The surviving God Slaughter Army roared, all the hardships have come, and they have been struggling to support, forming a fortress to attack the enemy with flesh and blood.

At this point, the savior arrived.

It has to be said that Anu is indeed very good at finding this excellent defense place. This is the Devil's Valley. It was once a Jedi and was leveled down by the Demon Lord himself. But until now, the sky above the Devil's Valley is still untouchable. Kong, even if it is an ordinary emperor, if he wants to pass by the sky, he will be severely injured.

Otherwise, these hell army will die before Lin Fan arrives.

"Lin Fan!"

Gu Kai roared angrily, and stabbed upwards fiercely with a big knife in both hands. It was impossible to wait for him to step down to intercept this golden ruthless foot.

"What a dare! You are only one person, and you want to kill us!"

"Just waiting for you to kill you!"

"Well done!",

Several leftovers from the penalty area yelled, the most important thing was shock and anger!

They just talked about Lin Fan, and Lin Fan descended forcefully, and directly aimed at all of them, suppressing them from the sky with a golden sole, as if he was crushing a group of maggots.


It was just the sole of a foot, but it seemed like the entire sky collapsed, with golden arcs exploding, and the light of rules burst like a vast ocean.

Gu Kai roared, and his soldiers were bent by this foot, as if they were about to explode; the rest of the people saw that the situation was not good, and they all retreated away after roaring.


Lin Fan stomped his foot hard, very hard!

On the [-]-foot open space outside the Devil's Valley, there is a huge abyss with neat edges. If you look at it from a high altitude, it is clearly the shape of a foot.

As for Gu Kai, he didn't crawl out of the abyss, and was directly trampled to death by Lin Fan with hatred.

"He Cangtian, how many brothers are there?" Lin Fan confronted a few survivors of the restricted area, but he was asking.

"It's less than [-]; the battle is too fierce, and it's too late to count." He Cangtian smiled bitterly.

The Divine Slaughter Army's offensive continued continuously, and the fighting never stopped even for a moment. They only knew that someone would die every second, but how many died was unknown at all.

"Okay! You are really good! One-third of my [-] hell army was cut off by you. Very good, really good!"

Lin Fan said a lot of good things in succession. The temperature within a hundred miles dropped to freezing point in an instant, but his breath turned into frost.

This made several survivors of the restricted area horrified.

Step on the valley of death with one foot.

And because of the murderous intent, the time of the hundred miles is changed.

This Lin Fan was too terrifying.

There is nothing to say, Lin Fan doesn't want to say more, these people are going to die.

They must be killed, and none of them will be left behind.

Zhu Tian appeared in his hand, dragged in the sky, cut the void, and a huge gap appeared. Lin Fan came to kill him, and Zhu Tian in his hand pointed directly at the leftover child in the center of the restricted area.

"Lin Fan, how dare you do that!"

The son of the penalty area roared, is this treating all of them as chickens and dogs?

It's just one person with one halberd, yet he dared to take the initiative to attack and kill them all.

"Lin Fan, don't be so arrogant, I'll kill you today!"

The remaining sons of the restricted area were also furious.

Even if you, Lin Fan, are the great sage of the world, and you are better than An Bodhisattva, and trampled to death on Gu Kai, so what?

How dare you underestimate people like this.



All the remnants of the restricted area rioted, and each of them broke out with the greatest combat power.

They unanimously chose the group battle.

This is a shame for them, so everyone's face is gloomy.

They have all suppressed for many ages, and the suppressed Zhu Tianjiao did not dare to raise their heads, but at this time, when facing Lin Fan, they knew that they would not be able to win if they fought alone.

"Group battle?" Lin Fan sneered, and three figures appeared in total. They were his third body, and they appeared together at this time, side by side with him, walking in neat steps. Unparalleled oppression.

This scene changed the color of many leftovers in the restricted area.

How to fight this?

They have already clearly sensed that the figures that appeared are all great saints, like living creatures.

The four great saints block the front, even if an emperor comes, he will be terrified.

"Well, that's not enough."

Lin Fan whispered.

A golden light flashed, Lin Long came, the dragon sword clanging in his hand, he was the only one who did not hold a heavy halberd.

The survivors of the restricted area are desperate!

Damn it!

The one who arrived at the end turned out to be the Great Sage too!

The most important thing is that they couldn't tell which of these five figures was Lin Fan himself. They were all the same, and they all showed an invincible majesty.

How to fight?

Even the only human sea tactic that could have an advantage was leveled and crushed by Lin Fan's arbitrariness and irrationality.

"How do you want to die?"

Lin Fan held the halberd and pointed forward obliquely, his eyes were fierce.

"Lin Fan, do you dare to fight each other?"

A son of the restricted area yelled.

He felt that if it was a duel, there was still a sliver of luck. If it was really a group battle, the five great sages would face off against the six Lindi, and they would be pushed and crushed.


Lin Fan raised his sword eyebrows, and charged forward with his halberd, rushing towards the son of the forbidden zone who wanted to fight him.

But soon, the leftover from the restricted area howled miserably. He was nailed between the eyebrows by Lin Fan's Heavenly Punisher, and his soul was nailed to the tip of the halberd.

"One-on-one fights, it's up to you."

Lin Fan smiled sinisterly, and the single arm holding the halberd trembled slightly. The son of the restricted zone who was going to fight him was suppressed and killed without even a ray of soul power overflowing.


A child left behind in the restricted area screamed in fear. He couldn't bear Lin Fan's terrifying coercion, and almost lost control back and forth, and fled into the distance.

Lin Fan just glanced contemptuously.

Suddenly, from the Devil's Valley, a long blood-colored arrow fell like a meteor, and the pursuer escaped from the restricted area.

Ten miles away, there was a huge explosion.

"Fairy Qingyue!"

The remaining four descendants of the restricted area screamed.

Fairy Qingyue walked out of the valley. She was asked by Lin Fan to send many pills into the valley first. At this moment, she killed a child left behind in the restricted area.

Fairy Qingyue's eyes were cold: "I only kill him. When I was in the uncle's mansion, he talked to me. I wanted to kill him a long time ago."

Lin Fan smiled: "Please protect them thoroughly."

Fairy Qingyue snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I'm here."

Lin Fan was completely relieved, and had no worries at all.

Of course, he also asked Fairy Qingyue to guard the tens of thousands of God Slayer Army and not allow them to flee.

Fairy Qingyue strictly carried out Lin Fan's request, as long as there was a God Slaughter Army who dared to leave, there would be bloody long arrows piercing through the air and killing them all.

Seeing all of this, Lin Fan smiled cruelly, turned his head, and looked at the survivors of the restricted area: "So, you can go on the road."

There is absolutely nothing to describe this battle, just because it is too bullying.

Five great saints killed four of Lindi, and basically none of them reached the peak of Lindi, and only one of them was only half a step away from touching the threshold of emperor level.

But this person was also killed by Lin Long with a sword.

All the leftovers in the restricted area, except the one who left first, died.

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