Twin martial arts

Chapter 2366 Chaos

"Lin Fan?"

Second Master Yu spoke, and suddenly his pupils constricted.

Lin Fan spread his hands and took a step forward: "I'm very sorry, I was lucky enough to see through your plan."

Erye Yu suddenly remembered that that day he saw Lin Fan, accompanied by Yuzhu, going to Yuhou's residence, and at that time Yuzhu's seemingly inadvertent words and Lin Fan's self-deprecating wry smile.

An involuntary panic in my heart.

"Hmph, so what if it's Lin Fan? So what if you see through it?"

Yao Zun spoke at this time, with a sense of arrogance, and said: "This venerable master has all-powerful means, how can ordinary people be able to save him? The strange poison buried is hard to be detoxified by medicine stones, and hard to save by gods. Even if you see through it, so what? Watching your in-laws die."

"Skillful?" Lin Fan laughed, sneering: "Since you are powerful, why do you only have a mutilated head? You don't even see the emperor's body?"

When this sentence appeared, people such as Hong Zhu laughed, because this sentence was too embarrassing.

Yao Zun was almost blown out of anger, and pus and blood gushed out of the scars caused by the Heavenly Knife.

"Don't get excited, otherwise your lifespan will be shortened sharply." Lin Fan told solemnly.

"Lin Fan, Yuzhu, you all should be suppressed and killed, and you will be completely killed today!" Yao Zun roared, furious, and his cold eyes swept over Lin Long.

The eyes are too complicated, there are unwillingness and admiration, etc.

"Hehe, even if this deity is defeated in the hands of the Little Dragon King, so what?" Yao Zun continued, "Who can be undefeated in the whole world after searching all over the world?"

Lin Fan didn't speak, Yao Zun sneered: "Even if he is defeated by the Little Dragon King, this deity can still be called the second most respected alchemy world in the world, even in your world, the whole world is only temporarily succumbed to the Little Dragon King .”

At this time, Lin Long rubbed his nose, sighed, and looked at Yao Zun with pity: "I'm sorry, but in our world, I had more than one or two discussions with Lin Fan on alchemy. The fiasco, of course, is the reason why I have a big enmity with him."

Yao Zun's sinister smile froze on his face.

The rest of the eyes were also fixed on his face.

How to comment on this?

Many people thought that if they met Yao Zun's situation at this time, maybe they really had to give their soul a slap and send themselves to die, otherwise this kind of embarrassment could really suffocate themselves to death.

Most of all, it's too embarrassing.

Just now, he said wildly that he searched the two worlds all over the world, he can be said to be the second in respect of alchemy, and he ridiculed and despised Lin Fan.

As a result, the enemy who had just tortured him was not as frank as the object of his ridicule and contempt.


Yao Zun was screaming wildly, and there was a demonic energy lingering on that head.

This turned out to be a sign of demonization after reaching the extreme.

"You are too easily agitated and angry. This is really bad. You must know that there is no one to replace you when you get angry and get sick." Lin Fan's expression was serious, as if comforting an old friend.


As a result, Yao Zun couldn't take it anymore, a head suddenly became as big as a star, and with one bite, it was like Lin Fan gnawed, chewing up the stars, devouring the starry sky, and he truly evolved into a black hole.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, he took a step forward, and swung the sky in his hand.

Yao Zun wanted to kill him, so why didn't he want to kill this tease?


At this moment, Gu Chenyuan snorted coldly and made a move. He covered the sky with one big hand, condensed into thousands of sacred mountains and hung down in his palm, preventing Lin Fanzhutian from killing.

"You have been tricked. Even in prehistoric times, there are not many people who can solve your tricks, let alone Lin Fan? He expects you to charge and kill you, so that he can kill you cheaply. solve the crisis at its root.”

Gu Chenyuan spoke calmly, and his voice was full of convincing magic.

"Good trick! I really almost got caught." Yao Zun said.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He always felt that no one would believe the truth in this world, only routines won people's hearts.

"What about those sleeping old friends who were once suppressed by Yu Wudi? Don't you want to collect debts?"

Gu Chenyuan roared, and when he roared, the mountains and rivers were moved. In the world on the other side, countless famous mountains and rivers exploded, and bunches of terrifying eyes came to visit Tianyu.

Obviously, although he thinks that Lin Fan's claim that he has solved Yuzhu's future troubles is a scheme, he is still very cautious. Immortal.

This made Lin Fan roll his eyes.

This Yuzhu is too capable of causing trouble, and there are so many big enemies!

Of course, although those famous mountains and rivers exploded, not many were actually born, and most of them were in a wait-and-see attitude.

At this time, fighting and fighting have already begun in the world on the other side.

It has to be said that these subordinates who Gu Chenyuan resurrected with strange means are really terrifying. Only by smashing them into pieces and smashing their soul fire can they be regarded as real destruction.

Ordinary attacks and kills are useless to them. Even if you cut off his head, the headless body can still wield broken warriors to kill people.

"Hey, I have to make a move."

At this moment, the big thing that almost occupied the barren area spoke up, and he raised his sword and pushed forward: "It's just because Lin Fan once boasted that he regarded me as a mountain that must be climbed. I don't like to leave future troubles, so take this opportunity Cut it off."

"Hehe, since the old man has woken up from his deep sleep, he should collect debts and suppress all enemies."

Another old immortal opened his mouth. His body was so decayed that it made people sick. There was a terrifying sword mark on his body. I don’t know how many thousand years have passed, but the terrifying sword intent is still entwined. Destroy his vitality, etc.

"It's just a defeated general." Yuzhu sneered.

"What about the deity?"

At this moment, in the world on the other side, a spiritual mountain closest to the sacred mountain exploded, and a blue hall flew over.

"You are not dead?"

Yuzhu was very calm, but when this person appeared, Yuzhu burst out with even stronger anger and murderous intent than when he knew that Gu Chenyuan was not dead!

Lin Fan frowned.

Because, this person must be very strong, and the cyan hall itself is an incredible magic weapon, with surging aura and waves of divine light, the scene is extremely astonishing.

"The villains are not dead, how dare I die?"

Such cold words came from this hall.


Even Lin Fan was surprised!

With this kind of words, could it be that the people in the hall are Yuzhu's masters?

That would be unbelievable. It would be scary.

"Old whore! You are still alive? Take your life today!"

At this moment, Master Hong roared, and he was the first to do it, with a terrifying sledgehammer heading towards the hall!

"he's mine!"

The Lord of the Universe screamed fiercely and rushed to the main hall!

"Kill! Kill quickly and thoroughly!"

Gu Chenyuan roared, Zhou Zhu and Hong Zhu's sudden attack suddenly broke the delicate atmosphere, the murderous intent suddenly raged, and the scuffle began.

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