Twin martial arts

Chapter 2324 Father and Son Soldiers

Not to mention, whether it is Yuzhu or Hongzhu, they all know that when the two little ones become emperors, it is when they enter the Tiankeng.

There is no solution to this hatred and hatred, the only solution is the death of one party.

"In the tiankeng, there is the emperor."

Yuzhu spoke softly and reminded: "And, there is more than one statue."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment.

He already had this understanding.

If the other party didn't have a figure of the level of the emperor, how dare they make such a bloody attack?

Even the emperor would not dare to act recklessly like this.

"So what about the emperor? Give me 50 years, and kill him like a dog." Xiao Wu was gloomy, with a sinister smile: "The two emperors who tortured my blood that day, I will pick them up with a halberd." bones."

"Yun'er, shall we go together?" At this moment, Xiao Nuo turned her head and looked at the little princess who was shrinking beside Yu Master.

"Of course." The little princess said, and she raised a big sword against her shoulder.

This sword made Xiao Nuo raise his eyebrows. Lin Fan had never seen it before, but he could sense the horror of this big sword, and looked at Yuzhu: "Thank you."

Yuzhu said: "We are all a family, there is no need to talk about this."

In the sinkhole.

"Does it feel horrible and frightening?"

Li Guang was laughing. He was packed in a pitch-black wooden barrel, and there were many ferocious crustaceans floating there. The bumps on his body were bitten out by these little creatures.


A loud slap in the face caused Li Guang to lose a few teeth again, but he was still smiling: "Made, you are dead. My two eldest nephews have already proclaimed themselves emperors. Today is the date of your death."

"Shut up, don't you feel ashamed?"

Wu Jian was yelling at him, and he was also very miserable, but he couldn't stop the smile on his face. Of course, he was yelling at Li Guang: "Don't you think we are useless? Those two boys needed you and me to protect them before. But now, they have proclaimed themselves emperors, so ashamed."

Li Guangzhen was just like what Lin Fan said, screaming and swearing here and there, saying that after getting out of trouble directly, he would definitely become emperor within three to five days.

At this time, Lin Fan and the others had already entered the sinkhole.

The moment he stepped into it, Lin Fan frowned, feeling a sense of deja vu.

He was thinking about it, and after a while, he figured out that the unknown creature that called itself 'Heaven' on the top of the Perishing God Mountain, behind the beast battlefield, had this kind of aura.

It makes him creepy!

Could it be that there are creatures here who dare to call themselves heaven?

He was thinking about all kinds of legends about Tiankeng, and finally felt more and more uneasy.

Looking at it with extreme eyesight, you can already see the blackness of the cliff.

"Be careful, the trapped beasts are still fighting. They know that there is no hope of surviving, and they will unleash even more terrifying and powerful power." Lin Fan warned, let Xiao Nuo and others be careful, and don't be careless.

"Don't worry, father." Xiao Nuo said.

Lin Fan nodded, and he distributed the prepared treasures for the formation to Xiao Nuo, Xiao Wu and the little princess, and asked them to try their best to conceal their aura and arrange the trapping and killing formation properly.

The three of them walked separately, constantly planting their feet everywhere, and the Dao pattern slowly appeared.

"I am coming."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, twisted his heavy halberd and climbed up the rock.

"Jie Jie"

Smiling grimly, this is an old emperor, very old, with gray hair, and even lost a lot of teeth: "Are you alone?"

Lin Fan glanced at him and continued to move forward.


Suddenly, a ray of sharp light slashed up from Lin Fan's feet, intending to dismember Lin Fan's body, but Lin Fan easily wiped it away: "Emperor Zu, get out, why are you hiding?"

Zu Diben hid in the shadows of space, always thinking that he was hiding deep enough that it was impossible for Lin Fan to spy on him.

What he needed was to go out at the most critical moment, to attack Lin Fan with his true face, and to see Lin Fan's astonished and shocked expression.

As a result, Lin Fan called him by his first and last name.


With a cold snort, the ancestor emperor appeared, with a cold light, and vicious rays of light dancing in his eyes.

"When I was in the deserted house, I felt a familiar aura, but I didn't go into it at the time. Now it seems that I was too wrong. If I would investigate it that day, there would be no disaster today." Lin Fan whispered, blaming himself: "Thank you, you taught me another lesson, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

"You have no future." Emperor Zu smirked: "I know we have no way out, so we have to drag a few people to be buried with us."

All of them appeared, and they were all imperial characters under the command of the Desolate Lord.

The lineup was really terrifying, two emperors, three emperors, and four emperors, all of which were enough to lead a large-scale battle, but at this time, it was just to send Lin Fan on the road.

"Hey, are you satisfied?" Emperor Zu was laughing, his cheeks were rotten, and his smile was even more ferocious at this moment.

"Brother Lin, hurry up and kill this old dog, it keeps barking and making a lot of noise." Li Guang said, he lost two eyes, maybe he was used to the pain, and spoke with excitement.

This state is very bad, if it is not treated quickly, it may leave irreparable trauma.

"I know that you are very powerful in battle, and you also brought Yuzhu's Emperor Sword, but I am not afraid of you."

A word from the ancestor made Lin Fan frowned slightly!

Who is tipping off the news?

The fight has begun. Even though Lin Fan is extremely strong, under the siege of so many people in the imperial realm, he is still surrounded by danger. Not long after the fight and fight started, his body of the Emperor of Heaven was already bleeding profusely, but this has already happened. Enough to shock those who pay attention to this place.

Because, it was a fierce fight led by two emperors, but Lin Fan was able to resist for such a long time without any damage to himself.

"I'll see how long you can last!"

An emperor grinned ferociously, and he came to kill violently. The golden sword in his hand slashed down like a big sun, washing away billions of killing lights.


But at this moment, the sword blared, and the little princess came, swiping the Yuzhu great sword in her hand, and slashed the emperor directly.

"Okay, now I'll send you all on your way."

Lin Fan went berserk, the moment he saw the little princess appear, he knew that the big formation was completed, he could kill people freely, and he didn't need to worry that someone would take advantage of the chaos and run away.

If this kind of thinking is known to outsiders, they will definitely think him a lunatic.

The reason is that the enemy is too strong, and there are two of the emperor's peak combat power. Generally speaking, if a normal person encounters this kind of battle, he can only avoid the edge for the time being, and dare not talk about saving people.

As a result, Lin Fan was afraid that someone would escape, so that he would not be able to kill them all.

"Isn't it just a big killing formation? Do you think that we have spent more than a month in vain?"

The ancestor laughed loudly, and he also activated the big killing formation that he had worked so hard to arrange in his heart for a long time. The area was foggy, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.

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