Twin martial arts

Chapter 2367 Battle

Yuzhu is transcendent and tyrannical, he holds Yuzhu's great sword to attack and kill Gu Chenyuan, the two fight fiercely, and the fight enters the depths of the universe. Only when those streamer fragments fly out of nothingness, people can know from it Bits and pieces about this battle.

"Are you regretting your wild words?"

Da Neng opened his mouth, very cold and gloomy, and he approached Lin Fan, the Emperor Sword in his hand was too terrifying, but the overflowing sword intent easily pierced through big stars one by one.

"You think highly of yourself."

Lin Fan stepped forward, and on the way, he sacrificed the god-suppressing bell and blasted Yaozun who was building the altar in a hurry.


The emperor's sword slashed and slashed, deflecting the god-suppressing bell, and smashing the sky and the earth.

At this time, this god-suppressing bell is comparable to the top imperial weapons, because the materials he uses are too sophisticated, far beyond the ordinary, even Ren Aoxiang, the de facto master of the wasteland at this time, frowns.

With a full blow of his sword, he could only slash the deflected trajectory of the clock, but not shatter it directly. This is too surprising. At his level, ordinary imperial weapons can be crushed easily.

"This clock is very good, an excellent weapon for attacking and killing, and this emperor accepts it with a smile."

He twisted his sword and came here with a murderous aura, and just a fighting spirit was enough to shake the nine heavens and capture the nine seclusions.

Moreover, he glanced at Yao Zun: "You can do whatever you want, the emperor is here, no one can interfere."

"You are too proud." Lin Fan opened his mouth, blood filled the air, and the might of the Heavenly Emperor was overwhelming, making those emperors who were unfortunately involved in this battle tremble, and it was difficult to bear this coercion.

Needless to say, the two began to charge, Lin Fan's fists were unparalleled, and his fighting spirit was surging. Yu and Zhou's fists waved, as if pouring the power of the world to kill the enemy, Ren Aoxiang's sword was cold, and every sword could Easily tear apart the sea of ​​stars and destroy many large stars.

The fight between the two was too fierce.

"You can't. When this emperor ruled the roost, you were still hiding in the world of heaven and man drinking milk. Today, I will kill you thoroughly!"

Fighting with three thousand moves, Lin Fan was forced back by a single sword, and the true dragon with sword intent was terrifying.

"Heh, even if Lin Fan has a big enmity with this deity, he is still a person from the same world, how can you humiliate him lightly?"

Lin Long made a move, he walked like a dragon, took one step, and the stars moved. One arm turned into a dragon claw covering Tianyu, and smashed directly at Ren Aoxiang.

"You two can't do it together, let's kill it thoroughly and simply today!"

It has to be said that Ren Aoxiang is really strong, fighting against Lin Fan and Lin Long independently, although it seems dangerous, but in fact, there are offenses and defenses.


Of course, Ren Aoxiang was robbed in the end. When Lin Fan was holding Tianzhu to block his imperial sword, Lin Longlong punched his chest. In the world on the other side, waves swept across the sky in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Ren Aoxiang's words were too cold, the murderous intent made the eternal sun dim for a moment.

His chest was sunken, and there was a dragon-shaped trajectory imprinted on his chest cavity, through his armor, bright red blood dripped out.

"You will pay the price."

He opened his mouth, and the emperor's sword cut through, and the pitch-black universe was torn open, and one figure after another came out of the cracks, like eternal luminous bodies, illuminating the pitch-black universe brightly, with all kinds of divine light shining everywhere.

It was a prehistoric creature wearing ancient armor, with a firm face, like a god of death coming to the world.

This is horrifying, and I don't know how many old immortals who are on the sidelines are trembling.

"This is the coming of the god of death."

No one was unmoved, and everyone who knew this emperor-level secret technique was screaming.

This used to be Ren Aoxiang's ultimate move to gallop the world. I don't know how many creatures of the dominance level drank their hatred under it and gained a great reputation.

There is no doubt that this kind of secret technique is extremely powerful. Even Lin Fan has a serious and solemn expression at this time, and two terrifying beams shot out from between his eyebrows and pierced the sky. Inside, all kinds of panic-stricken The runes shine.

"Like a real living body!"

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and under the eyes of the runes, those figures walking out of the cracks were flesh and blood, and the seemingly decayed bodies possessed the power to move mountains and fill seas.


Ren Aoxiang yelled angrily, the densely packed prehistoric creatures that crowded the sky received the order, and shot at the same time, shooting out blood-red runes all over the sky, as if alive, spreading rapidly, spreading everywhere, everything becomes empty, no matter it is time and space Or the stars, etc., all became nothingness, never to be seen again, and then turned into a blood-colored ocean, and with a bang, Lin Long was thrown out.

"The doomsday for the two of you has come, and your lives will end at this time." Ren Aoxiang said.

Lin Fan flew upside down, this was an intentional retreat, the bloody sea was overwhelming, there was no need to hold on, of course, the most important thing was that he had to see clearly the reality of this emperor-level secret technique.

Suddenly he sneered, and he knew that the so-called "like life" was just an appearance. In fact, these ancient creatures were the remnants of at least a million years of death. Dig it out, refine it into a puppet or a ghost soldier.

The One Yuan Heavenly Art was activated at the first time, a long rolling river traversed the heaven and earth, and even cut off the sweeping blood river in an instant, causing it to wind back.

"Ren Aoxiang is strong enough, but Lin Fan is not bad. He is at his peak after using this skill. Strictly speaking, it is still unknown who will win the battle."

There are whispers of old immortals, and his very pertinent comments.

"Hehe, it's just a joke. That's the god of death. Even if the deity is facing each other at this time, he can't get rid of it without paying a big price. What is he, Lin Fan?" Of course, some people sneered.

"Let's see, maybe this Heavenly Emperor from outside the region can give you and me a surprise."

The old man who spoke first smiled, obviously disdaining the verbal dispute, and wanted to wait for the end of the battle.

"God hide!"

Lin Fan roared under the starry sky. At his current state, he has a deeper understanding of the One Yuan Heavenly Art. Not only can he let the third body fight and fight independently, but he can also transfer the big killing moves he knows to the third body.

At this time, the three Dao Bodies and him jointly used the Divine Treasure, and hundreds of millions of divine soldiers were shining like gold, just like the beams of light from the scorching sun, and raindrops are not enough to describe its density.

The killing gods that came out of the crack were wiped out one by one.


The cooperation between Lin Long and Lin Fan was unparalleled in the world. When Lin Fan killed many killing gods, Lin Long turned into a dragon and left, with a golden dragon claw blocking the big crack.

"Open it for me!"

Ren Aoxiang was roaring like the sky was falling.

His whole body was burning with blazing flames, and his eyes were about to burst. This was his ultimate move. Generally speaking, after using this move, he would sweep everything away, but he was blocked today.


A violent thunder fell from the sky, slashing towards Lin Long, intending to blast him to pieces.

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