Twin martial arts

Chapter 2365 The Enemy Meets

"Is he Gu Chenyuan?"

Lin Fan clicked his tongue!

He and Yuzhu have been in the same place for a long time during this period, of course they know about Yuzhu's past and past.

Knowing this Gu Chenyuan, he was once Yuzhu's most feared opponent.

He has suffered more than one defeat in his hands, and the legions that used to be tens of millions were directly killed by Gu Chenyuan to the point of collapse, which almost made him collapse!

In the end, Yuzhu broke through in desperation and reversed the situation in one fell swoop.

Of course, even so, Yuzhu paid a big price, his younger brother was executed, and many old brothers who had followed him for thousands of years died.

And Empress Yu has been silent for thousands of years and has never appeared in front of people, which is also the handwriting of this ancient dust.

Yuzhu was too fast, when he yelled that name, the lingering sound didn't even stop, he had already blasted into Xingyu with his fists.


The sky is collapsing and the earth is sinking, the devil is crying and the gods are regretting, it seems that the sky is about to collapse.

Anyone who knows the past tens of thousands of years ago knows that something big will definitely happen today.

Gu Chenyuan, who was once known as the strongest of the four masters, was blasted into the Shifang Prison by Yuzhu in the battle ten thousand years ago, but he did not die!

This is the continuation of the old events and grievances from ten thousand years ago!

"Tsk tsk."

Gu Chenyuan laughed: "Bahuang Invincible Fist is still so familiar"

He dragged on for a long time, and finally added: "Of course, it's still that useless."

He was very mocking and contemptuous, even if Yuzhu's punch was enough to shatter nine heavens, he was still so light.

Yuzhu's real body rushed to him, and nine dragon-shaped air columns revolved around it. In the dragon-shaped air column, Yuzhu's eyes were gloomy, and his murderous intent was indescribable.

"For 1 years, this deity doesn't want to kill you all the time." Yuzhu said, so cold that the big stars were cracked: "Yilian"

His words were low.

"Hehe." Gu Chenyuan sneered: "If it wasn't for that woman's meddling, this Yuyu would have been ruled by this emperor long ago."

This is exposing Yuzhu's scars.

Especially for some old immortals who have lived for a long time, it is impossible to hide this kind of past events.

Everyone in the world knows why the Lord Yu has remained silent for thousands of years and never competed with others. The main reason is that the previous battle had too much influence on him. Leave.

"Today I will kill you cleanly, and all the past will be wiped out."

Yuzhu was not affected.

For thousands of years, the reason why he was sad and angry was nothing more than the fact that he didn't have the real skill to kill Gu Chenyuan back then, but just drove him into a desperate situation, and his beloved - Yi Lian was severely injured and hard to heal.

But today, all the shortcomings seem to be able to make up for it.

"This emperor also wants to write off the past."

Gu Chenyuan's eyes also showed deep-seated hatred.

Once upon a time, he was high-spirited, and in the entire world on the other side, only a divine envoy could stabilize his head.

Moreover, if you really beat your peers all over the world, who hasn't been chased and killed by him for thirty thousand miles among the so-called four masters in the world?

Scolding Fang Qiu, I don't know how many days of beautiful girls have fallen in love with him.

But now?

He is half human and half ghost, and he can't even maintain his real body. What kind of hatred is this?

"Come on, let's fight."

Yuzhu stepped forward, like a heavenly emperor traveling, Yuzhu's great sword came from the other side, clanging, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Gu Chenyuan, exuding a bloodthirsty killing intent.

Obviously, Emperor Sword has a spirit, knowing that the former enemy has reappeared, and can't wait to make a big kill.

"Don't worry, since you showed up today, let's solve it completely today."

Gu Chenyuan grinned grimly, and his hands pierced through the void, emitting streaks of ghostly light.

In the world on the other side, many large cracks suddenly exploded in many no-man's lands, strange and penetrating auras were set off, people neighed and horses screamed, and battle armor clanged.

Half-rotted soldiers and generals walked out of the huge cracks, with yellow, foul-smelling and viscous corpse water on their bodies!

They appeared, and at last a terrible legion, with their half-mortal banners unfurled!

That was once the banner of Gu Chenyuan.

"This is your former legion!"

Master Yu's pupils shrank sharply!

Including Lord Hong and others are all horrifying!

It should be known that Gu Chenyuan's army once ruled the other side, and no one under his command can match it.

Even if Gu Chenyuan was thrown into the Shifang prison, these legions still caused great trauma to Yuzhu's subordinates, and many famous generals all died tragically in the ensuing chaos.

"Hehe, surprise? Ten thousand years, who knows how much I have spent and how many foreshadowings have been planted?"

With a hint of pride, Gu Chenyuan blinked mischievously: "There is a bigger surprise, which you may not expect."

Yuzhu was silent.

He is 100% sure that the so-called surprise that Gu Chenyuan joked about must be his own brother.

Master Yu appeared.

At the beginning, he had complicated emotions such as anxiety and guilt, but when he really walked up to Gu Chenyuan and stood still, all the complicated emotions turned into coldness and ferocity.

"Why?" Yuzhu only whispered this sentence, which seemed to be a question, but also a sigh.

"I ask myself that I am not mean to you. You are in charge of the entire universe. For ten thousand years, I have rarely interfered in the past, which is equivalent to delegating power." Yuzhu spoke, as if he was unwilling, he really wanted to understand what was going on.

"Decentralization?" Second Master Yu's face was grim: "Indeed, I have been in charge of Yu Yuyu for thousands of years, but who knows me? Who listens to me? They respect Yu Lord, not Yu Erye, Yu Qianshan, but you Yu Wudi! "

"Understood." Yuzhu nodded.

"No, you don't understand!" Second Master Yu's face was ferocious, with hysterical anger: "I have been your shadow since I was a child, and the world only knows that there is a Yu Wudi from the Yu clan, but who knows that Yu Qianshan, Yu Fanhai?"

Yuzhu nodded, not even saying a word.

"Are you calm?" Yuzhu is very calm, but Gu Chenyuan is not calm, waiting with anger: "This is your brother, why are you so calm? He betrayed you, why are you not angry, why are you angry?" Are you not manic? I just want to make you lose your temper, make you lonely, make you"

"You can't do it." Yuzhu's expression was very calm.

In fact, he knew in his heart that if Lin Fan hadn't told him everything in advance, when he encountered this situation, he would really lose his sense of normalcy as Gu Chenyuan said, and he would definitely be in a mess.

But now that he knew everything, he was not so angry.

"Hehe, I really want to know if you can maintain such calm when hearing your beloved die tragically." Gu Chenyuan grinned.

"You can't do it." Yuzhu shook his head, and said with pity: "I was really almost fooled, I really believed in him, and even wanted to pass on the position of Yuzhu to him when he grew up to my level, but Fortunately, God favors kind people, so I found a good family."

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