Each name is as prominent as the sun, which can illuminate the two worlds, shining forever, or is like Lin Fan, whose fierce reputation shakes the world, and can stop children from crying at night.

In contemporary times and at this time, the name that has the least 'deterrence' is actually Qingyue Fairy.

Of course, this is just what ignorant people think, and those with profound family backgrounds are shocked.

Fairy Qingyue, who has been crowned with beauty for many ages, has both beauty and talent, and is known as the Three Great Immortals in the world along with the other two in the entire history of ancient cultivation.

It can be said that the few people that Lin Fan spoke out with a smile were scarier and scarier than the other.

Needless to say that these people are all gathered together, even if one is singled out alone, this Jiang Zhonglang's biggest backer - Admiral Jiangshan; would not dare to provoke him easily.

But this Jiang Zhonglang is really awesome, he offended him completely once and for all.

The most amusing thing is that Jiang Zhonglang dared to order Lin Fan, the butcher, to take the only daughter of His Majesty Mozun as his wife, to take Fairy Qingyue as well, and to kill her. major general.

This is simply cheating.

Jiang Zhonglang and the group of dogs behind him all lost their eyesight, which was a kind of emptiness and despair after being overly frightened.

"The governor can't figure out why Jiangshan would raise such an idiot son like you." Lin Fan whispered, and smiled sinisterly: "You should be able to see from the fact that I can easily catch thousands of Jiangjiao. A little out of the ordinary."

Someone frowned, then sighed, that's true.

Lin Fan continued: "Okay, even if you can't see the above one, but I am a saint, and I can easily capture the sage-level Jiang Jiao, and you don't have even the slightest hesitation in your heart."

A group of people trembled slightly. After knowing Lin Fan's identity at this time, when they thought of Lin Fan's easy capture of the sage Jiang Jiao, they felt that it should be so, and it should be so. Compatible combat power.

Lin Fan smiled: "Qianjiao came out of the water, Xuyang and I fought alone, and you didn't even realize that we were not the second lord like you at all, you are a waste material who can only rely on family background to move." ;So, Ben Du said that you are as stupid as a pig dog, is it wrong?"

Jiang Zhonglang lost his mind, he looked at Lin Fan.

What should I say?

beg for mercy?

He said so many disrespectful words, just because he wanted to take the princess as his wife, he couldn't get through it.

It seems that some time ago, his father had just told him that after finally getting connected with the General's Mansion, he wanted to try to see if he could be sent to Zhantian Army to be gilded. At this moment, it was all over.

Xu Yang was icy cold, his eyes were extremely cold.

Now, there is no need to continue to pretend.

Yu Yu flew over, and Princess Jue climbed up Yu Yu, and said without the slightest color: "Go, let Jiang Shan come to meet you, three minutes, if even one second passes, his entire Jiang family will go to guard the abyss!" Eighteen floors."

The great eunuch surnamed Lin bowed his head, and after listening to Princess Jue's instructions, he used his hand as a pen and the void as paper, with cyan lines shining, and quickly finished writing a letter condensed with the runes of the avenue, and then slowly disappeared into the void.

This is the emperor's method, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they can send messages in an instant.


There was a slap in the face.

Xu Yang showed no mercy, and slapped half of Jiang Zhonglang's cheeks: "You are awesome, really awesome, much better than me."

Jiang Zhonglang didn't even dare to scream, and was slapped on half of his cheek, but he still knelt on the ground with his head bowed, just kept kowtowing.

"You guys are awesome too, are you acting like a boss?"

Xu Yang counted the past one by one, and it was all a matter of slap in the face.

Whether he will die or not depends entirely on the fate of these people, anyway, he didn't care when he was a major general.

Xu Yang was too ruthless, Jiao Meng was slapped and sent flying, and the blood-stained body unexpectedly flew towards Lin Fan.

A hint of disgust appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and he waved his hand slightly. The flying Jiao Meng immediately changed its course, and flew towards the torrential Duanhun River

"Oh, save me, son, save me."

Jiao Meng screamed for help, but it was useless, his thigh—Jiang Zhonglang, was trembling, and he didn't dare to say anything more.


Jiang Jiao roared, and an [-]-foot-long dragon smelled blood, flew up immediately, swallowed Jiao Meng in one bite, and blood flowed down the dragon's beard.

This scene was cruel, but everyone was silent.

Most importantly, this Jiao Meng is too annoying and annoying, Lin Fan always felt that he was buzzing like a fly.

"Damn it, when I come down to the rivers and mountains, if I am not satisfied with this general, I will throw you all into the river and feed it to Jiang Jiao. I want to see if your father dares to say anything, which annoys me, so I will throw him away together." Xu Yang is vicious.

The main reason is that the originally good mood was ruined by these few reckless people.

You know, the reason why he wants everyone to pretend is that he wants to spend more time with Princess Jue. At this time, Princess Jue's identity is exposed. How could he be as happy as he was a few days ago? He must restore his high-ranking princess status.

How could Xu Yang, who was finally able to hold Princess Jue's jade hand under Lin Fan's connivance, not be angry?

"Princess atones for her sins, Jiangshan is late."

In the distance, there was a desolate roar from Jiangshan.

It can be seen that Jiang Shan, who is the admiral of a domain, is running non-stop, and even when running in the void, he almost tripped a few times because he was too fast.

When Jiang Zhonglang heard his father's voice, there was a light in his eyes, but it soon dimmed again.

When Jiang Shan came, he bent his knees directly from the sky, and knelt high on the ground, his knees cracked the rocks, and his head touched the ground firmly, not daring to raise even a single line of sight.

"Jiangshan, this [-]-mile Duanhun River; when did it become your Jiang family's private property?" Princess Jue whispered.

Jiang Shan trembled; he didn't dare to speak much at all.

"Princess, everyone knows the reason for this matter; let them relay it, shall we go to the next place?" Lin Fan chuckled.

Lin Fan was thinking of Princess Jue. Princess Jue wanted to touch the matter of admiral Yiyu, but Lin Fan still felt that such matters should be dealt with by Mozun.

"Just listen to brother." Princess Jue said; her voice became cold and severe: "Jiang Shan, I hope you don't let me down."

Lin Fan glanced at Jiangshan, flew together with Xu Yang, followed Yu Lun, and flew towards the east.

Everyone knelt on the ground to see them off.

After Lin Fan and others disappeared, Jiang Shan slowly got up. He lowered his head and looked at Jiang Zhonglang who was kneeling on the ground with half of his cheek missing: "Get up."

Jiang Zhonglang's face was even more terrified, and he didn't dare to get up.

Jiang Shan looked at his son, "It's not my father's fault. My father has said more than once that something big will happen to you one day, but I still didn't expect that you would break the sky."


Jiang Zhonglang howled.

"And you." Jiang Shan looked at the dog legs kneeling behind Jiang Zhonglang: "You all go to join the army, the death squad of the Heavenly Slashing Army, serve three times, if you don't die, you will change your mind, if you die, it's you Destined to die."

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