Twin martial arts

Chapter 2108 Lin Long's Big Marriage

A group of dogs howling and screaming, begging for mercy, kowtowing like garlic.

Jiang Shan's expression was complicated; he sighed, "Do you think I'm ruthless?"

Jiang Shan smiled wryly: "If I don't punish you satisfactorily at this time, I can guarantee that you will die in the next second."

A group of people were puzzled, but saw Jiang Shan looking somewhere in the void: "Yes, Admiral Lin."

Lin Fan chuckled, and stepped out through the void: "Admiral Su Wenjiang is known as a clairvoyant, and seeing him today is really powerful, and he can easily see through his disguise."

"Why did the governor make fun of me? If the governor hadn't been satisfied with my handling, and deliberately revealed a wave of space fluctuations when he was about to leave, how could I see through the whereabouts of the governor." Not false."

Lin Fan laughed: "Let's stop flattering each other."

Jiang Shan also smiled, looked at Lin Fan, and said, "May I ask the governor how he is satisfied with his handling?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Very satisfied, what about your precious son? How do you deal with it?"

"Of course I will lead a few people together to serve the Zhantian Army, and life and death will follow fate." Jiang Shan said solemnly.

Lin Fan said: "Admiral Jiangshan has a reputation for justice, but he is just a father; it is inevitable that there will be some"

Jiang Shan smiled wryly: "It's true that he is too spoiled; since his mother died, I feel that I owe him too much."

"Let him lead this group of people into Xuyang's personal guards." Lin Fan said, "I will talk to Xuyang, if I think about it, Xuyang will give me this face."

"Thank you, Dudu." Jiang Shan bowed to the end.

Lin Fan left.

In fact, Lin Fan was smiling wryly, feeling that Xu Yang was too narrow to have such a request.

If he had a choice, he would definitely rather die in battle than serve under Xu Yang, otherwise he would be punished miserably.

"Father." Jiang Zhonglang said pleadingly.

Jiang Shandao: "This is already the best result. You know, if you become the personal guard of the major general, after the major general takes power, a partial general in the Zhantian army will not be able to escape. It's better than someone like your father and me. It's much better to survive in the cracks."

In the admiral's mansion.

"Father, in the final analysis, he, Lin Fan, is just a man from another world and a sinner. Why should he dominate the seventh world and stir up endless storms?" Jiang Zhonglang had already recovered under Jiang Shan's treatment. .

Jiang Shan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Let's not guess about the important person, you just need to know that Lin Fan is not something our Jiang family can provoke at this time."

Jiang Shan was silent for a moment, and said: "Under the command of the major general, you should remember not to be afraid of death, just accept it, go."

On the second day, Jiang Zhonglang led a group of doglegs to travel far away, and from then on, Xu Yang had a few more personal guards under his command. At this time, they were still dandies. , The enemy was terrified.

Different from the temporary calm of the seventh session, the world of heaven and man is very lively.

Just because today, the Heavenly Human Clan is marrying a daughter, and the Dragon Clan Little Dragon King is welcoming her.

Both men and women are too prominent, and the combination of the two, in the eyes of outsiders, is more like a combination of certain interests.

Especially at this time, when the world of heaven and man is in full swing, this marriage, no matter how you look at it, has some other flavors mixed in it. Therefore, it gives people a feeling that the joy is not too much, but on the contrary, there is a sense of gunpowder.

But if you want to talk about the combination of the two, whoever suffers the most, of course belongs to the Phoenix Clan, which belongs to the Dragon Clan and the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

You know, the dragon and phoenix clans have been in an all-out war for nearly three years, but the two clans have always been evenly matched. Today you take my city, and tomorrow I will take your village.

But with the strong marriage between the Dragon Clan and the Celestial Human Clan, this fair situation will be broken.

But on the day of the wedding between the little dragon king Aoqin and the third princess of the Celestial Clan, Li Guang, who had just conquered the entire Qingzhou with iron and blood, blatantly sent the letter of alliance to the Phoenix Clan in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The whole world is shocked!

This is not over, Jianyu Jiansheng Mountain, the most important disciple of the Sword Emperor—Wu Jian, actually walked down the Sword Saint Mountain on the same day, went to the Phoenix Clan in person, and chose a son-in-law for his beloved daughter. The target, turned out to be Xiao Nuo, the most popular young general of the Phoenix Clan, who has shaken the world since this period of time.

After that, Wu Jian and Phoenix Princess Lin Leyao announced to the world that Xiao Nuo and Li Luo were engaged.

Of course, it doesn't matter when Wu Jian got his wife and daughter. The important thing is that the appearance of this marriage represents the alliance between Jian Yu and the Phoenix Clan.

And the most terrifying thing is.

When Wu Jian returned to the Sword Domain, one hundred thousand sword masters descended from the Sword Saint Mountain, and in just one night, they pacified the Sword Domain's ruling family——the Sword Clan.

The three consecutive major events awakened the world a lot from the shock of the marriage between the Celestials and the Dragons.

Everyone is slowly calculating in their hearts.

Robbery State, Sword Region, Qingzhou, and the Phoenix Clan who controlled half of the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, unknowingly, such a terrifying force appeared.

It can be said that in the absence of the Celestials and Humans, there is no force or group in the entire Celestials and Humans that can resist it.

Of course, what no one knows is that the fundamental reason for the extermination of the Sword Clan was simply because this Clan once wreaked havoc in the next session; it was not at all what others thought, it was a demonstration at Sword Saint Mountain.

It is impossible for Wujian to come up with such a way.

The night is deep, red candles are red on the bed, and happy words are pasted all over the window sills, which is very festive.

And Lin Long, who was wearing a red dress robe, was sitting at the table drinking, his eyes looked at Tian Xin'er sitting on the wedding bed from time to time, with the red hijab still intact.

"Are you going to suffocate me?" Tian Xin'er said shyly.

Lin Long was silent, walked over, gently pushed away, he was more charming than Hua.

"Aren't you happy?" Tian Xin'er whispered.

Lin Long didn't speak, and went back to the drinking place, pouring a large glass of wine down his throat.

Tian Xin'er came, just behind Lin Long, and gently squeezed his shoulders: "Are you angry because of what my brother said today?"

Lin Long frowned, and then said, "Xin'er, I need to know what's on your mind."

Tian Xin'er stopped her hands and sat opposite Lin Long: "Just today, I know everything."

"You married me only because of the combination of interests, and you still care about me." Lin Long said.

Tian Xin'er smiled and said: "Fool; I am the princess of the Celestial-Human Clan, do you think that it is only the so-called combination of interests that can be combined with you?"

"Really? I hope so." Lin Long smiled.

Tian Xin'er cast a reproachful glance at Lin Long, and said shyly, "It is said that a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold."

Lin Long laughed, bent over, picked up Tian Xin'er, and the red bed shook; he narrated a night of spring dinner.

Of course Lin Fan knew the news, and then he grabbed Xu Yang for no reason and drank all night, but his eyes were always looking in that direction from the beginning to the end.

That direction is the realm of heaven and man.

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