Twin martial arts

Chapter 2326 First Battle with the Emperor

If not, he can only hold the Yuzhu great sword and kill the two emperors completely.

In fact, Lin Fan has ultimate weapons on him, such as the Thunder Scepter, and the Sea God Trident and the Desolate Halberd in Xiao Nuo's hands, but they are all sealed and can only exert a corresponding level of power.


The body of the third generation merged into the body, and Lin Fan's aura multiplied many times. When he slightly clenched his fists, the mountains collapsed like this. Unable to withstand such terrifying energy fluctuations, the space was cut as his hair fluttered. It was divided into many equal parts, and the eyes were filled with a substantial golden light, piercing through the void.

The emperor forced back urgently, and played orderly, cutting open the big world connected to him, boom!

The emperor avoided the two golden beams shot out from Lin Fan's eyes, but he did not know how many thousands of miles away, of course, a certain piece of primitive wild forest in the tiankeng was turned into dust, and a piece of mountain range was turned into ashes.

This shocked everyone.

It's just the beams of light coming out of the two eyes, which caused such a terrifying battle. Moreover, this is still in a strange sinkhole, the surface and the void are so solid, if it is in the outside world, could it be hundreds of millions of miles away? Are the rivers collapsing?

Many people were startled, even some old and immortal people were startled, and terrifying soul thoughts came out from various big rivers or famous mountains.

"He is still at the level of the Emperor of Heaven, so theoretically he shouldn't have this combat power."

There was an old man whispering, which caused a big earthquake, just because he was suspected to have sat and melted ten thousand years ago, but it turned out that he was in the forbidden zone, and was startled by Lin Fan at this time, so he commented.

"You're not dead yet." There are words, with a cheerful smile, which is a kind of joy that is not alone.

"Hmph, you old god stick is not dead, how can I be willing to die." The old man scolded coldly.

This is simply scary!

Because, the old god stick in his mouth turned out to be the god envoy of the previous generation, who was also suspected to have died a long time ago and buried his bones under the sacred mountain; He didn't even die.

The envoys of the gods wept with joy, and knelt on the ground to pay respects. It should be noted that he was in the realm of the gods and was known as the envoy of the gods. As a result, at this moment, he was kneeling in front of this old body, respectful and pious.

"He has heavenly skills, but he can touch another realm in a short period of time; but it can't last long." The old envoy spoke. As expected of the old envoy of the previous generation, he explained the reason as soon as he opened his mouth.

The big fight started, and the emperor let out a roar that rang across the sky, he did not hold the emperor weapon, because he saw the whole process of the ancestor emperor's fall, at this time, he raised his fists to the sky and then smashed down fiercely.

The sky is no longer an adjective, but he really tore down the sky for millions of miles with both hands, condensed into two jade-like fists, and just like this, they bombarded Lin Fan, it was too terrifying and appalling. , There is no method or technique, but when the emperor is angry, he can condense the sky into his fists, as if he wants to suppress and kill all enemies in the world.

In an instant, Lin Fanru was pressed against his chest by the sky, and even his breathing became stagnant.

"You want to fight this emperor? Are you worthy?"

The emperor scolded furiously, the sky and the earth were dark, and it seemed that the three thousand roads roared, resonating with him, and following the two fist marks blasted by the sky-condensing curtain, he was as fierce as a god and demon.


Lin Fan got rid of the air blockade that suffocated him, he leaped hundreds of millions of feet, like a Kunpeng soaring up to three thousand feet, he fought away from the gap between the fist marks in an instant, and got rid of this killing blow.

"The emperor really lives up to his reputation."

Lin Fan opened his mouth solemnly. He admitted that he had underestimated this realm a bit. Even though he was already the Emperor of Heaven and had used one element of Heavenly Kungfu, strictly speaking, there was still a gap between him and this realm.

In the past, he made a serious mistake in his assessment, thinking that he would be able to kill a master like Desolate Lord in three to five years, but now, he feels that he needs to give him at least ten years of precipitation before he can compete with this kind of master.

However, if this kind of conjecture and cognition is known to the world, they will definitely laugh at it, and bluntly say that Lin Fan is not ashamed.

"Do ants dare to talk about the power of the dragon?" The emperor roared, and at this time, he wiped the sky fiercely with one palm, and all the billions of soldiers in the gods that Lin Fan killed were all wiped out , nothing is left.

"call out!"

A dazzling fist light seemed to blast through ancient and modern times, through the long river of monasticism, replacing all the light in the world.

That was Lin Fan's fist, the most powerful blow he struck after combining Yu and Zhou's fists. The real Xingyu came rumbling, with a shrill cry, and just blasted at the emperor, wanting to shock him directly. die.

"Huh!" The emperor snorted coldly, he avoided the invincible fist mark, let the fist become empty, and reappeared in another direction, and, during this process, he kept his hands behind his back, staring at Lin Fan, With a disdainful sneer.

"It's ridiculous. Do you think that you can really be invincible if you become the Emperor of Heaven? If you want to fight against the emperor at this level, you need at least a hundred years of precipitation. He is begging for death." Desolate Master said, with a murderous intent , His invincible posture appeared involuntarily in the hearts of all the spirits in the world.

This kind of words made some people frown, but the old envoy has been paying attention, and there is worry in his eyes: "That is an unknown place, and the gods have personally suppressed it many times. At this time, they are fighting and fighting. Will it lead to Disaster is coming."

It's just that no one heard his murmurs and whispers, and at this time, the battle and fighting were raging, Lin Fan received the emperor's punch hard, blasting an arm, and took the opportunity to drag him into the sea of ​​thunder, so Fighting in the sea of ​​thunder.

The sea of ​​thunder was overwhelming, Lin Fan controlled the thunder dragon and charged vertically and horizontally, and the sky in his hand triggered the boundless sea of ​​thunder, as if the world of thunder had been moved, and he devoted all his strength to kill the emperor together.

As a result, the emperor was so powerful that he even raised his hand to capture the infinite avenue of order and condensed it into a fiery furnace, sheltering him within it, quite a bit of awe-inspiring power.


The black cliff peeled off, and the black blood flowed even more fiercely, almost filling up the abyss just below the black cliff.


The sky trembled, Lin Fan's golden fist collided with the emperor's invincible iron fist carved like jade, making a metallic trembling sound.

The two fought fiercely with thousands of moves, and neither of them retreated in the slightest.

As a result, the emperor roared again and again, just because, under the pressure of this simple head-on collision that did not involve energy levels and realms, he was actually robbed, his fists were blasted to pieces, the emperor's blood spattered, crushed the earth, and shocked Shattered the sky.

"Very good, I am very satisfied. Give me another five years, and I can really kill the emperor. Just with the immortal body of the emperor, I can blow up all the people in your realm." Lin Fan looked at his scarlet fist. , showing a satisfied smile.

The emperor's eyes were gloomy, he flicked his fingers, and seven or eight drops of dark red emperor's blood flew up like darts, with sharp lights, splitting the sea of ​​thunder, and rushing towards Lin Fan's seven orifices.

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