Twin martial arts

Chapter 2125 Leisure and Busy

The drums were still beating, and the horns were whimpering, making people panic.

The entire island is ready to fight to the death.

But after a long time, they didn't suffer any attack. Of course, the war drums and horns kept weakening, piercing into the eardrums, causing pain.

Beginning at noon, the drums and horns of war continued until the evening, without any abatement.

Lin Fan was sitting on the flagship drinking wine, very happy, the sun was setting, the afterglow reflected the blue sea, the huge sea area was orange red, very beautiful, they were enjoying the scenery, of course they were also talking about the past and the present, Xu Yekuang and Wu Chang would also talk to Lin Fan He asked Xu Yang for advice on Taoism, and both of them knew everything.

But Tianwai Island is quite different, the hatred is bleak.

The sound of the war drums kept on, and the horns of the attack whimpered. No one dared to relax their vigilance. They all tensed a string. It lasted for many hours. People were tired and exhausted. wear off slowly.

At this time, if you enter the island, you can feel a strong sense of death. This is not because some people are really dead, but these people are desperate. Although they are alive, they have almost no will to live. It's a group of mourners.

Even emperors like Sanyan and Tianwaidao felt pain from their souls. They have been covering the entire island with the power of their souls, wanting to know immediately which direction Lin Fan and the others choose to attack.

But even the emperor, it is impossible to use the power of the soul endlessly, so they also feel tired.

"What the hell! Will we fight or not?"

The three-eyed maniac roared, and the cold light in his eyes flickered, which was simply too torturous.

"Lin Fan, do you dare to lead an army to fight?"

Tianwaitian screamed even more, and the fog that covered the entire island was shaken violently.

"If you don't fight, the governor is not interested."

Lin Fan Langsheng replied with a mocking smile: "Of course, if you dare to open your tortoise shell, I don't mind sending you on your way now."

"No guts!"

Tianwaitian was extremely angry and hated, he cursed angrily.

Lin Fan and the others ignored him at all. Afterwards, Xu Yang stopped the drums and horns from whimpering.

The whole army is repaired.

Before the horns and drums were heard, all the soldiers on Tianwai Island suddenly let out a sigh of relief, their spirits collapsed a lot, and they all sat on the ground wearily.

But for at most half an hour, the flustered and irritable battle drums and horns sounded together, and this time was different from the previous time, there were really many shouts of killing, and the sound of soldiers riding the waves to kill could be clearly heard breaking through the air.

"Prepare for battle!"

"Prepare for battle!"

The many soldiers who hadn't recovered their breath immediately threw themselves into their respective posts.

However, this time it turned out to be false. Those shouts and sounds of piercing the air did happen in real life, but they returned to those warships halfway.

Xu Yang's eyes are full of wisdom: "I want to make them exhausted to death."

Lin Fan glanced at him: "You decide, call me when you need to attack, and I'll go to practice."

He directly left everyone behind, returned to his room, and began to practice.

It was like this from daytime until late at night, and I don't know how many feints happened.

Of course, Xu Yang uses his troops like a god, not only feigning attacks, whenever the people in Tianwai Island relax their vigilance, there will always be intruders directly rushing into the formation, killing him every 500 people, but never going deep into the killing formation , and return immediately after a certain result has been achieved.

But it was this kind of falsehood and continuous harassment of the enemy that made Tianwai Island miserable.

They didn't dare to relax at all, as if since Lin Fan and others came here, they could only keep defending, defending, defending.

Just because; no matter whether it is Tianwaitian or Three Eyes, the only barrier they can hold Dora to be buried with is this island guard formation.

Without this large formation, they would not be enough to watch, even if they had three or five emperors, they would not be enough to kill them, they would be utterly wiped out.

The night has really fallen, only the bright moon hangs high in the sky, on the battleship, the lights are brightly lit, and the wine and meat are fragrant. This is not like a conquest at all, but more like a game of amusement.

Tianwai Island managed to get an hour's rest time.

But at this time, Tianwaitian was about to vomit blood.

Because, just this day, he didn't even kill a single enemy, but he lost [-] lives on his side, and everyone in the [-] army was sweating profusely, their faces were pale, and their steps were vain. It was like going through several life and death fights.

But it is clear that there has never been a handover of soldiers!

"Damn! Who came up with this damn idea, did I dig his family's grave? It's so vicious and vicious!"

Tianwaitian was furious.

If things go on like this, there is no need to really wait for Lin Fan's attack, it only needs to last for a month and a half. Will there be anyone he can fight on this outer island?

"Soldiers who subdue others without fighting will give birth to an amazing son."

Three-eyed wry smile: "Be careful, the major general wants to make everyone on the island despair and rebel. Your island guard formation is indeed extraordinary. From the outside to the inside, it is impossible to break through without losing a hundred thousand lives, but If from the inside out"

Tianwaitian's eyes suddenly turned cold!

"As long as there is such a sign, I will kill one if I see one, and kill one if I see two." Tianwaitian grinned.

He must die.

So crazy, he also knew that maybe Lin Fan could bypass most of the people on this island, but he would definitely be killed, there was no other way.


The sudden sound in the hall made Tianwaitian jump up like a conditioned reflex. Just as he was about to call out the enemy attack, he saw a maid trembling in shock.

It turned out that the voice was just a wine sac that the maid knocked off.

"Are you watching Lao Tzu's jokes too? Do you want to scare Lao Tzu too?",

Tianwai was so naive that he rushed over and broke the innocent maid's neck, with a cruel smile.

The three eyes narrowed slightly.

Not much to say.

But he felt that Tianwaitian was already crazy, and the reinforcements from Guojiu's Mansion were delayed, maybe he should rethink some escape routes for the Three-Eyed Clan.

He can die, but the three-eyed people shouldn't all die.

on the flagship.

Lin Fan put down the wine glass: "I will lead the army to kill one."

"You go." Xu Yang said.

The drums of war beat.

Lin Fan only brought Anu and a few other people and didn't charge directly into the battle formation. In just half a quarter of an hour, he beheaded [-] enemies and returned safely.

"It's almost there. If this situation lasts for at least three days, Tianwai Island will be destroyed."

After hearing Lin Fan's description of the situation on the island, Xu Yang spoke decisively and affirmatively.

"Three days?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and he picked up an island owner at random: "How many emperors are there in Tianwai Island? How many emperors are there in the three-eyed clan?"

The island owner thought carefully: "There are three emperor-level figures in the Tian Family, and two from the Three-Eyed Clan."

"You, lying? Do you want to die?" Lin Fan looked at the island owner coldly.

The island owner said: "Tianwai Island used to have more than so many emperor realms, but we know that after the governor general personally conquered, those emperor realm enshrined all left, leaving only the emperor realm figures of the Tian family, and the three-eyed clan is the same. How dare you lie to the governor."

Lin Fan's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he looked at Wang Xiong and others: "After the island is broken, those emperors will get rid of the seniors."

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