Twin martial arts

Chapter 2353 Danyun Emperor Pill

All kinds of cynicism and so on appeared.

It's just because they are certain that Lin Long will be defeated, and the Emperor Pill refined by Sanjiang is so attractive that all the people under the Emperor want to get it.

That is to be able to counter-kill the enemy at a critical moment, or to be able to survive after swallowing it.

This can even make cultivators who walk on the tip of a knife pay everything to buy it.

Therefore, they are all speaking out at this time, all kinds of sarcasm, etc., just to please Sanjiang in advance.

Alchemy began.

Sanjiang is really powerful. The method of extraction flows like clouds and flowing water. He is indeed a master. Even though there are tens of thousands of medicinal herbs that need to be refined, they are still methodical. The essence rises and falls in the heavenly fire cauldron.

This is admirable, and there are endless praises.

This is very different from Lin Long's experience, day by day.

Moreover, Lin Long seems to have been forgotten at this time, even if there are all kinds of strange beasts roaring in the big cauldron he carved out of stars, it will not work if he is reenacting the prehistoric mythical beasts fighting for supremacy, and cannot attract everyone's attention. look.

"Hehe, is it useful to be fancy?" Sanjiang's head disciple sneered: "Master said that any method needs to abandon the gorgeous appearance and return to the basics to be perfect."

These words are very philosophical, and many people nodded in agreement.

But Sanjiang was sighing inwardly at this moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the so-called "fancy and old-fashioned" methods, but that in the two inheritances he got, there is no such method that he despises.

Therefore, whether he is extracting or congealing pills, although he looks very beautiful, he is very ordinary.

The root cause of the first game lost to the priest is here.

He is not flashy enough.

And Yao Zun is too dazzling.

In that match, he was actually slightly ahead, but in the end, because his method was too ordinary, he was sentenced to lose.

Therefore, when he taught his apprentices later, he just opened his mouth like this, bluntly saying that all the bells and whistles are flashy.

Naturally, it was applauded by a group of sycophants, and quoted scriptures to say that there are not many masters like Sanjiang who return to basics, and they belittled Lin Long, bluntly saying that all the bells and whistles are silver guns and candle heads.

Lin Long didn't care about it, and even blocked his hearing, etc., only kept his vigilance, and started to extract with great concentration.

As time passed, Master Sanjiang's [-] medicinal herbs had been tempered for most of the time, but Lin Long, on the other hand, had extracted less than [-] of the [-] medicinal herbs.


Someone was laughing, unscrupulously: "Is there any need to continue this so-called pill fight?"

"No." Someone agreed, and sneered: "From the proficiency of the extraction method, from the speed of extraction, etc., this so-called Little Dragon King has completely failed."

"Hey, why don't you just kill yourself? Anyway, the remains can return to your homeland, and you will lose if you continue like this. At that time, you died tragically under the punishment of God, but there is nothing left, not even a wisp of ashes."

A group of people are yin and yang, without the demeanor of an emperor, and they are sneering here.

Fortunately, Lin Long had already blocked the corresponding perception, otherwise he would probably kill some people first and then come to alchemy.

In this starry sky, you can clearly perceive the changes of the sun, and you can see the rotation of the world on the other side below, with the afterglow falling, half of the world on the other side is golden and yellow, while the other side is filled with billions of lights, which is very beautiful.

At this time, Sanjiang had successfully extracted all the herbs, and after a short rest, he was about to start congealing the pill.

Lin Long is still tempering the last eight hundred medicinal herbs.

The most important thing is that if you want to successfully refine this magical pill, you need to cooperate with a unique extraction method. You can only extract the liquid medicine one by one, and you cannot refine dozens or hundreds of kinds at the same time like Sanjiang.

Moreover, without extracting a single medicinal liquid, it is necessary to cast corresponding spells and hand skills, etc., and to put it into Wan Dao to conceive and raise it, which is very slow.

"It's not interesting, just like the fighting and fighting, the one-sided battle situation is always uninteresting."

When the emperor opened his mouth, he felt dull.

He has no need for Emperor Pellet, he is within this realm.

Dan Dao, who just wanted to see the distance, was too disappointed in the result.

"Indeed, I'm just sitting and waiting for the last ray of twilight to fade away, watching that orange scourge kill people." Another emperor echoed.

"You make me think highly of you. If I had known you only had this ability, I would not be able to refine this kind of elixir." Sanjiang shook his head with his hands behind his back, with a full posture, like a senior master, quite a A kind of bleakness that is too cold to be high.

This kind of demeanor, I have to say, is indeed very bluffing, and a group of people are convinced.

"Master, why should you talk too much with a mortal man?" An emperor smiled, and he stretched out his hand to grab the black coffin that was originally placed on the top of Qushan Mountain, and said: "The time is coming, wait a minute!" Just grab a handful of star soil at will, use it as his corpse, and banish this coffin in this void."

Sanjiang frowned slightly: "That's fine." After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Long: "There is still half an hour at most, you are too late, you lost this alchemy fight, but I won't be able to win by force."

He started to condense the pill!

If it was true as his first disciple said, when he started to congeal the alchemy, the momentum was more than huge?

It should be described as shocking!

Within [-] miles, one big star after another shrank and then turned into a spot of light and disappeared. Within [-] miles, all starlight, Taoism, origin force, etc. became empty, and were endlessly blasted by the fire cauldron. Inhaling it is like a glutton devouring the sky and the earth, while in the Tianhuo cauldron, a round elixir is slowly forming, making a rumbling sound.

This makes people dazzled, those disappearing starlight, Dao Ze, etc., turned into a dragon shape and rushed into the Tianhuo cauldron like this, and was smelted by the Dao fire in it into a pure source and poured into the elixir.


There was a crisp sound, which made people tremble, thinking that something was wrong with this elixir that touched everyone's heartstrings.

As a result, after the clicking sound, a layer of the skin of the elixir fell off, and an extremely gorgeous cloud slowly climbed up from the bottom of the elixir to the belly of the elixir, it was extremely beautiful!


"Danyun Divine Pill!"


"My God! How long has it been since the world saw Danyun? The latest one seems to have come from the brush of Yao Zun a thousand years ago."

Everyone roared in shock, all of them were excited, and their eyes lit up!

No matter what kind of pill, as long as there is a pill cloud on it, the price can be multiplied many times, and of course the efficacy can also be increased accordingly.

This is really too terrifying. Who would dare to imagine that the pill cloud that even the Great Tianzun had never refined on the Emperor Pill would appear in Sanjiang's hands?

"My God! Damn it! There's more than one flower!"

Soon, people became even more frightened, and another faint trace of a pill cloud appeared.

Is this going to condense into two Danyun?

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