Twin martial arts

Chapter 2127 Constant Holy Corpse

This rest time was very long, until the evening, Xu Yang did not order to harass or attack.

Thousands of warships, like vicious beasts, stared at the surrounded islands.

It seems that just waiting for Lin Fan to give an order, the tiger will pounce on it and tear the island apart.

"How much longer?" Lin Fan asked.

"It's coming soon." Xu Yang looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "The night is dark and the wind is high, it was the killing night just now."

Lin Fan glanced at his mouth: "Then I will go to practice again."

"Aren't you tired of practicing day and night?" Xu Yang said, "I don't know how to combine work and rest? If you don't have a great opportunity to help you make breakthroughs in some important realms, you probably won't be able to practice yourself to death." breakthrough."

Lin Fan sighed: "I have already touched the bottleneck, and I can even feel the existence of this shackle, this feeling."

He smiled bitterly.

"I understand." Xu Yang answered the words, very seriously: "I was also trapped in the Holy Emperor for a long time, for several years, that kind of feeling, life is worse than death, I can feel it, but it is indeed a rag, it is very painful."

"I have been trapped in the realm of the Great Sage for a long time, more than two years, this is simply unusual." Lin Fan also said.

"Take your time, don't worry." Xu Yang comforted.

The two of them didn't notice at all that the group of emperors beside them had expressions that wanted to slap people in the face.

"Old Wang, how long did it take you to break through from the Holy Emperor Realm to the Profound Emperor Realm?"

The Prisoner Niu Emperor looked at Wang Xiong and asked lightly.

Wang Xiong glared at Prison Niu viciously: "Old rascal, are you making fun of me? Sincerely want to embarrass me?"

Prisoner Niu smiled wryly: "Do you think I have this mood?"

Wang Xiong gritted his teeth and felt a toothache. He said, "In the past 30 years, I have been from the Holy Emperor to the Lin Emperor. I was praised by my family as a genius who was once in a thousand years. In the history of cultivation in the whole world, I was also considered to be among the best."

"30 years?" Prisoner Niu looked at Wang Xiong strangely, and sighed, "Then you are better than me, and I spent 50 years."

"Don't talk about it, I don't feel irritable."

The other emperor who was invited by Lin Fan with the elixir opened his mouth, his face blushing: "One is 30 years old, the other is 50 years old, are you showing off in front of me? It took me a full 100 years to break through that barrier .”

"Don't even say, don't you feel ashamed in front of the two juniors?" Another emperor character asked.

"I feel that our group of people have all lived like dogs. We are glad that we did not have the same age as these perverted children. Otherwise, we would all be desperate, and our hearts would be shaken. It is absolutely impossible to have today's achievements." Wang Xiong asserted.

A group of emperors sighed, but had no choice but to nod.

It's too monstrous, if they were born in the same era as Lin Fan, there would be absolutely no chance for them to show themselves. These are two figures who can overwhelm an era.

"Seniors, what are you talking about?" Lin Fan asked with a frown, mainly because he thought that these emperors had discovered something unusual in Tianwai Island.

"You kid also want to see our jokes? While playing in the mud, don't come over for at least three to five minutes, don't talk, my brain hurts." Wang Xiong said, with a toothache expression on his face.

"Hey, these seniors feel that they have been hit by us." Xu Yang smiled: "It must be that they have lived their age like a dog and were shocked by our breakthrough speed."

A group of emperors gritted their teeth and stared at Xu Yang viciously, wanting to slap this kid a few times.

"So, what are you in a hurry for?" Xu Yang asked.

Wang Xiongdao: "What the Major General said is indeed true, what are you in a hurry for? You know, even in an ordinary holy realm, to go from the Holy Emperor to the Lindi requires a great opportunity and time, let alone your breakthrough. It is the great holy land."

Lin Fan didn't speak, but walked to the bow of the boat, looking into the distance, it was another sunset.

He is not in a hurry.

It's not that he doesn't understand these principles.

However, only when he reaches the realm of Hengsheng can he have the power to protect himself and return to the world of heaven and man.

Where is his brother fighting.

Where is his wife and son waiting for him.

"Hengsheng, this realm was actually a long time ago, and everyone always thought it was just a legend."

At this moment, the emperor riding the prisoner bull spoke, attracting everyone's attention, he said slowly: "Until the Dragon King of the East China Sea digs up an ancient corpse in a certain ancient ruins, which proves this realm. It did exist long ago."

"How can an ancient corpse testify to Hengsheng?" You Dijun frowned.

The Prisoner Bull Emperor snorted coldly: "The so-called saints and the heaven and the earth will die together; after death, the body will last forever, these are just falsehoods."

He looked at Xuyang: "Take this kid as an example, his aptitude is against the sky. Before Lin Fan appeared in the Seventh Realm, he was hailed as the supreme emperor, but if this kid falls, at most, his remains will last forever. Ashes to ashes to ashes.”

Everyone nodded, and Xu Yang rubbed his nose depressedly, but he had to admit that what Emperor Prisoner Niu said was a fact.

"But do you know how many years that ancient corpse has existed?" Prisoner Niu Emperor deliberately put on a show, and then said slowly: "A whole era! And a whole era has passed, and the appearance has not changed, and it is lifelike."


Everyone gasped.

After death, the remains last for an entire era, perhaps only in the realm of Linshen, is it possible?

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not the same thing. If it's really the remains of the Linshen powerhouse, the Dragon King of the East Sea, how dare he touch it? How dare he recite it?" Prisoner Niu scorned.

Everyone also nodded.

Linshen, what kind of realm is that? He has already reached the peak of cultivation in half a step. Even after death, no one except gods and peers dare to touch it.

"So, he is—Hengsheng!" Prison Niu asserted, and said: "This is also the conclusion that His Majesty Mozun has personally asserted."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

The Emperor Prisoner Niu said: "If you have nowhere to go, why not Donghai and his party, maybe you can find a breakthrough opportunity from that ancient corpse."

"Ask that old dragon for treasures?" Wang Xiong curled his lips: "Don't think about that old dragon, who is always allowed in but not allowed out, like a glutton. If you want his treasures, you might as well just kill him."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "If that long worm doesn't know what to do, at worst, it will be slaughtered."

Lin Fan scolded with a smile: "Then what's the difference between us and the robbers? It's just that after this incident, Donghai and his party are imperative."

"I will go with you. When he turned into a dragon, my general's mansion also helped him. This matter is when he pays off his debt."

Xu Yang spoke.

"Could it be that when the old dragon was robbed by the sky, the earth-shattering sword that cut off the sky came from your father?" The prisoner emperor's pupils shrank.

Xu Yang said proudly: "Looking around the two worlds, who else can cut that knife apart from my father?"

This sentence is too domineering.

But no one dared to refute.

Looking around the two worlds, indeed no one can be more pure than Zhan Tianjiang in terms of sword intent.

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