Twin martial arts

Chapter 2368 Ren Aoxiang

"Playing with the way of thunder in front of me? I am your ancestor!"

Lin Fan roared.

The killing gods that crowded the sky, he didn't need to pay attention to them at this time, the third body had already charged away, attacking and killing like many killing gods.


This rebuke was not from Ren Aoxiang, but from Yaozun, who had almost finished building the altar, with a sneer and ridicule: "Ren Daoist, Lei Jue and Dao Jue, talk about the Dao of Thunder in front of him, You are playing with an ax at the door of the class, and you are humiliating yourself."

"is it?"

Lin Fan's ruthless eyes glanced over: "All the wars and catastrophes today are caused by your selfishness, and you should be punished."

"You are doomed. You are doomed not to see the sun of tomorrow. The moment you build this altar, you are doomed." Yao Zun grinned.

Of course, the color of hatred in the eyes flickered, like a blade gouging out human flesh, which made people hurt.

If it wasn't for the spirit forgiveness card being taken away, it wouldn't be such a troublesome thing at all, but Yu Lord died in an instant, at least in his opinion.

If Yuzhu dies, the so-called Lin Fan, Lin Long, etc., will be chickens and dogs in front of Gu Chenyuan.

"Forget it, it's just an ant, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Lin Fan spoke calmly, this was not a posturing.

Instead, he despised the Yao Zun from the bottom of his heart.

This made Yao Zun furious: "Brother Ren, kill this Lin Fan with the way of thunder, and I am willing to be your exclusive alchemist for 300 years!"

He is too mean.

Lin Fan raves about the way of thunder, so he will let Lin Fan die tragically under the thunder!

Ren Aoxiang laughed wildly: "There are millions of ways to kill these two little ants, but since fellow Taoists have something to ask for, it will be as you wish."

The purple-black thundercloud that originally enveloped the sky where Lin Long stood suddenly expanded thirty thousand times, covering Lin Fan within the range of the thunderbolt.

Moreover, at this time, all kinds of thunderbolts, such as spears and killing guns, nailed down on Lin Fan in unison; the thunder was like rain, and the rules were like the sea, trying to drown Lin Fan to death.

"Little Doyle."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and at this moment, the thunder scepter in his hand appeared, he walked through the sea of ​​thunder with the scepter, from time to time, the scepter shot out streaks of unfathomable regular divine light, directly intruding into the sea of ​​thunder and the thunder cloud.


Those Thunder Spears and Killing Guns that were crucified towards Lin Fan unexpectedly rolled back towards Ren Aoxiang on the proud Thunder Cloud in an instant.

It was too abrupt, no one could think that his ultimate move would be used by the enemy in the end, and it would turn against him.

A purple-black Thunder Spear pierced through Ren Aoxiang's shoulder blades, and another mass of guns pierced through to kill his head.


Ren Aoxiang was roaring and roaring, his eyes were bloodshot!

What's going on, it's useless to study it carefully, there can only be one result, that is, what Lin Fan said is true, on the way of Thunder, he is really far behind, at least tens of thousands of miles, compared with Lin Fan, he is, Like a firefly and a bright moon.

Lin Fan jumped up at this time, like a dragon jumping nine days, and the scepter in his hand instantly became like a jade pillar holding up the sky. With his arms around him, he just rolled down towards Ren Aoxiang's sky cap, trying to crush him to death.


It has to be said that Ren Aoxiang did have a great ability, and retreated away immediately, but Lin Fan refused to give up, and the scepter that was nailed down turned into a sweep, just like a mountain slapping a mosquito, flying it into the air Many stars were shattered, Lin Fan continued to kill.

"Think you can kill me like this? You can't!" Ren Aoxiang roared, his body turned into a blur in an instant, and the scepter that swept across his body passed through his body, but Lin Fan clearly felt that his The attack seemed to be swept in the void, and Ren Aoxiang was never injured at all.

Not to mention anything else, just that he was able to sustain almost [-] moves under the joint attack of Lin Fan and Lin Long, which is enough to be proud.

Of course, this is also the reason why Lin Fan and Lin Long didn't really risk everything to kill them.

It was a melee.

Moreover, in Lin Fan's view, the most critical and main battlefield is between Yuzhu and Guchen.

He has to be ready at any time to help Yuzhu, just because this guy has offended too many people, and he wants to maintain a state of prosperity.

But when a fragment of streamer flew from the depths of the universe, and Lin Fan captured the scene on it, Lin Fan smiled happily.

Yuzhu stepped on the old immortal with a big foot, suppressing him to bend down, and Yuzhu's great sword cut Gu Chenyuan horizontally, making Gu Chenyuan howl and growl, but he couldn't rescue the temporary comrades in arms.

This made him feel relieved, and he could do his best to suppress Ren Aoxiang.

"Look, this is the way of thunder!"

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and a thunder pool flew out from his sky cap. It was majestic and majestic, full of mystery. Just looking at it made people feel awe, like seeing a god.

Ren Aoxiang's pupils shrank, because at this moment, the thunder pool tilted, and an endless ocean of thunder rushed out from one corner of it, just like the thunder pool that was only a few feet away contained all the thunder from the sky.

He swung the Emperor Sword, and cut out a gully in the void in front of him, diverting the sea of ​​thunder that was leaning toward him into the void.


Lin Fan snorted coldly, the inexplicable law was running, the emperor sword that was split into the void clanged, Ren Aoxiang roared, his hands tightly clenched the emperor sword, his pupils were full of inconceivable.


But at this moment, he was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder that washed over him, and he let out a piercing scream in the sea of ​​thunder. Of course, it was impossible to kill a powerful master of the master level. He rose into the sky, but There are scorched blisters all over the body, and the seven orifices are spraying green smoke, and the hairs are standing on end.

This made him feel incomparably humiliated. He has two unique skills, which are known all over the world. Thunder is the first unique skill, and it is the best in the world on the other side. He originally wanted to use this way to suppress and kill Lin Fan.

In the end, he was killed by Lin Fan with the same rules, and he was so embarrassed. At this moment, he could spit out blazing electric wires, it was too miserable.

"Lin Fan, stop now, just wrap these ants around and wait for the deity to kill them."

At this time, in the depths of the universe, Yuzhu's roar unexpectedly came.

Lin Fan frowned: "I don't care about the others, but this Ren Aoxiang, I can't keep him, I have to cut him off with my own hands."

"You have to believe that the so-called targeting you is just a joke. In fact, it's all because of me." Yuzhu said the most fundamental reason.

The so-called beheading of Lin Fan by Ren Aoxiang was only because of personal enmity. This is a joke. The fundamental purpose is to stop Lin Fan and reduce Yuzhu's help so that others can work together to surround and kill Yuzhu.

The two of them were discussing in the air, which should make Ren Aoxiang and the others even more indifferent!

Not to mention their identities in the other world, most of them are the ancestors of a clan or powerful people who have been famous for thousands of years, it's just their realm, who would dare to despise them so much?

But at this moment, there are two people who are so powerful, treating them as ants, and talking casually about whose hands they are going to die.

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