Twin martial arts

Chapter 2323 Gemini Proclaim Emperor

Even Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

From this heavy halberd, he felt that the killing intent that terrified him was deeply contained in the human-shaped halberd, as long as it released a strand, it seemed to be enough to destroy the world.

This halberd is too strange, like a trapped humanoid creature, twisted and struggling, spit out the cold halberd blade from the torn lips, it makes people shudder.

This is the barren halberd!

Even in the world of heaven and man, it is well-known, and there are too many legends about this halberd.

It's really not that Lord Hong screamed because of his shallow knowledge, it's just because whether it's a cornucopia or a barren halberd, it's really too terrifying, accompanied by endless legends.

"Do you need me to come forward?" Yuzhu smiled and said: "You are welcome, we have become a family."

"No need." Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were too dark: "This is not to be polite, but to revenge myself."

Lin Fan opened his mouth and finally made a request to save the lives of everyone in the tiankeng.

Yuzhu directly agreed with a smile, and Hongzhu was also willing to sell well. He said bluntly that this place is in the flood domain, and he can guarantee that Wujian, Xinger, Li Guang, etc. will not be damaged.

Next, Lin Fan was too busy and tried his best to refine all kinds of treasure pills day and night. Undead people are really against the sky, and they proposed various ancient methods. Wu is a blessing in disguise, if the opportunity is right, it is not impossible to break through the emperor's realm in one fell swoop.

As a result, the treasuries of the two dominant families, Hong Yu and Yu Yu, were almost emptied. For ten days in a row, all kinds of terrifying alchemy did not stop. Fortunately, Lin Fan was already the Emperor of Heaven at this time, otherwise he would not be able to survive this time. Pill Tribulation will be accompanied by the fall of Pill Thunder that seems to destroy the world.

Yuzhu obviously put a lot of effort into moving the big formation that was originally arranged in Yuyu to Hongyu, allowing the little princess and Xiaonuo to enter, and taking the origin of the Dao as the eye of the formation. proclaim oneself emperor.

Lin Fan didn't have any doubts.

Yuzhu is a great expert in cultivating Taoism. Of course, he knows that dry marshes and fish are not advisable, and the method he adopted is very domineering, but in fact, there are no sequelae, and it will not have any impact on the two people's future advancement.

Another half a month later, the formation shattered with a bang, and a huge Bana flower reflected the redness of Banzhou. A phoenix soared beside the Bana flower. It was the spirit avatar of the little princess.


As if Xiao Nuo and the little princess were not allowed to focus on the front, the backyard where Xiao Wu was convalescing was suddenly collapsed by a horrified aura. Rewind to nine heavens.

Xiao Wu is also proclaimed emperor!

Lin Fan smiled, very happy and bright.

This is his apprentice and son, proclaiming himself emperor today, this is a great thing.

The three proclaimed the emperor together, which was the first of its kind and shocked the whole world.


Suddenly, a big khaki hand protruded from Huangyu, pressed across more than ten domains, covered Zhutian, and even slapped and killed Jieyun of the three of them just like that.

Moreover, when he blasted out this palm, he immediately cut off all the causes and effects. This is deliberate sabotage. Using the palm to bombard Jieyun will increase the difficulty of Heavenly Tribulation endlessly. Sincerely, Xiao Nuo and others will die in the catastrophe. Down.

"What a guts!"

Lin Fan yelled angrily, he shot a big bow into a full moon from hundreds of millions of miles away, and took a star river as an arrow, just like that.


The big khaki hand was cut off, but there was still power still slapping on the Jieyun. The disaster was even more terrifying, and it was probably a catastrophe that had only been seen in legends.

"You are begging to die."

Yuzhu's words were extremely cold, and he also stood proudly in midair, with his big hand stretched out, across countless states, ignoring the barriers of time and space, just like this.

"Lord Yu!"

The Lord of the Desolate roared, and it could be seen that a giant that pierced the sky appeared and covered the entire wasteland. He blocked the blow of the Lord of the Desolation, otherwise, half of the wasteland would disappear, and countless millions of creatures would be destroyed. Unexpected death.

"If you dare to attack, I will destroy a domain."

Yuzhu is too domineering, pointing at Huangzhu directly, bluntly speaking, it is his beloved daughter and son-in-law who are crossing the calamity at this time, whoever dares to come out to make trouble, will be liquidated afterwards, he does not mind killing dozens of domains, and he does not hesitate to kill thousands of miles of rivers and mountains soak.

"Huangzhu, you have passed." At this time, Hongzhu also spoke.

He is very indifferent, he is very rough, which also represents his personality, his eyes are not rubbing sand, he really despises the desolate master for acting like this.

"Hehe, are you going to attack the barren domain? I have waited too long for the Cosmic Domain, and if I send troops, count me in." The Lord of the Universe was also in solidarity at this time, appearing in the sky above the Cosmic Territory.

The four masters are all manifested, filling the sky, and the world on the other side is under the pressure of terror, and all spirits are prostrate and praying, so that there will be no disasters that destroy the world.

In the end, the envoy stopped Ge and easily broke into the confrontation between the four masters. Of course, the envoy also condemned the desolate master in his eyes, saying that he had lost his identity and appeased the master and Lin Fan. He said bluntly that if the desolate master dared to attack, He will not stand by and watch.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo fought in the catastrophe, all kinds of terrifying methods and techniques were at their fingertips, and the killing went berserk.

The catastrophe of the two of them made many people feel ashamed, even some emperors and figures were terrified, and they felt that if they faced such a catastrophe at this time, they might not be able to survive it.


Suddenly, the half-decayed heavy halberd in Xiaowu's hand exploded, peeling off the rotten surface, revealing the golden light shining inside.

The appearance of Xiaguang turned out to be full of brilliance, just like the treasures that had been dusted for millions of years reappeared in the world today, there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and there were terrifying visions such as immortals flying from the halberd.

"What kind of heavy army is this? Could it be another unknown ultimate weapon?" Yuzhu frowned.

Lin Fan also frowned.

The origin of this heavy halberd is very extraordinary. It came from the ancient battlefield after the suspected war of gods. He got it from the "dog hole".

He also thought, since Xiao Nuo has the Desolate Halberd, then the Sea God Trident can be given to Xiao Wu.

This vast catastrophe lasted for five full days, and after five days, the catastrophe disappeared.

Among the three, the little princess was the first to complete the tribulation, condensed into the emperor fruit, and achieved the immortal emperor body.

The second one is Xiao Wu.

In the end, it was Xiao Nuo, and the emperor fruit he condensed was so strange that it was also a tiny flower of the other side, filled with the breath of reincarnation and rebirth, waved his hand casually, and a huge meteorite withered and flourished for tens of thousands of people in an instant. times, if you have experienced hundreds of reincarnations.

"Father." Xiao Nuo came in the sky, shining like a god, and knelt down in front of Lin Fan.

"Master." Xiao Wu also came, with tears in his eyes.

His life experience was too rough, if he hadn't followed Lin Fan, he might have died tragically on that dry island, and when his limbs were chopped off and his meridians were cut off, he really thought he was useless, but in the end, he survived the catastrophe .

"It's good to be proclaimed emperor, now your Uncle Li Guang won't be able to sit still, he will scream." Lin Fan smiled, but the sternness in his eyes gathered more and more.

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