This elixir was dusty, and with the reputation of various elixirs, it couldn't be compared at all, like a sugar pill that was swept into the mud.

"Hehe..." the emperor made a strange noise, and then laughed loudly: "Is this the elixir you mentioned?"

"Exactly." Lin Long nodded.

"Such seriousness and earnestness?" An emperor said contemptuously: "This thing is like sheep's dung, without the fragrance of dan, and it doesn't match up with the treasure elixirs in various records. How can you have the courage to say that it is Elixir?"

"This emperor really doesn't understand. With your three-legged cat's methods, how dare you talk about fighting against Master Sanjiang's alchemy?" an emperor asked, frowning tightly.

He really didn't understand.

At least it appears to be so.

"Send someone's head from thousands of miles away." An emperor said with a bright smile: "Crossing the two worlds and coming to the other side to die, you really have goals and pursuits."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "You are really good at choosing a cemetery. After a deduction, my other side is indeed very good, and it has exhausted the world."

"You can shut up now." Lin Long said, his eyes glanced coldly: "What do you know? Do you know what it means to be brilliance introverted and self-deprecating? Just barking here."

The emperor's eyes were gloomy for an instant, filled with murderous intent.

"Hehe, but, does this thing in your palm have anything to do with the fetish?" The emperor immediately interjected, sneering, and so on.

Sanjiang sneered even more: "There is nothing you can do if you are not willing to accept your fate. The oath between you and me has been engraved by heaven and earth. Later, there will be a scourge from heaven, and it will kill you on the top of your sky."

"Hehe, just wait for that scene, the Heavenly Punishment Emperor, very interesting, it is impossible for millions of years to have one, we are lucky."

The head disciple of Sanjiang grinned grimly, and said: "Don't worry, we will watch it carefully and see you blooming in this pitch-black starry sky like that firework lit by the scourge of heaven."

Lin Fan was icy cold, because each and every one of the Emperor Realm figures satirized here: "You are really blind, forget it, since you can't see through, then I will do more work to let you wash your eyes."

"Heh? Be careful, everyone. What he holds in his palm is a treasure pill that is rare to see in thousands of years. Now it's just like a sword with its sheath unsheathed. Stay away. Later, the brilliance will shine, for fear that our eyes will be stabbed blind. "The emperor who was ridiculed by Lin Long was talking ironically.

This kind of remark made everyone laugh.

Lin Long swept across the heroes indifferently, and flicked the dusty pills with his fingernails.

"call out!"

This is not a description, but a real voice appeared, shot out from the elixir that Lin Fan's fingernails scratched. It was a ray of bright light, which turned into substance.

The ironic emperor screamed strangely, retreated quickly, was as strong as him, and even felt this beam of light that was as real as it was, giving him a terrifying deterrent force.


The so-called gray appearance has all disappeared, revealing its true face!

It's really no more than the size of a little finger, and the alchemist's radiance is far more than ten thousand zhang. It compares with many big stars in this universe, including the moon not far away and the sun like an eternal furnace.

It seems that the entire starry sky has become the foil of this pill.

"what is this?"

"Oh my god! Is this a sun condensed in the palm of his finger by his great supernatural power?"

Everyone screamed, including Sanjiang.

All the sarcasm and sarcasm disappeared, and it turned into shock and horror!

"So, I said you are blind, and compared you to summer insects. Is it wrong?" Lin Long sneered: "I said that the brilliance is restrained, and the gods are self-obscuring?"

Lin Long's cold words were like a series of loud slaps, slapping everyone's faces so hard.


Sanjiang roared!

Because, he actually saw seven layers of pill clouds on this elixir like a scorching sun!

This is horrible.

It must be known that his masterpiece of ten thousand years is nothing but two layers of pill clouds, and after the appearance of these two layers of pill clouds, he suspects that he may not be able to refine them in this life. It is impossible to force it.

As a result, what appeared in front of my eyes at this time turned out to be the seventh floor!

"Seven layers of Pill Cloud Divine Pill?"

The emperor shouted in shock: "Shouldn't this only exist in those ancient histories? Can it only be used to describe the power of each emperor alchemist in ancient times? How could he really appear?"

Everyone was screaming, their eyes were burning, showing greed and amazement, wishing they could grab this pill right now.

They even forgot that after the radiance of this pill, it made all of them feel ashamed.

"Hey, your methods are really against the sky, but what's the use?" Sanjiang said disdainfully.

"What do you mean, master?" The emperor asked with a question: "This pill is indeed extraordinary, at least it has indeed surpassed the level of the emperor pill you refined."

The emperor was fair, with pity and pity: "Master, you really shouldn't die, this is a great loss to us on the other side."

"Confused!" Sanjiang grinned grimly, and scolded: "The brilliance of the shit is restrained, and the fetish is self-obscuring. This is a blindfold, and he is stealing."

Everyone is stunned!

There was sarcasm in those eyes again, and now there was even more contempt.

"Hehe, Little Dragon King, it's useless. This alchemy fight is not judged by humans, but by the way of heaven!"

Sanjiang bit the last word "Tiandao" very hard, causing the void to buzz.

"Yes, even if you can deceive us, what's the use? You can deceive the sky?" The emperor smiled grimly: "You wait to die, of course, we will find a way to share the pill you took out, and it is yours. The only evidence that ever existed in this lifetime."

"A bunch of idiots." Lin Long shook his head and chuckled.

"Hehe, you wait, the scourge is not far away." Sanjiang opened his mouth, walked to the distance, and reminded a group of characters in the imperial realm to quickly stay away from the little dragon king.

Because, God's punishment is ruthless, when he falls, all the bodies that come close to the little dragon king, all visible or invisible, will be wiped out.

This made everyone terrified, and they retreated quickly, far away from Lin Long. Of course, they were still surrounded by Sanjiang, busy making connections, etc., to prepare for the future medical treatment.

Lin Long sighed: "Okay, let's watch and believe that God has his own arrangements."

"Hehe." To Lin Long's words, Sanjiang just laughed harshly.


God's punishment is coming, it looks like a real trial court, with gate knives inside, golden generals sitting high, and ghosts and gods from all sides as jurors, of course there are also all kinds of hideous gods and demons that can scare people to death, twisting them in their hands With swordsmen and so on, all of them were murderous.

"Here we come, we will wait for the Heavenly Punishment Emperor."

Sanjiang smiled cruelly.


The thunder hammer in the hands of the gods and demons suddenly fell, and a straight orange thunder suddenly exploded.



Sanjiang's whole body was trembling, smoke was coming out of his body, and half of his body was burnt to death.

"Look, God has his own arrangements."

Lin Long was holding hands, grinning brightly.

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