Twin martial arts

Chapter 2369 The Legendary Bell

What do you take them for?

Pigs and dogs that can be killed at will?

It's unbearable to be scrambling to get it!


Ren Aoxiang made a move, the Emperor Sword in his hand was slashing, and the sword intent turned into a bright dragon, crushing the void until it buzzed.

He didn't want to say any more words.

Under such circumstances, Lin Fan had to be killed quickly, otherwise that shame would really follow his life trajectory, and it would never be possible to wash away.

The sword intent dragon is tearing up the world, everything is being destroyed, even the chaos is broken.

Lin Fan moved [-] feet horizontally in an instant, and it can be seen that time and space were disordered during his travels, and that was because of the extremely fast speed.

Dodging Ren Aoxiang's killing blow under hatred, Lin Fan retreated to the distance, his eyes sparkled. At first, he was scruples, fearing that the sleeping old immortal would make a sudden attack, and let Yuzhu, who was already powerful against the three emperors, make a sudden attack. Robbed.

But now, he sensed that in the world on the other side, the heroes who had waited and watched with killing intent, all died down after seeing Yuzhu forcefully suppressing the two emperors, and he made sure that at least in a short period of time, no one would make a move , therefore, he wants to kill.

For such a long time, I have discussed with Yuzhu from time to time, and occasionally exchanged ideas with each other. It is not only Yuzhu who has improved.

"Ning the rivers and rivers with one sword, turning the sun, the moon, and thousands of mountains."

Ren Aoxiang roared angrily, Lin Fan dodged the sure-kill sword, making his murderous intent even stronger!

This junior who once boasted that he would behead him before leaving this world, unexpectedly let his blood splash the starry sky three times during this battle.

It's really unbearable.

He drank the sword formula, and in this boundless void, magnificent mountains and rivers suddenly appeared. In the Emperor Sword.

Accompanied by his sword slashing, the world is born and the world is destroyed, the magnificent and magnificent mountains and rivers, etc., reshape the chaos, and in that chaos, Ren Aoxiang is like the lord who opened the sky, cutting the clear and turbid Qi with one sword, and the turbidity. The Qi rises and turns into the starry sky of the universe, the sun and the crescent moon, and the clear Qi turns into billions of miles of rivers and mountains, and he stands proudly in this sword, like a god king.

This sword is really too terrifying, after this sword is cut out, even if Lord Hong and Master Zhou were fighting with the old bastard, they deliberately avoided the battlefield for fear of being affected.

"Turn into nothingness so close at hand."

Lin Fan murmured, he moved his fingers forward lightly, and a whole space rumbled towards him. In front of him, thousands of big stars traveled across, with thousands of rules and thousands of strands of order. In fact, They are all manifestations of time and space.

But the so-called big star crossing, rules and ten thousand ways, etc., collapsed in an instant, creating a vacuum of absolute nothingness, and even ten thousand ways could not appear within three thousand feet in front of him. was expelled.

Ren Aoxiang's sword was really terrifying, it could definitely kill a big world, but when it cut to the range in front of Lin Fan, it was like a burning bonfire suddenly being rushed by a river, and it went out just like that.

Ren Aoxiang's expression changed!

This is the big killer move he created in the silent years. With that kind of self-confidence, he can kill all enemies in the same situation. It proved that this sword is indeed too powerful.

But in the end, it didn't play the slightest role in front of the emperor in front of him.

"One sword can conquer all souls, and cut ten gods and demons!"

Ren Aoxiang roared again, countless rays of light fell from his emperor sword, cut through the void, and connected to the world on the other side, snatching the vitality of all souls and transforming the world into a sword, using it to kill gods and demons.


"Ren Aoxiang, are you begging to die!"

In the world on the other side, there is more than one place that roars like this!

Just because the rays of light coming from the Emperor Sword, no matter how strong or weak, would deprive him of a ray of vitality, so he angered many powerful people and roared angrily.

There are also some weak monsters, etc., who were deprived of their lives in an instant, and could only become a gleam of light under their killing sword.

"Ren Aoxiang, this move hurts the peace of heaven, you should die."

The god lord roared, and he stepped into the sea of ​​stars in the universe in one step, his eyes burning like fire.

He is a servant of God, sympathetic to all spirits in the world, this vicious move of Ren Hiaoxiang really angered him.


Ren Aoxiang roared angrily, he seemed to ignore the anger of the servant of God, and directly slashed at Lin Fan with his sword.

Lin Fan's expression changed!

This sword is really too ruthless and poisonous. It comes with one sword, and there is the anger and hatred of all spirits. It is the result of being deprived of life by Ren Aoxiang. As the chief culprit, he is being tortured at this time, and he is going to be taken to hell with him.

"Cut cause and effect!"

Lin Fan roared loudly, and stretched his big hand into the void, as if he had captured ten thousand ways, found the cause and effect, and wanted to forcefully cut off all the cause and effect lines to get rid of this ultimate move.

Even if he moved fast enough, even if his slashing karma was strong enough, he was still robbed, his soul shrank a lot in an instant, the sea of ​​souls dried up for thousands of meters, and the source of life was affected.

This was too terrifying. It was impossible to see any injuries from the outside, but it hurt his very core. In an instant, Lin Fan seemed to have aged hundreds of years, and his hair had turned a little white.

This made Lin Fan frowned.

People like Ren Aoxiang really shouldn't be underestimated, otherwise they will suffer a lot. Of course, this trick is almost impossible to solve. If he didn't cut off the cause and effect in a hurry, he would definitely be destroyed. Under this sword.

"Envoy of God, go aside."

Lin Fan opened his mouth.

The envoy's eyes were cold: "He committed a big taboo, he should be punished."

"I'll do it." Lin Fan was cold, and at this time, he swallowed a treasure pill for himself, which instantly made up for the deprived source of life and the lost life, and those white hairs fell off, crushed the void.

At the moment when the sword slashed, Lin Fan really felt the great fear of death. This feeling has not appeared for a long time. How can he bear it?

"Shenzhen Bell!"

Lin Fan roared, and the god-suppressing bell that was suppressing it flew up, gushing out endless chaotic energy, and flowing crystal light. On the clock wall, all spirits roared, and if they sensed Lin Fan's anger, they wanted to suppress and kill them together. archenemy.

"Think you're the only one with a heavy weapon?"

Ren Aoxiang roared angrily, a big bell came out of his sky cap, but it was very broken, and there was dirty blood flowing, I don't know where the dirty blood came from, and it was only half.

When the bell came out, the gods and demons wailed, the heaven and the earth shook, the void was crushed and the sky was crushed, and there were three thousand imprints of the Dao around it!

"You actually got this bell!" The envoys frowned.

It is well known in the world that when Ren Aoxiang was defeated, he did not really give up. Instead, he went to a certain Jedi to ask for a bell that only appeared in legends, which was treated as a joke by the world. I thought it would happen today.

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