Twin martial arts

Chapter 2364 Ancient Chen Fate

How could he endure today's humiliation?

Even if Lao Gu gave up his safety, he was cut off to save his life.

But so what?

He is completely useless.

Diguo was half destroyed, and from now on, there was only a shriveled head, and the body could no longer be repaired; even gathering the most heaven-defying group of alchemists in the world could not help him heal.

What joy is there for the rest of my life?

"Why do you need to create extra branches."

Lao Gu sighed, staring at Lin Long with Ling Ran's arrogance, and said: "I think there is a better way to deal with him."

The eyes of Yao Zun's remaining head showed deep hatred.

"Your name is Little Dragon King?"

Lao Gu ignored Yao Zun, but looked down at Lin Fan, speaking and asking.

"It's my seat." Lin Long replied, neither humble nor overbearing.

But in fact, he is ready to kill at any time.

"This name is not very good. From now on, you will be called Gu Servant, and you will be the Emperor's servant." Old Gu actually spoke like this, aloof.

Moreover, his tone is like a generous reward from the king, full of a kind of charity, and has awe-inspiring majesty, making people kneel down and surrender at his feet.

Lin Long's eyes were cold.

"Hmph, don't know what's good or bad. You should know that as my servant, you can rule the world, and no one dares to make things difficult for you." Old Gu said, his eyes were extremely cold. Have you ever been satisfied with the disposal method?"

He actually took Lin Long as a servant as a fact, because others asked that this method of disposal was feasible.

What kind of indifference is this?

"Tsk tsk." Lin Long smiled ferociously and cruelly: "A person who is only a ruler at that level, how dare he speak so brazenly?"

"A mere master?" Lao Gu smiled strangely.

In fact, not only Lao Gu, but also Hong Zhu and Zhou Zhu, all had a little strange look in their eyes.

Searching all over the world, no one dares to underestimate creatures like them.

"Otherwise? Very strong?" Lin Long said lightly: "People who are in the same situation as me must have never killed a ruler."

These light and fluffy words made everyone change color.

They suddenly remembered that a major event that shocked the world happened not long ago - the desolate master was slaughtered.

Old Gu's eyes narrowed slightly: "How can that kind of trash compare to me?"

He seemed to want to mention some past events, but in the end he smiled indifferently. He shook his head: "Forget it, I will kill you first. The servants that the Emperor wants to accept have never failed."


Yao Zun spoke, with a cruel smile.

The old and illusory figure seemed to frown, and turned his head slightly to look: "What's the matter?"

"Jie Jie." Yao Zun laughed, he had only one head, and now his blood-stained faces are all tangled together, making it even more terrifying: "If you take him as a servant, don't blame the deity for waving his hands at a critical moment."

"Are you threatening the Emperor?"

Lao Gu raised his tone, and at least ten thousand hectares of space suddenly collapsed, and all the stars and so on were turned into dust.

"You can be regarded as a threat." Yao Zun dismissed it, and said: "I am neither human nor ghost, I am more straightforward than you, it is the same whether I live or not."

He really put life and death aside.

"Old brother, what are you talking about?" Old Gu frowned and smiled, "I want to take him in as a servant, isn't it also to make you angry?"

Yao Zun's eyes were even more mocking.

"Okay, I'm going to kill him now."

Old Gu opened his mouth, and at this time, his illusory figure was even more illusory, as if he had merged into the cosmic wind, and there was nowhere to follow.


Suddenly, Lin Long turned into a ferocious dragon with one arm, cutting across the void, and the sonorous sound came from the mouth of the dragon.

The dragon's teeth were severed, and the emperor's sword, which was no more than three feet long, shone with a deep cold light.

Lao Gu actually said to do it right away, without staying even for a moment.

Fortunately, Lin Long had already made preparations, otherwise he really didn't know what would happen.

And right after the official battle, in Yuzhu Palace——

"It's scary." Yuzhu said.

Lin Long nodded: "If it's not scary, how can you be tricked without knowing it? How can you let the life of a master like you hang by a thread?"

Yuzhu smiled wryly.

The pool that was originally pitch-black, but then became as clear as a spring, turned pitch-black again, and the blackness was even more terrifying, like an abyss that kept turning, with ferocious ghosts constantly overflowing from the pool, just like a real person. The ghost heads rushed out one by one, but they were intercepted by the golden electric grid, making ear-piercing howls.

Just like the golden power grid laid down by Lin Fan, it blocks the so-called ghost gate.

"At war." Lin Fan frowned.

"Do you want me to come forward?" Yuzhu asked, with a stern look in his eyes.

At this time, all his worries were gone, and his cultivation level had risen slightly, and he really wanted to fight a battle.

Of course, this is the result of Lin Fan using all kinds of great techniques to refine Yuzhu himself as a treasure pill at any cost.

"I'll take a look first."

When Lin Fan opened his mouth, he turned into a golden light and covered his figure with the lightning martial soul. Even Master Zhou and the others could only feel someone approaching in a trance, but they couldn't detect it at all.

Of course, this is the result of Lin Fan hiding his aura. If he has murderous intent and killing intent, which is stronger than Lord Zhou, he will definitely be able to perceive it.

At this time, Lin Long was fighting Lao Gu for life and death.

It's a terrifying battlefield, the rules are boiling, and the chain of order is everywhere.

Moreover, Lin Long's body was stained with blood, and there were scars cut by the emperor's sword everywhere, which was very hideous.

Lao Gu is really too strong. Although half of his body is illusory, and he can't even find his true face, but when he fights, he gives Lin Fan an extremely terrifying deterrent force, which is actually more pressure than the Desolate Lord brought him.

This made Lin Fan frown!

When did such a powerful person appear in this world again?

This is simply unimaginable.

It should be noted that creatures of this level must have names and surnames, even if they die for tens of thousands of years, they will be remembered by all spirits.

But at this moment, when he looked at Master Hong and Master Zhou, he also had deep thoughts on his face, and various suspicions appeared in his eyes.

Lin Fan was certain that no one knew about this so-called old man.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's pupils shrank!

He saw Yaozun with a cruel smile!

He suddenly realized that this might be the big man he had been looking for all along, hiding behind Yaozun!

It's just because this person is too mysterious, and his cultivation base is really too strong, at least killing the former Desolate Lord is really easy.

It is easy even to enter the level of the Four Masters.

The figure dissipated, and he returned to Yuzhu's palace.

In fact, when Lin Fan returned to the palace, he had already seen Yuzhu standing proudly on the tallest building in the palace, with terrifying beams shooting from his eyes.

"It's you! Gu Chen Yuan!"

With a roar, the sky was torn apart, the sky was shattered, and the entire world on the other side was shaken.

Lin Fan was too close to Yuzhu, he was hit by the impact, his clothes fluttered, and his hair flew up.

If it were an ordinary emperor here, he would definitely be screamed to death!

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