Twin martial arts

Chapter 2086 Bandits

However, Lin Fan felt that it couldn't be so simple.

That is a bunch of gods, high above, overlooking everything, how could they be killed for such an indifferent idea?

You must know that the history of blood and tears in the battle of gods has spanned more than one or two eras, and large-scale battles of gods have occurred more than once or twice.

"Did Dream God really put the Three Thousand Worlds to sleep?" Lin Fan asked again.

"Indeed, this is a major event recorded in the genealogy."

Lin Fan frowned: "But where did the Three Thousand Worlds come from?"

"The prehistoric world was not like this. At that time, after reaching the Holy One, you can cross the star universe. In a galaxy, there are different cultivation civilizations. The so-called three thousand worlds are just a general name, but if you include the whirling world, It is simply as immeasurable as the sands of the Ganges River.”

Lin Fan shuddered Lingling.

Was prehistoric monasticism really so prosperous?

The three thousand great worlds are still just general names, and there is a small whirling world under them.

"What about these ancient life stars?"

"It's all gone. At this moment in the entire universe, maybe only this side of the universe still has life."

Lin Fan suddenly flew into the sky, and he didn't know how many tens of thousands of feet he flew until he saw the death stars all over the sky floating lonely in the boundless void.

Deep in the starry sky, people unconsciously feel lonely and small. At this time, Lin Fan felt even more lonely.

Looking back at the ancient star when he came, compared with this vast and boundless star universe, it is just a drop in the ocean, but there is life above him.

Of course, he was noncommittal about what Fairy Qingyue said that there was only one living planet in the universe.

At least, all spirits were bred on that water-blue planet.

Returning to the Admiral's Mansion again, the time is only a moment.

"What else do you know?"

"I also know that Fang Tianyu has been wiped out more than once or twice, but every time there are powerful shots to protect all spirits." Fairy Qingyue spoke again.

Lin Fan frowned.

I only heard Fairy Qingyue say with a little fear: "The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, the avenue collapsed, and hundreds of millions of living beings were turned into ashes in an instant."

Lin Fan wasn't asking anything, he felt himself in a mess right now.

Got too much news today.

Thor actually died, and was dismembered and buried in various unknown places.

The God of Medicine is also dead, and when he was in the Invincible Heaven and Earth, there was still an enemy.

In the past, there were really three thousand great realms and countless small whirling realms.

But until now, only a few people know about these things.

Lin Fan sighed, Lei Chi flew back between his eyebrows, and retreated thousands of feet in an instant.


The moment Fairy Qingyue's soul came back to her shell, she screamed, her voice pierced gold and cracked stones, and the giant bow reappeared. Regardless of the sudden appearance of spring at this time, she directly launched the most violent attack on Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled wryly.

He just evaded and didn't fight back, he saw an opportunity, and turned into a golden light to leave the Admiral's City in an instant.

The entire Admiral's Mansion was swept into ruins by the enraged Qingyue Fairy. On this day, the entire Admiral's City saw an extremely beautiful scene of an exiled immortal wreaking havoc under the moonlight with a blood sword in his hand.

On the second day, Lin Fan rushed to the barracks secretly.

Anu looked at Lin Fan with a strange expression: "You are too impatient."

"What?" Lin Fan was puzzled.

"What else?" Anu glanced at Lin Fan: "How can you force such a woman who is as cold as the moon? It needs water to wear through a stone, and the twisted melon is not sweet."

"It's not sweet that I beat you to death."

Feeling ashamed, Lin Fan chased Anu and beat him everywhere.

"The entire admiral's mansion is in ruins, and our financial lord is getting angry, so hurry up and solve it."

When Lin Fan punched Anu fiercely, causing Anu to grin his teeth, Anu spoke.

When Lin Fan returned, the glorious Admiral's Mansion was gone, it was all in ruins, and the most powerful one had an abyss, which was clearly shot out by Fairy Qingyue, and there were underground springs gushing out.

"Very good, we can have a fountain here." Lin Fan smiled apologetically, looked at Honglian and said, "No primordial stone?"

Honglian said: "There are a lot of primordial stones, but the army is a gold-swallowing beast, and it can only barely maintain its expenses. If we want to rebuild the Admiral's Mansion this time, we will have a deficit."

Lin Fan waved his hand: "It's very simple, I'll go to the alchemy hall later to make alchemy myself."

Honglian's face softened: "It's the best."

Afterwards, she glanced at Lin Fan: "She has been waiting for you, and she never let go of the killing sword in her hand."

Lin Fan suddenly felt that the murderous intent was imminent, and he evaded three feet with a slippery step.


The sword glow cut across where he was standing, directly cutting the hard ground into a deep pit about ten feet long.

"Teacher, suffer death."

Fairy Qingyue scolded angrily. She searched for Lin Fan all night yesterday, but she couldn't find him anywhere, so she just waited here.

Lin Fan's face changed slightly, but he used various laws from time to time to block Fairy Qingyue's attack, but did not fight back.


Lin Fan scolded.

It's just because this woman is endless, and she doesn't feel too tired to panic, she has chopped thousands of swords.

"Enough?" Fairy Qingyue's eyes were cold.

"Swipe." Another sword slashed out.

Lin Fan frowned: "I won't be polite if I do this again!"

"You're not welcome? When have you been polite to me?" Fairy Qingyue said, and stabbed Lin Fan's chest and abdomen with her sword.

Lin Fan finally made a move, using Zhu Tian to stand in front of him, and the future body suddenly appeared behind Fairy Qingyue, knocking Fairy Qingyue unconscious at once.

This was mainly because Fairy Qingyue was in a rage, and her nerves had been tense since yesterday, and Lin Fan's sudden attack made it so easy to get hit.

Fairy Qingyue's graceful body fell limply, Lin Fan carried her forward and picked her up, and found a random inn for the time being.

Who let his admiral's mansion be ravaged into ruins.

The dignified admiral, in his own admiral city, has no residence, which is simply ridiculous.

When Fairy Qingyue closed her eyes, she was really peaceful, she didn't have that sense of aloofness, it seemed that she had a little more mortal breath.

Lin Fan gently placed it on the bed, thought for a while, and instead of leaving in time, closed his eyes and began to practice.

During this period, Anu came to report the military situation, saying that in the territory, many bandits suddenly appeared, and formed gangs with great momentum.

Hong Lian also came to urge him to prepare the pill as soon as possible within three days, so that it could be auctioned off and used to make up for the shortfall in the construction of the Admiral's Mansion.


Lin Fan frowned.

In the entire seventh session, which gangster wouldn't be trembling at the mention of Lin Fan?

You know, these two legions sacrificed the flag with the blood of bandits, but now, there are bandits who don't know how to live or die, come to make trouble in his territory?

It didn't take much thinking to know that these gangsters were fake at all, they were just here to make trouble and find something for Lin Fan to do.

Call Anu and let him lead the [-] hell army to sweep away.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't expect that these bandits could bring such heavy losses to the Hell Army.

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