Twin martial arts

Chapter 2087 Bargaining

Fairy Qingyue didn't wake up until midnight.

In the pitch-black house, Fairy Qingyue's eyes were cold and cold, like the eyes of a wild wolf in a dense forest.

When the light came on, Lin Fan smiled: "I just want you to calm down, don't take offense."

"If you want me to calm down, just knock me out?" Fairy Qingyue's face was extremely cold, obviously she didn't like Lin Fan at all.

Lin Fan said: "Then what can I do? At that time, you obviously wanted to kill yourself, so I had no choice but to do so."

Fairy Qingyue just stared at Lin Fan coldly. This kind of gaze made Lin Fan feel uncomfortable. After thinking about it, Lin Fan said sincerely, "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

Fairy Qingyue still did not speak, and continued to stare coldly. After a long while, she said: "Tell me how you can become a great saint in this world, and the past will be erased."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank. This woman has ambitions, but she also wants to become a great saint?

It's just that Fairy Qingyue's cultivation base is already at the level of Lindi at this time. Could it be that she wants to walk the path of a saint again?

This is indeed possible. Some ancient secret methods can indeed make people forget the current state, forget many comprehended rules, etc., and walk a certain path of cultivation.

"Why? Don't you want to?" Fairy Qingyue sneered, "Or are you afraid that I, too, will take away all your glory after becoming a Great Saint?"

Lin Fan snorted coldly: "Even if you become a great sage, it's not difficult to suppress you. Why should I be afraid of it?"

Fairy Qingyue looked at Lin Fan provocatively: "Then tell me."

Lin Fan frowned: "There is no perfect method in this world to teach others how to walk on this road. Even I am just groping at this moment. To reach this stage, the first is luck, and the second is luck." Enough ordeal."

Speaking of this, Lin Fan seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Fairy Qingyue suspiciously: "You have an extraordinary background, does it mean that there is no complete Great Sage Law in the clan?"

Fairy Qingyue snorted coldly: "Of course."

Then, she said angrily: "It's just that the world has changed drastically, many prehistoric methods are no longer suitable for the present, and many shocking cultivation methods in the clan are useless."

Fairy Qingyue looked at Lin Fan and said, "Of course, cultivation methods are not available, but many emperor-level secret techniques, even divine skills, passed down from the family can still be used in the present age. If you let me successfully enter the university Shenglu, I can exchange with you a divine skill and an emperor-level secret technique."

Fairy Qingyue is extremely beautiful, and her tone is full of temptation at this time, even more so, she can really captivate the country and the city with a frown and a smile.

Lin Fan was in a trance for a moment, but it was only a moment: "Two divine skills, three emperor-level secret techniques, I will teach you."

Next, it is natural to bargain.

Lin Fan demanded the price all over the sky, and Fairy Qingyue sat on the ground and paid back the money.

This made Qingyue Fairy's beautiful eyes widen, and her silver teeth clenched.

She unanimously suspected that this Lin Fan was not a man, otherwise how could he be completely indifferent to her charm?

In the end, a price was negotiated.

Fairy Qingyue exchanged with Lin Fan for one divine skill and two emperor-level secret techniques.

This result naturally made Lin Fanxi smile, and of course he didn't forget to tell him that he could become a great saint, maybe it was just a chance, and Fairy Qingyue might not be able to become the same way.

Fairy Qingyue naturally knew this truth, and immediately said that as long as Lin Fan didn't hide anything, even if she didn't become a great saint in the end, the exchange would still be the same.

The two sat down quietly, but they were still several meters away from each other.

"Have you really made up your mind to follow the path of a saint?" Lin Fan frowned.

Fairy Qingyue nodded, her eyes were full of determination.

Lin Fan frowned even deeper: "At this moment, you are already at the peak of the emperor, and you are even about to touch the threshold of the emperor. Don't you think it's a pity to start all over again like this?"

"Even if you become an emperor, what's the use of having you, who is very likely to become the emperor of heaven, in this world? After all, you will only become the green leaves supporting the red flowers." Fairy Qingyue returned to her usual coldness.

Lin Fan smiled wryly, admiring this woman from the bottom of his heart.

He asked himself, if he were himself, would he be able to make such a determination.

Afterwards, Fairy Qingyue looked at Lin Fan solemnly: "It will take a month for me to disperse the holy fruit with the secret method of the family, and this month will be muddled, maybe only three or two years old's IQ, during this time, I will hire you Be my bodyguard."

"Three or two-year-old IQ? Bodyguard?" Lin Fan looked at Fairy Qingyue with strange eyes.

He seemed to see that she was clearly a stunning beauty, but she was holding his cuff delicately - big brother, she wants candy.

Ji Lingling shuddered.

Fairy Qingyue's eyes turned cold: "What dirty things are you thinking about?"

"No." Lin Fan said, of course he had no dirty thoughts in his heart.

Fairy Qingyue snorted coldly: "Do you agree?"

"That depends on what price you offer." Lin Fan was there.

"The method of casting the ultimate weapon." Fairy Qingyue seemed to have grasped Lin Fan's weakness.


Lin Fan suddenly became nervous: "Is it complete?"

"Naturally complete, the Integrity Law handed down by the Dream God ancestor records everything she has built into the Dream Palace."

"Deal!" Lin Fan suddenly clapped his hands!

You know, over the years, whenever he had the opportunity, he would look for similar methods of casting tools.

The most rewarding thing is to find two or three incomplete copies in the Mozun Palace, which are seriously incomplete.

This is why he clearly has such heaven-defying treasures as the Xuanhuang mother-gold, but it has been a long time since he has never made a weapon.

That is because he has ambitions in his heart, hoping to forge an invincible weapon, and I will kill a hundred flowers after they bloom.

Fairy Qingyue sneered, her slender fingers were like butterflies piercing flowers, and she cast spells one by one, and finally turned into a mysterious rune, flying out from between her eyebrows.

"Drop the blood between your eyebrows on this rune, and the deal will be done." Fairy Qingyue said.

A rune flashed in Lin Fan's eyes. From this rune, he sensed a lot of causal power, but it was indeed restricting both parties, and there was no potential crisis. Then Lin Fan cautiously forced out a blood between his eyebrows and dripped it on this place. on the rune.

When he dropped the blood between the brows on the rune, the rune actually split into two and were branded between his and Fairy Qingyue's brows respectively.

"Tomorrow, I will be working casually; you can leave now." Fairy Qingyue chased away.

Lin Fan looked at the sky, it was almost dawn, and he wanted to cry but no tears, the most poisonous woman's heart.

This Fairy Qingyue clearly crossed the river and demolished the bridge, destroyed his admiral's mansion, and at this time drove him away.

The dignified admiral wants to wander around in the early morning?

Lin Fan glared fiercely, left the restaurant, went out, walked a hundred feet, and saw Anu covered in blood, weakly curled up in a corner, unexpectedly exhaled more air than inhaled.


Lin Fan was frightened and furious, he quickly helped Anu up, put one hand on the cap of Anu, golden light poured into his body.

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