Twin martial arts

Chapter 2126 Civil turmoil

Wang Xiong and others all nodded.

This is a matter in the agreement, so naturally it will not refuse.

The harassment was endless, and Xu Yang was in command, so of course there would be no mistakes. Therefore, the tense strings of everyone on Tianwai Island have never had even the slightest gap to rest; therefore, they can only work in shifts.

But it's very pitiful, how many soldiers can be hidden in a besieged island, so all the soldiers are already exhausted, when they look at each other, they can see the despair in each other's eyes, as well as the deep ruthlessness and passion hidden in each other's eyes hate.

The drums of war sounded again, and the horns of attack wailed.

But the soldiers guarding the various passes have become accustomed to it, and they don't take it seriously at all. They just walk numbly to their respective posts, staring blankly at the mist in front of them.

But this time was very different. This time it was an actual attack, and there was no fraud involved. Ten thousand hell troops and unnamed legions broke into the thick fog, and the blood bloomed like plum blossoms in the white fog.

In addition to the low roar of the three-headed dog, there was only the sound of the blade piercing the bone, and of course it was accompanied by the dying howls of soldiers from Tianwai Island.

"Enemy attack!"

A figure in the Holy Realm roared loudly, wanting to burst into tears.

Xuyang is too demon, commanding the legion to fight, it is false and real, making people difficult to parry, and killing people by surprise.

"call out!"

But this holy figure just had time to give a warning, and was directly nailed to blood by the javelin snatched by Anu.

The shouts of killing were deafening, coming from which island, many soldiers who were still resting all got up and rushed towards this place.

In just two days, they were desperate and aggrieved enough.

This is too tortured, I would rather die in a vigorous battle.


But how could Anu really kill them bloody?

This is just a charge, he ordered, and after breaking with the two holy figures, he came out of the foggy formation.

This time the beheading was very rich, beheading the three saints, the ordinary soldiers were at least 300, and they only sacrificed [-] people.


On the flagship, Anu laughed loudly. He had just slashed the saint who had bullied him more than once or twice in the camp of war servants, which made him ecstatic.

All the members of the rest of the legion released wolf-like gazes in their eyes, the murderous aura was too terrifying.

"Major General, how long will it take for the next attack?"

Anu asked, and upon hearing his question, the eyes of everyone in the Celestial Realm burst into light.

"Wait, it won't be long."

Xu Yang smiled.

One day passed, Xu Yang ordered a total of three attacks.

It's just that the result of one attack is not as good as that of one attack, and after that, it is mainly about harassment.

Tianwai Island.

Tianwaitian's eyes were red, and even he, the majestic emperor, felt powerless; let alone others.

At this time, a general came forward with complicated eyes, and a long knife that was still dripping blood was drooping in his hands: "Patriarch."

Tianwaitian said: "What's the matter?"

"Your subordinate, please fight." The general's eyes showed deep-seated hatred: "Your subordinate thinks that it's just a matter of death, so it's better to rush out like this and fight vigorously."

"Bastard!" Tianwaitian scolded angrily, looking at the general with cold eyes: "What about you? What do you think?"

"Subordinates would rather go out to fight and die than be so aggrieved and be passively beaten in this tortoise shell." The general said, and added: "If this happens for a long time, I'm afraid they will mutiny."

"Mutiny? Who dares?" Tian Waitian raised his eyes and said with a smirk, "If there are mutinies, there will be one person, the island master will kill one person, and two island masters will kill one pair."

The general opened his mouth, but then he sighed in his heart and said nothing more.

"Patriarch, it is impossible to do anything. If possible, arrange a retreat this morning." The general was very loyal, and expressed his willingness to lead the army here, delaying and confusing Xu Yang and others, so that Tian Wai Tian led the most elite descendants of the Tian family to escape. .

"That's too late."

The eyelids of the three eyes raised slightly: "With Tianwai Island as the center, there is a radius of [-] miles, all of which are under the surveillance of the enemy's emperor-level spirit."

This sentence dimmed the ray of light that Tianwaitian finally had in his eyes.

Tianjia is really over, there is no way out.

Xu Yang is really too crazy. For a whole day and night, every half hour, he will harass him once, and the non-stop harassment is mixed with real blood killings.

At dawn, both sides had a short rest.

Of course, this is also Xu Yang's plan.

According to what he and Lin Fan said, he had already planted a lot of explosives for Tianwai Island, and during this short period of rest, he just waited for the explosives to ferment and be ignited.

And those leads, of course, are soldiers from Tianwai Island who desperately want to find another way to make a living.

In Tianwai Island, there are remnants of defeated soldiers and corpses everywhere, and in just two and a half days, the casualties of Tianwaitian have reached a terrifying [-]!

On the other hand, Lin Fan's party was less than three thousand!

This kind of battle loss ratio can scare people to death.

This battle led by Xuyang will definitely be praised by many masters of tactics, and will be praised as a textbook-like strategy.

At this time, Tianwaitian was walking among these wounded soldiers and the barracks, but he actually felt a tinge of fear.

Because, the eyes of these soldiers seemed to want to swallow him alive, as if they were blaming him, why did they provoke such a terrifying person, and let everyone be robbed with him.

Of course, he also saw a trace of other meanings from the many eyes.

That's -- crazy.

"My lord, why do we have to stick to this place?"

Finally, a soldier struggled to get up, completely ignoring that he had only one leg and was still bleeding, he was questioning.

Tianwaitian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you questioning the owner of this island?"

The soldier straightened his neck and shouted: "My lord, we have the right to know the reason. We are not surnamed Tian, ​​so there is no need to die for you."

"So? What do you want to say?" The cold light in Tianwaitian's eyes slowly rose, and murderous intent slowly gathered in his eyes.

"If it is destined to be a dead end, a dead end, I hope that your lord will hold you high and let us go. Although Lin Fan is known as a butcher, he has never hurt innocent people. As long as we go out, there will definitely be a way to survive."

"A way to survive? You actually want to survive? Well, the owner of this island will give you a way to survive."

Tianwaitian grinned grimly, he slowly stretched out his hand, slowly clenched it in the void, all movements were very clear under his deliberate actions, but it was too slow, which was more threatening——

This pawn, at a speed visible to the naked eye, is slowly distorting and being squeezed until it becomes a piece of meat pie

"A way to survive? This is a way to survive, who else wants it? Just say it out, and the owner of this island will help you!"

Tianwaitian's eyes were full of madness.

"You, want to live?"

Suddenly, Tianwaitian looked at a wounded soldier with flickering eyes, and immediately crushed him.

"So, who else is there? Come, come, let the island owner take a look."

Tianwaitian's eyes glanced indifferently, no one dared to look up, and all of them buried their heads tightly.

But this fire already has a flame.

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