Toast Mingyue, and Yingying became three people.

This line of poetry is too lonely, fortunately there is someone beside Lin Fan who clearly understands everything but doesn't say anything, just drinks with Lin Fan one after another, Xu Yang; otherwise, how lonely Lin Fan would be.

Lin Fan wanted to get drunk, but it was a pity that the Great Sage's body was too strong, maybe only the rumored immortal or immortal drunk could make him feel a little drunk.

Drinking all night, the wine jars were piled up several meters high, and finally the bright moon sank, and Lin Fan just raised his glass to the void, and said softly, "Brother, happy wedding, I wish you a happy life!" until old. '

However, when Lin Fan said these words, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth showed bitterness.

To grow old together?

is it possible?

The positions of the two sides are very different. If Lin Long really wants to get married with Tian Xin'er, there are only two possibilities——

Tian Xin'er betrayed the family that gave birth to her and raised her.

Or, Lin Long completely sided with the Celestials.

Lin Fan knew that perhaps this marriage was doomed to a tragic ending from the very beginning. Perhaps Lin Long, even though he was in the bridal chamber right now, could fill mountains and rivers with no one to confide in the sorrows in his heart.

"Why make that sad expression?" Xu Yang squinted at Lin Fan, and snorted coldly: "In my opinion, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved with a single blow. enough."

"Shut up." Lin Fan said, and asked back: "One knife can open the sky, split the ground, and destroy all living beings, but can you cut the thread of love?"

Xu Yang opened his mouth and cursed. He obviously felt that Lin Fan was messing around and hurt the scenery. He felt how arrogant and domineering his words just now were.

"Putting a knife cuts off the water and makes it flow." Lin Fan chuckled: "There are 3000 million words in the world, but the word love hurts the most."

Xu Yang looked at Lin Fan in surprise: "Could it be that your kid has a relationship problem?"

He leaned on the ridge of the roof, not doing his job right as usual, like a noble young man playing games in the world, he got up suddenly, and smiled: "I see, I must be thinking about whether to accept Fairy Qingyue or not."

"You can go to sleep, or there is mud under the eaves, you can play with the mud." Lin Fan was cold and wanted to smoke Xu Yang.

"Mediocrity." Xu Yang curled his lips: "Isn't she just a woman? And, at this time, she has already regarded herself as your wife. Mister, the rice is cooked. It is best to let her be pregnant in the next ten days, and then it will be fine. It's useless for her to wake up, she can only passively accept the reality."

Xu Yang had a smirk, very malicious, and came up with a bad idea here, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, mean: "Do you think she is only in her teens at this time with an IQ, and if you really touch her Is she a crime?"


Lin Fan couldn't bear it anymore, Lao Quan waited on him.

Xu Yang laughed out loud, not entangled with Lin Fan at all, and flew around.

In the end, Lin Fan gave him a hard look, took another jar of 300-year-old wine, and drank it slowly by himself.

"What's the matter?"

Xu Yang came, very solemn and serious.

He didn't really want to laugh, but he was deliberately mean, in order to pull Lin Fan out of the melancholy that seemed like the world was drunk and I was sober, but it was obviously useless.

Lin Fan looked at Xu Yang, smiled wryly, and slowly dragged out the matter.

"What? There is such a heaven-defying skill in this world?" Xu Yang was surprised, and fixedly looked at Lin Fan: "If you have a chance, you must introduce Jinlong Dijun, I want to pay a visit to this outstanding person."

"Okay, unfortunately, isn't your focus a bit wrong?" Lin Fan's eyes were a bit unfriendly.

Xu Yang snorted coldly: "At the end of the day, it's just your unfounded worries."

"Oh?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xu Yang said: "Since Lin Long decides to marry a wife, he has already prepared for the worst. There is a saying that is very good, as long as you have it once, why care about forever?"

"But he will be very hurt." Lin Fan sighed.

"Injury?" Xu Yang looked at Lin Fan strangely: "If there is no such marriage, it will not be hurt? From my point of view, it was a mistake from the moment the two of them met.

Moreover, this matter is not unsolvable at all. In the final analysis, it is still a one-shot matter. "

"How should I say it?" Lin Fan asked attentively.

"Let Lin Long's hands not be stained with the blood of the people of the Heavenly Human Race."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

A smile appeared on Lin Fan's face, but in the end, he sighed and didn't say anything more.

In all his plans, Lin Long is a crucial part. It is impossible for him not to get the blood of the Celestials and Humans, unless all the plans are overthrown, but that is obviously impossible.

Because, for this plan, Chen Xuandong did not hesitate to risk his life and joined Tongtian's command, Wujian and Li Guang did not hesitate to make it clear that Juma was against the Celestial Clan.

It can be said that as long as he Lin Fan returns to the world of heaven and man, it will be when the horn blows.

"Okay, let's not talk much, let's drink." Lin Fan said; there are some things, how should I tell Xu Yang?

Drink until the sky is pale, drink until Qingyue wrinkled her nose and urge her many times, drink until Princess Jue is not satisfied.

Flying down from the roof, with only a short distance of three meters, Lin Fan and Xu Yang no longer smelled of alcohol.

They were all evaporated behind them, and the aroma of the wine was extremely strong.

A few early birds passed by in the sky and were fainted by the smell of alcohol. If Princess Jue hadn't kindly lifted the birds to the roof, these orioles would probably be the first birds to fall to their deaths.

After playing for three days, several people separated.

As for the Celestial Realm, since the marriage between the Celestials and the Dragons, the fights and battles in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters suddenly boiled to a fever pitch.

Between the two clans, emperor-level figures dispatched many respects, and even many celebrities in the sanctuary were invited back to their respective clans to sit in command.

But in the battle between the two clans, the most dazzling thing is not the continuous emperor-level battle, nor the strange monster races, thousands of them fighting in the blood-stained plain.

It was two heroes who didn't know their origins and roots at all, as if they appeared out of thin air, one named Xiao Wu and the other named Xiao Nuo.

The two are too strong, the first to become famous is the two strong players in the battle of the kings, from the bottom one, to No.1, never a single defeat!

But at that time, after all, he was just a king, no matter how extraordinary he was, it didn't seem to be anything; at least in the eyes of the saints and emperors, it didn't matter much.

But since the two became saints one after another, all the saints who had been famous for many years died in the hands of the two of them.

Even the nephew of the old Dragon King, the strong man on the list, was beheaded by Xiao Nuo with a trident, and everyone was horrified!

Just after the nephew of the old Dragon King, the evildoer who was very dissatisfied with Lin Long's rule of the dragon clan, was beheaded by Xiao Nuo, Xiao Wu seemed to not allow him to be good at the front, and even led Lin Fan's mount - Golden Wing Xiaopeng King At this time, the leader of the Peng clan intercepted and killed a dragon clan sage, and the little general killed him before the formation.

Troubled times produce heroes.

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