Anu was injured so badly, it's hard to imagine what kind of tragic battle he went through.

Suddenly Lin Fan's heart clenched tightly!

Anu's injuries are so severe, so what about the Hell Army?

Lin Fan broke into Fairy Qingyue's room, which made Fairy Qingyue's eyes look cold for a moment, but when she saw Lin Fan's tightly pursed lips and Anu, who was carried behind Lin Fan's back, she came quickly. , putting hands together to lay Anu flat on the bed.

When Lin Fan rescued Anu, he could only know the severity of his injuries only when he saw more than one penetrating wound on Anu's body, as well as hundreds of hideous scars that were at least a foot long.

"Aren't your subordinates made of iron?" Fairy Qingyue was shocked: "Such a serious injury is not dead yet."

Lin Fan's eyes became darker and colder, and Lin Fan kept pouring medicine pills that had been fired at sky-high prices into Anu's mouth.


Anu coughed and opened his eyes weakly. When he saw Lin Fan, he said urgently, "My lord, quickly send troops to Devil's Valley."

"Devil's Valley?" Lin Fan repeated. He knew this Devil's Valley. It was thousands of miles away from Admiral's City, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there was only one long and narrow passage to enter the valley.

"Go quickly, those are not bandits at all, but robbers dressed up as Tushen army, no less than 5 people." Anu urgently urged again.

Lin Fan stuffed Anu with a pill again: "Okay, a hundred thousand miles is only a short distance away from me, so please clarify the situation first."

"I led the army to go. First, I fought seven or eight encounters with these god-slaying soldiers in good disguise, beheading at least seven or eight thousand. In the end, we chased and killed them."

Anu spoke intermittently, appearing to be having a hard time, and a large piece of his lung was cut by a sharp weapon.

"Idiot, don't you know that the poor should not chase after you?" Fairy Qingyue scolded coldly.

Shame appeared on Anu's face, but he still said: "When we were about a hundred miles away from Devil's Valley, my subordinates felt that something was wrong and stopped chasing.

But at the moment we stopped, we fell into an ambush from all sides, and the wind was jittery. In order not to kill the whole army, we forced our way into the Devil's Valley.

If it weren't for a strong attack into the Devil's Valley, with the help of the terrain, none of our 3 people would survive. "

Self-blame appeared in Lin Fan's eyes.

Obviously he knew long ago that these so-called bandits must have come to seek his bad luck and make trouble for him.

Why didn't you pay attention at that time?

The most important thing is that this time, the Uncle Guo's mansion was too generous. It mobilized tens of thousands of god-slaying troops at one time, and even the Mozun Palace was able to hide it from them.

"My lord, if there are really only [-] Slaughtering God Army, our Hell Army has no fear at all. At most, we will burn jade and stone together, but the team led by the other party is the five survivors of the restricted area. They are too fierce." Anu cried: "One of my Hell Army A leader-level figure was killed one by one by them."

"You just cultivate yourself, don't worry about the rest." Lin Fan stood up slowly, his whole body was like a moving volcano, full of murderous intent and anger.

"Wait for me, I will go with you." Fairy Qingyue said.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold: "If you want to save the lives of these people, don't talk about it."

"I have no friendship with them." Fairy Qingyue said.

"Then go." Lin Fan's figure disappeared in a flash.

Devil Valley.

This place has become a veritable meat grinder.

The entrance of the valley, which is two feet long, is full of corpses, which are more than ten feet high.

"A very good Hell Army, which can resist for such a long time."

A leftover from the restricted area spoke, his eyes full of appreciation.

"It's really good." The other one also spoke. He raised his hand high, and the attack of the God Slayer Army stopped immediately. He flew forward and looked at the general of the Hell Army who was shaking his body and kept himself from falling to the ground with the help of a long knife: "What is your name? name?"

This general glanced at the bereaved son of the restricted area: "I will not change my name if I am willing to sit down, but what is my name?"

"He Cangtian? Good name." The forbidden man nodded, and said again: "You are destined to die today, and I will give you a clear way at this time."

A trace of sarcasm appeared in He Cangtian's eyes: "Just tell me."

"Lead the remaining [-] remnants of the defeated generals, and put them under the command of the deity, but you will not die."

When the leftover from the restricted area opened his mouth, someone behind him changed his face drastically: "Gu Kai, what do you want to do? Xi Yin is for us to kill."

"Xi Yin?" Gu Kai said coldly, "Why can he order me?"

And he said coldly and arrogantly: "If I have such a large army under my command, do you think Uncle Guo will think highly of me?"

The faces of the survivors behind him all changed, and greed appeared in their eyes.

Indeed, if he controls the world's number one army, will uncle Guo look up to him?

At the very least, there is no need to act according to Xi Yin's face.

"Don't delay, you should know that the general named Anu has already been killed, and he may lead an army to come at any time. At that time, maybe Lin Fan will come in person."

A man spoke very seriously and solemnly: "Hurry up and cut it off, so we can leave, and change will happen if it is too late."

"Lin Fan?" Gu Kai let out a smirk, and he turned to look at the man who spoke: "Are you afraid of him too?"

The man's face changed slightly, and he shouted: "It's not a question of whether to be afraid or not. If Lin Fan really leads an army, how should we deal with it? At that time, plotting his army will not work; on the contrary, it will ruin a big event, Uncle Guo." How will you bear the liquidation with us?"

"A Nu was slashed in the chest by my sword, even if he escapes with his life, he will never reach Admiral's City thousands of miles away." Gu Kai sneered, and sneered: "Shenhu, since you are worried and frightened, get out of here. "

Shen Hu's face changed slightly, but when he saw the rest of them, they also looked eager to try. It was obvious that they all wanted to carve up the hell army.

Shen Hu chuckled, at this moment, he felt that he was out of tune with these people, and left alone.

When everyone saw Shen Hu leaving, their expressions changed slightly.

Gu Kai snorted coldly: "So what if Lin Fan is in person? You know, we still have six people here."

These words made the eyes of those who hadn't left squint.

Indeed, no matter how powerful Lin Fan is, he is the great sage of the world, but there are six of them here, and each of them has an extremely extraordinary background, so are they still afraid of him?

"Hmph, I wish Lin Fan could come here."

Someone said: "It's a great achievement to kill them together."

Gu Kai nodded in satisfaction, enjoying the feeling of being supported by everyone for this kind of action, and looked at He Cangtian slowly: "What? Have you figured it out? Kneel down now, but Paul will not die, and the glory and wealth will continue."

"Fuck your mother's egg."

He Cangtian's reply was just this scolding.

Then, in the valley, there was a faint but absolutely neat voice--get off your mother.

"Well cursed!"

Lin Fan came, fell from the sky, and stomped down his golden soles fiercely, covering all the leftovers in the restricted area.

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