Twin martial arts

Chapter 2325 Killing the Emperor in the Blood Flower

It has to be said that the ancestor emperor is really amazing, he has already guessed what kind of method Lin Fan will use to deal with them, so he also arranged a large formation, and the killing formations are offset by two, and the terrifying formation patterns of killing intent interweave in the void , tearing apart the sky.


Xiao Wu also came, his whole body almost bent in half, he slashed with all his strength and threw out the heavy halberd in his hand.

His goal is an emperor.

He once suffered a huge loss in the hands of this emperor, and both hands were cut off by this emperor. At this time, he is taking revenge, and his eyes are red.

Mainly, that scene was too humiliating and bloody.

At that time, he was only facing the emperor, and even though he had already sensed the barrier of the emperor's realm, he was still far away. In the hands of the emperor, he didn't have much power to fight back, and was brutalized by wanton blood.

If Wujian hadn't completely given up hope of escape at that time and sent him out through a passage with a sheathless sword, he would also be imprisoned in the pitch-black barrel on the cliff at this time, enduring extreme torture.

"Huh! An ant, do you think you can shout in front of the emperor after becoming the emperor? You can't!"

The emperor roared; with ridicule and so on.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, and punched him; the punch marks boomed, if the emperor hadn't made a timely move, the emperor would have been killed by Lin Fan's punch.

"Master, he is mine." Xiao Wu said, with flames of hatred gushing out from his eyes.

Lin Fan frowned: "Okay."


Xiao Wu attacked and killed again, and rolled his long halberd, dragging the two emperors who had tortured him bloodily into his circle of battle.

Xiao Nuo was also killing the enemy, he actually turned into a strange flower from the other side, rooted in the sky, the root was as thick as a horned dragon, and his enemy was an emperor.

The little princess was also killing the enemy, even more violently, holding Yuzhu's big sword in her hand, and hitting all kinds of world-shattering murderous intentions of Yuzhu, and in a short period of time, she even blocked the joint attack of one emperor and two emperors at the same time.

"One Yuan Heaven Skill!"

Lin Fan roared in shock, and the river of time and age emerged, and the three Taoist bodies walked out, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out a "Dao I Come", and together with him, they faced and killed the remaining enemies.

"Kill you." The ancestor emperor grinned.

This Lin Fan is too arrogant, dare to attack and kill them like this, he is asking for a dead end, do you really think they are easy to deceive?

Lin Fan sighed, there is no one who can become a person of this realm easily, this battle is difficult, the most important thing is that the big formation he prepared so hard was useless, it was canceled out by the big formation set up by the ancestors, if he hadn't persisted Yuzhu's great sword will be more difficult.


The chaotic air surged, and the tiankeng that had existed since ancient times seemed to cease to exist. It was about to become history in the fist seal confrontation between Lin Fan and the ancestor emperor. The sky shook, and endless gravel rolled into the black cliff Pressing down, black blood gushed out from those places where the gravel fell.

This is too weird, it's clearly a cliff, but there is actually a creature with vitality, bleeding.

But at this time, Lin Fan didn't pay much attention to the killing to berserk.

"Four elephants!"

Lin Fan scolded angrily.

He had no choice but to use this large formation that made him dread and fear. This formation was suspected to be the key to a certain period of ancient history. Usually, he would not use it in any crisis. At that time, he cannot be allowed to use it.

The most important thing is that the two emperors are really terrifying. Standing in this realm for a long time, the pressure on him is too great, so that he needs to defend himself at any time. Until now, his back ribs are pierced. Two shining regular swords were almost cut in half.

This was all bestowed by the emperor. Of course, he also made meritorious deeds and successfully killed an emperor in the void with a heavy halberd in front of the emperor.

"Desolate Lord! Do you dare to move? Are you not afraid that this deity will destroy your domain?"

Suddenly, Yuzhu's roar sounded in the void, and with a click, the sky suddenly split thousands of miles apart, and a muffled hum came from the crack.

"Lord Yu!"

This is the voice of the Desolate Lord, exasperated, unwilling and murderous.

"Don't even think about it. The treasure you have pictured is now in the hands of my daughter. If you dare to mess around, I really don't mind destroying your wasteland."

Yuzhu spoke again, which made Lin Fan feel grateful.

I know that Yuzhu's words are trying to alleviate the crisis for him as much as possible, and slightly divert Huangzhu's gaze from him.


After Lin Fan showed his power, the four elephants were used, and the two emperors were temporarily trapped, unable to get rid of the shackles of the four beasts.

He attacked and killed Emperor Xiangzu.

This is the culprit of everything, if not for the existence of this person, it is impossible for Xiao Wu and others to be robbed.

"Do you think this is still in the sea of ​​suffering? If you have a strong body, you can look down on invincible hands?"

The ancestor emperor laughed loudly, and he rushed to kill quickly.

"This is indeed not in the sea of ​​suffering, but this deity has become the Emperor of Heaven!"

Lin Fan was in high spirits, and temporarily got rid of the threat of the emperor. He was so powerful that he rushed past an emperor brutally, and the emperor's body exploded into pieces. The strong wind tore apart and died completely.

The sea-like blood energy rose from his celestial spirit cover, swept across the vast land, and covered the vast sky. At this time, Lin Fan showed his power completely, and led the four Dao bodies to attack the ancestor emperor together. Before getting out of trouble, kill him directly.


The ancestor emperor was also in a frenzy, slashing the soldiers horizontally and vertically in his hands, defeating all Taoists and attacking again and again, with a grin, etc. He was mocking Lin Fan for his incompetence, he was just a rising star, and he couldn't fight against a veteran powerhouse like him at all. Will die tragically at his hands.

"Keng Keng."

At this moment, the soldiers in his hands trembled, and they were about to fly out of his control and jump into Lin Fan's hands. This made him scream, it was simply too weird, and he couldn't believe that this scene was actually happening.


When the ancestor was robbed, Lin Fan caught him at the moment when he was surprised and horrified, and pierced his chest with a long fist.


The soldier in his hand also rolled back at this time, chopping his head in half.

The desolate master staring at this place from afar felt like tearing apart, and at the same time, the fiery color in his eyes became more intense. He intuitively felt that this was the invincible method that Lin Fan rubbed from the cornucopia.

In battle and fighting, you can take away other people's soldiers, which is simply invincible.

It has to be said that the vitality of the ancestor emperor was really too tenacious. Even though his head was split in half and rested weakly on both shoulders, he was still alive and could still punch Lin Fan's chest with a heavy punch.

Lin Fan didn't retreat an inch, without any fear at all, he took the blow from Emperor Zudi hard, leaned forward with his body, picked up the two halves of Emperor Zudi's severed head with the Heavenly Punisher, and raised his arms, shaking it to pieces.


At this time, the emperor escaped from the predicament and got rid of the seal of the four elephants.

Lin Fan's eyes were sharp, his thick black hair was flying, and he pointed at the emperor obliquely in his hand, inviting him to fight.

It's an indescribable demeanor, but it will definitely break the hearts of many people in the imperial realm.

Lin Fan wants to try, he has stepped into the level of the emperor of heaven, if he integrates the body of the third generation into his body, after his combat power soars ten times, can he kill the emperor.

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