Twin martial arts

Chapter 2531 Kill Fengdu

The ultimate weapon is terrifying, but it won't wake up easily.

Some people say that the gods have not completely passed away, but the gods who left the ultimate weapon have the source of gods in it, and they will reappear one day.

It is also said that the ultimate weapon is the continuation of the life of the gods.

But no matter what kind of argument, it can only prove the horror of the ultimate weapon; in the future where Lin Fan lives, looking around the three great worlds, he can't find any ultimate weapon at all. There should be an ultimate weapon in the world, but there is no proof.

At this time; the four ultimate weapons confront each other, which kind of aura is too terrifying, if it is not for the Vulcan sword to disappear first, and fly back to the Vulcan planet through time and space, there will definitely be a big event.

And the people who were overwhelmed by the four ultimate weapon auras rioted again the moment these terrifying auras disappeared; they all rushed forward; they all wanted to take the Heart of Time and Space into their hands.

"Get out of here!"

Feng Du was yelling, he was too fast, he came first, and when he swiped his hands, all the cultivators in front were smashed to pieces, and the road ahead was covered with stumps and broken arms.

It was very bloody. He temporarily became the protagonist of the battlefield alone, and the blood spattered soaked his whole body.

"Fengdu, your opponent is me!"

Lin Fan came to kill, and he shot directly, Yu Quan blasted out, attacking from behind to Fengdu's back heart!

Feng was unwilling to roar!

He was really close to the Heart of Time and Space; but it was so close, he was about to touch it, but this great enemy came and bombarded him with his fists.

The most important thing is that he didn't dare to ignore the power of this punch at all, so he could only face it fiercely.

He also punched out with one punch, grand and vast, bursting with light, gorgeous and eye-catching, which made Lin Fan's eyebrows stand up, because this punch is so familiar, it's Lightning Fist!

Fengdu's whole body was bursting with blazing flames, like a sacred furnace releasing immortal brilliance; his hair was flying, shining like gold and stones, splitting the void into hundreds of cracks.

Too fast, even though it was a Lightning Fist, Lin Fan's Lightning Fist was completely different. Strictly speaking, Lin Fan's Lightning Fist was closer to the divine skill created by Thor; Add the Wushuang Fist Seal after his own understanding.


The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and time and space were annihilated. A group of cultivators who were rushing forward were so shocked that they all screamed and fled in all directions.

The fist prints collided, the scene was too terrifying, causing a big explosion here, like two suns colliding.

People were horrified, and then they all laughed miserably!

They suddenly realized that there are such characters vying for supremacy in front of the Heart of Time and Space, so what else are they fighting for?what?

It's not realistic at all, the front of the Heart of Time and Space is covered by their fists, shrouded in the aftermath of their battle, who dares to set foot here except for the two gods?

It's unimaginable that even if a master enters the aftermath of their battle at this time, it will be miserable.


Feng Du yelled loudly, but he continued to attack with his fists, and roared, "I've wanted to kill you since I was in the sanctuary! I'll send you back to the west today."

"I'm the one who sent you on your way."

Lin Fan shook his head.

The two confronted each other with a strong murderous intent.

Moreover, Lin Fan also made a move, and it was also a Lightning Fist, but it was completely different from the fist seal used by Feng Du. The golden light was shining, and the electric arc was crackling, as if all of it was fused into this fist.

"You actually learned this boxing too?" Feng Du was startled, and then sneered: "Trash, you only respect the way of the predecessors, you don't know how to integrate your own skills and ways, you are not worthy to compete with me."


As Lin Fan's fist moves forward, the whole world roars and trembles, the fist shines through all ages.

"You are wrong. It's not that I can't integrate my skills and Taoism, but that this Lightning Fist is the most suitable for me." Lin Fan said, "Only if it suits you can you be the strongest."

The two of them exchanged words and fist seals, but it was more like explaining their own understanding of skills and techniques, making everyone who temporarily evaded to a distance frown, thinking about who was right and who was wrong.


The fists collided again, like a comet hitting the earth. Under that fist, Feng Du shook violently, and stepped back, stepping on the space into cracks.

Obviously, Lin Fan's fist marks were stronger than his, at least Lin Fan still maintained the posture of shaking his fist and not moving.

At the beginning of the massacre, Feng was no longer obsessed with fists, but used everything to the extreme. The sound of the Dao was like thunder, and the brilliance covered the sky. He was surrounded by gods and Buddhas, enclosing him in the middle. He was like a god, the gods Everyone needs to worship him.

Booming, he made another move, and the tiger's mouth was pressed against the seal of the Wandao Aquarius. A huge Taoist bottle appeared in his hands. From inside, a series of fierce and powerful killers came out in unison, like It can kill the past, the present, and the future, this is Fengdu's method, and he is swaying his moral will.

His eyes were startled, the three thousand roads seemed to be dissolved by Feng Du in this vase, at this time the roads all came out to help him attack the enemy.

Lin Fan stepped forward, drew a circle with his left hand, and a word "Yu" flew out. Everyone could clearly hear the rushing water of the long river of time, and he drew a square with his right hand. The rules of time and space were shining brightly. A fist print bangs and pushes forward.

Time and space were wiped out, the stars turned into ashes, and everything here dimmed. Lin Fan's fist marks were too terrifying, interfering with time and space, disrupting the rules.

After one blow, Feng Du coughed up blood and flew backwards.

"If you and I fought in the sanctuary, the victory and defeat would be five or five. At this time, you can't."

Lin Fan yelled, he charged forward again, his right hand brushed across the sky, this is the years, this is the time.

A long time ago, Lin Fan dabbled in the rules of time and space, and even deprived more than one or two enemies of life, but at that time, it was not his means of killing. After many time and space principles, he has made rapid progress in time and space.

It was as if the silent and invisible years had been slashed by the fairy sword. Everyone could see with the naked eye that when Lin Fan slapped this palm, Feng Du's whole body seemed to have aged three thousand years in an instant, and his hair was full of black hair and gray.

"The ending seems to be doomed." Yaozu sighed and said, "Little friend Lin Fan deserves to be a hero who is valued by both you and my parents. He is too strong."

Lei Zhu said: "What scares me more is not how strong he is at this time, but his growth speed. You and I are at his age, and are still domineering under the protection of our parents, but he has become everyone can rely on."

"Perhaps that's why he is so strong, and the blessings and misfortunes can be overcome, and the blessings of disasters can be relied on." Yaozu smiled slightly, and said: "This is the heart of time and space."

"I don't get involved." Master Lei looked at Yao Zu: "What about you?"

"He should need it more than we do." Yaozu smiled.


A terrifying aura erupted, and the Myriad Dao Vase in Fengdu's hand was exploded by Lin Fan, and those blasted rules were like heavenly knives backlashing back at Fengdu, cutting his whole body into pieces. After rushing over, crushing those fragments and soul power, all Feng died.

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