formidable enemy in an instant. Knock, a dark gold spear shot out from the rune, and went straight to Leizhu's brow.

"I'll come, you go and protect him." Master Lei took a step forward and told Yao Zu.

But at this moment, another Wujin arrow pierced through the chaotic time and space, nailing towards Yaozu's vest!

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