Twin martial arts

Chapter 2363 The first knife

This sentence is really too humiliating.

It made Yao Zun feel more unbearable than a complete death.

He vomited blood on the spot.

No one would question whether it was fair to kill with a knife that day.

That's not necessary.

The way of heaven is fair.

This is also a consensus.

"It's so miserable. There's only half of your body left. Don't show up in broad daylight again with your appearance like this. Otherwise, you might really scare the common people to death. Then you'll commit a great karma." Lin Long warned, seemingly well-intentioned, but In fact, it was sprinkling salt on Yao Zun's wound, and he also smeared a handful of chili oil on it.

"To shut up!"

Yao Zun roared, of course, now that he was divided into two halves, he could no longer speak with his mouth, so it was his divine sense that explained his roar.

"Okay." Lin Long was very 'obedient', and said: "I don't know which world said it, but caring for the disabled is a virtue."

You see, Lin Long is so dishonest that he sprinkled salt again.

"So, do you want to continue?" Lin Long laughed and asked.

"Why don't you continue?" Yao Zun was grinning grinningly, considering that he only had half of his head left, it was too terrifying.

Of course he will not give up this last knife.

And he has already made up his mind, no matter what, even if he completely abandons this life, he must win the third knife, otherwise, even if he can still live, how can he see others?

Yao Zun roared and turned into a terrifying glutton, swallowing stars as big as stars.

This is in Yundan!

The last step of alchemy.

Of course, it's also the last match.

"Gluttony Pregnancy Pill Technique." Lin Long's eyes were unprecedentedly dignified. This method is amazing and has a lot of attention. Strictly speaking, this is the theory put forward by the God of Medicine, and it was replaced by another one of the same period as the God of Medicine. The great god who can't do it will create the corresponding method.

The reputation has been passed down through the ages, and the prestige has touched many opportunities.

This is not a simple way to conceive pills, but also a big move to fight with people.

This should be Yao Zun's method of suppressing the bottom of the box.

At this time, under the starry sky.

"I feel that my martial soul has sublimated, this is not an illusion." Yuzhu said, in absolute shock.

Heaven and earth are yellow.

These are the four major ranks of Martial Souls, the Ninth Rank of Talent, and he is the sixth rank of the Heavenly Rank. After searching all over the world, few people can awaken a Martial Soul of this level.

He has always been complacent, and of course he is proud enough.

He thought that his martial soul was invincible in the world, and no one else's martial soul could match it.

As a result, today, Lin Fan gave him a very vivid lesson, letting him know what it means to have someone beyond someone else.

Lin Fan's martial spirit is too miraculous, and it is enough to shock him if he surrenders his sixth-grade heaven-level martial spirit first.

But at this time, he clearly had a strong intuition that his martial soul had advanced, to a higher level!

This is not just pure shock, but horror!

Yuzhu smiled wryly: "How can I repay this kind of grace?"

"It's all a family." Lin Fan blinked, and said with a smile: "Now is not the time for you to think about trivial matters, you need to pour your whole body into it, and soon you will reach the most critical moment, and you will lose everything with one wrong step."


The detoxification has reached the most critical moment.

In fact, the current Yuzhu has lost all consciousness except the head. At this time, even if you pick off his ribs with a knife in front of him, he will not feel anything.

Moreover, the elixir refined by Lin Fan preserved his spiritual consciousness and so on, so the Lord can have a normal conversation with Lin Fan here.

The reason why he is as strong as Yuzhu, but also loses the perception of the body, is because all kinds of highly poisonous substances that appeared in the black pool have all entered his body.

This is the method that Lin Fan came up with after referring to various methods of expelling poison from the Mysterious Medicine Book, combined with the current reality - fighting poison with poison.

Now it seems that it is very good.

At this time, the pitch-black pool became very clear and translucent, like a clear spring.

This is the result of Yuzhu's emperor's body devouring all kinds of poisons under the action of Lin Fan's elixir.

And now what Lin Fan has to do is to make this clear and translucent pool like a clear spring turn black again, that's enough, it means that Yuzhu has successfully removed the poison.

Zhu Tian appeared, and Lin Fan cut a dozen or so thick scars on Yuzhu's body. This was bloodletting. Of course, before giving Yuzhu bloodletting, Lin Fan had already swallowed a hematopoietic pill for him to stimulate his body. Function, run to the extreme.

Even the emperor, if the blood bleeds cleanly, he will die like a mortal.

Everything was carried out in an orderly manner, although there was no danger, I don't know how many times Lin Fan deduced this poison removal step, and only after making sure that there were no accidents did he actually implement it.

in the sky.

The crowd was silent, there was not even a sound of breathing, only the fierce space wind blowing.

The heavenly sword reappeared, very bright, it was originally created by God's will, but it seemed real, and various scenes of gods and demons laying corpses were reflected on it.

"Cut him!"

Yao Zun roared, he has the confidence to win, this knife will definitely not be cut on him again.

And, praying in my heart, it is best to kill Lin Long directly with this knife, and he will be expelled from the world.

"The skill of gluttony is indeed good, but could it be that my brave skill is worse than yours?"

Lin Long sneered, all the concealed appearance disappeared, and a terrifying Pixiu shook its head and tail, like a reappearance of a prehistoric creature.

"How could this be?" Yao Zun smiled wryly, with misery.

He knew that he lost.

Now that he has obtained the technique of Taotie, he has naturally heard of the magical skill of Pixiu.

It was indeed worse.

Just because, one is the theories and ideas given by the God of Medicine, and not the method created by focusing on Yundan.

The mythical skill of Pixiu is a magical skill created by the God of Medicine himself, and it is a great skill born only for pregnant pills.

"Am I going to die?" Yao Zun murmured.


In the world on the other side, hundreds of thousands of mountains burst open suddenly, and a sarcophagus struck across, trying to shatter the Heavenly Knife that was slashed at Yao Zun!

I have to say, this person is very stupid and idiot.

Of course, it can also be understood that this person gave up life and death due to certain things, temporarily forgot the terrible end of provoking Tianwei, and only wanted Yao Zun to die.


The sarcophagus was cut horizontally by the sky knife, and a piece of human skin floated out, turning into a faint figure.

"You can't die!" He opened his mouth, and roared, he pulled dozens of saints under his hands, and threw them under the edge of the sky knife.

All the saints who were dragged died.

Of course he was also beheaded, but he was mocking: "I am a dead person, you can kill all living beings, but you can't kill me who is half-human and half-ghost."

As the Heavenly Knife slashed across, his figure became even weaker, as if it would dissipate at any moment. With the Heavenly Knife, it seemed that the power of the knife had been worn away. .

Yao Zun escaped the calamity of certain death.

"Old Gu, I want him to die."

Yao Zun suddenly looked at Lin Long.

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