Twin martial arts

Chapter 2354 Emperors

Everyone was terrified, even though the alchemy furnace was within ten thousand miles, with the eyesight of an emperor, they could easily see through it, the so-called clear observation and so on were not enough to describe.

But when the emperor screamed, a group of emperors all activated their magical powers, their eyes glistened, and countless sights containing various emperor prestige and runes descended on the Tianhuo cauldron in unison.


The emperor sighed and looked at Sanjiang with complicated eyes.

Who would have thought that Sanjiang, who has been walking the world for thousands of years, has not used his real strength in case; he has hidden big means.

Only at this time did he fully reveal his majesty, and it is true that if he does not sing, he will already be a blockbuster.

And, he knows it well.

Although his cultivation is much stronger than Sanjiang's, he is far inferior in terms of influence, and if Sanjiang is willing, there may be dozens of emperors willing to serve him at any time.

This is a alchemy master who can condense the alchemy of the alchemy cloud, even the emperor needs to put aside the so-called dignity to make friends.

"The master is too low-key. For more than ten thousand years, he has been dormant like a real dragon, but now he is flying into the sky; from then on, the name of the master will be widely spread all over the world."

Some people are sighing, which is also a very high praise. It should be noted that he himself is a figure at the top of the emperor, and he will soon enter the level of the emperor.

"What you said, is it possible that the name of the master was not passed down in the world before?" An emperor squinted at the emperor, which immediately changed the color of the emperor who spoke, and bluntly said that his words were wrong, and Sanjiang needed forgiveness.

It has to be said that Sanjiang refined the Emperor Pill with two layers of Danyun, which really increased his worth hundreds of times, and many emperors couldn't wait to please him.

"Hey, look at that, who is still refining the medicinal materials, and there are still about [-] kinds that have not been successfully extracted." Some emperors laughed.

"Hehe, is this shameless? With his speed, it is impossible to make a pill when the last ray of the sunset is shining, so why bother?"

"The ants are still alive, knowing that they are about to die, that's all they can do. Delay for a while, and experience this colorful world. It is said that the underworld and the underworld are very cold, and it is impossible to feel the warmth of the warm sunshine on the body."

Everyone is smiling, where is Lin Long arranged? Ke Jin's humiliation, etc., is to belittle Lin Long to promote Sanjiang endlessly; the purpose is still to please.

This seems very shameless.

Such people are the most annoying.

During this process, Sanjiang didn't say a word, but was very serious and solemn, where is the final step of alchemy—pregnancy pill.

The shallow red clouds gradually deepened, and suddenly became brilliant, like a mischievous scorching sun suddenly appearing from the ground, and then it was as bright as ever.


Sanjiang let out a sigh of relief, and he was laughing wildly in his heart.

It can be said that this Emperor Pill is really his pinnacle work in the past thousands of years, and he even doubts whether he can refine the same kind of pill in the future.

He was thinking, mainly feeling, he didn't feel any pressure at all against this so-called Little Dragon King's pill fight. From the very beginning of the pill fight, he was sure that he would win.

"It turns out that mood plays such a big role." He whispered in his heart.

His eyes swept over, and all the emperors were smiling, very kind and amiable, to put it bluntly, they had a sinister face, like a pug begging for food.

Sanjiang felt even more proud.

This is what he deserves.

"Hehe, you still haven't achieved alchemy." Sanjiang smiled. He saw Lin Long's current situation: "Why struggle? It's always more decent to die by one's own hand, and it's better than a tragic death under the punishment of God."

Lin Long had closed his corresponding perception long ago, just immersed in tempering.

Moreover, his speed was getting faster and faster at this time, even Sanjiang raised his eyebrows, because he didn't know the various methods Lin Long used when tempering the medicinal liquid, but as a master of alchemy, Just by looking at it, you can tell that these Dharmas that he does not know are very remarkable.

Moreover, for the last dozens of medicinal herbs, Lin Long used a completely different refining method to extract them.

This made Sanjiang dignified.

But he glanced down at the world on the other side, and smiled confidently. Most of the half of the world on the other side that was still shining golden had already lost its brilliance.

That's too late.

He won.

"You need to hurry up, I'm rushing to the next alchemy fight, which is the battlefield I've been looking forward to for thousands of years." Sanjiang said, full of confidence.


Suddenly, the alchemy furnace carved out of stars exploded, and three thousand medicinal liquids like beautiful jades of various colors splashed out everywhere.

This made Sanjiang and a group of emperors dumbfounded, and then ear-piercing laughter rang out like this.


It's just ridiculous.

This kind of thing, generally speaking, would only happen to apprentices who are new to alchemy, but it turned out to happen in the hands of the so-called invincible alchemy masters in the other world of the other side of the starry sky.

At this time, they are even wondering whether the so-called celestial world, alchemy is extremely barren, and any cat or dog at will can dominate the alchemy in the celestial world.

"Why are you laughing?" Lin Long squinted and mocked, "You think this is a fryer?"

"Is it not?" Sanjiang mocked.

Lin Long wanted to make some excuses, but he said indifferently: "Forget it, how can Xia Chong talk about ice?"

When he swiped his hands, the entire galaxy rumbled, and all Taos were mourning, and the splashed medicinal liquid burst into dazzling light, brighter than the radiance of the scorching sun.

And at this time, Lin Long rose into the sky and captured three thousand suns, which were like beams of light, but the terrifying energy contained in them would definitely be able to illuminate thousands of flowers in mountains and rivers.

The sun and flowers are connected in series, one end is connected to the big sun, and the other end is connected to the liquid medicine one by one. This scene is really terrifying and frightening; it makes all the emperors horrified.


With a roar, Wanlong took off. In fact, in the eyes of the emperors, these so-called Wanlongs are order, rules, and thousands of ways!

With a bang, it was like a big bang in the universe. All the light here was replaced by whiteness, and in that whiteness, a elixir that was not as big as the little finger appeared.

At the moment when the elixir appeared, the last ray of afterglow was shed.

Lin Long smiled, stretched out his hand to grab the elixir that was about to flee, came forward proudly, and looked at Sanjiang: "It's not too late at all."

Sanjiang's expression was indifferent.

Ning Dan and others just now really calmed him down.

He had only heard of this kind of alchemy method in some of the oldest annals, and the movement of alchemy was too terrifying, far beyond the ordinary.

"Hmph! Playing tricks! Even if you really blow up Fang Tianyu, what's the point? After all, you have to compete in the quality and efficacy of pills." Sanjiang snorted coldly.

This sentence caused a group of suppressed emperors to turn around and speak in agreement.

It is useless to bluntly say that even if the process is gorgeous, this is a ruthless Dandou, who only judges a hero by the result.

Lin Long shrugged, and he took out the elixir. At this moment, the elixir, which was less than the size of his little finger, was lying in his hand.

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